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Last active June 8, 2022 07:05
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const print = (value) => console.log(value)
class QueryBuilder {
#sqlText = ''
#sqlTable = null
#sqlSelect = '*'
#sqlAlias = {}
#sqlFields = []
#sqlSelectAlias = {}
#sqlValues = []
constructor ({ table, as = [], select = '*', fields = [] }) {
this.#sqlTable = table
this.#sqlAlias = this.#parseAlias(as)
this.#sqlFields = this.#parseFields(fields)
this.#sqlSelect = this.#parseSelect(select)
// parse as ['table as alias']
#parseAlias (as) {
const items = {}
as.forEach((item) => {
const aliasArr = item.split('as')
const name = aliasArr[0].trim()
const alias = aliasArr[1].trim()
items[name] = alias
return items
// this method, return table name or table alias
#getTable (tableName) {
return this.#sqlAlias[tableName] ?? tableName
#parseSelect (fields) {
// if fields is void
if (fields === '*' || fields === '') {
return [this.#sqlSelect]
// Process fields
const items = {}
const itemJoinTable = []
const fieldsArr = fields.split(',')
fieldsArr.forEach((item) => {
const aliasArr = item.split('as')
const name = aliasArr[0].trim()
const alias = (aliasArr[1] || '').trim() ?? ''
const nameSplit = name.split('.')
// append table name or alias
let sqlJoinTable = ''
if (nameSplit.length === 2) {
const tableName = this.#getTable(nameSplit[0])
if (tableName) {
sqlJoinTable = `${tableName}.${nameSplit[1]}`
} else {
const tableName = this.#getTable(this.#sqlTable)
sqlJoinTable = `${tableName}.${nameSplit[1]}`
} else {
const tableName = this.#getTable(this.#sqlTable)
sqlJoinTable = `${tableName}.${nameSplit[0]}`
if (alias !== '') {
sqlJoinTable += ` as ${alias}`
items[name] = alias
this.#sqlSelectAlias = items
return itemJoinTable
#from () {
const isAlias = !!this.#sqlAlias[this.#sqlTable]
const sqlAs = isAlias ? ` AS ${this.#getTable(this.#sqlTable)}` : ''
return ` FROM ${this.#sqlTable}${sqlAs}`
#generateAs (table) {
const isAlias = !!this.#sqlAlias[table]
const sqlAs = isAlias ? ` AS ${this.#getTable(table)}` : ''
return ` ${table}${sqlAs}`
#parseField(field) {
const item = {}
const isUnderscores = field.includes('__')
const isDot = field.includes('.')
const isSingleField = !(isDot || isUnderscores)
const itemSplit = field.split(isDot ? '.' : '__')
const tableName = this.#getTable(isSingleField ? this.#sqlTable : itemSplit[0])
item.table = tableName
item.field = itemSplit[isSingleField ? 0 : 1]
return item
#parseFields (fields) {
const items = []
fields.forEach(item => {
const parsedItem = this.#parseField(item)
return items
// return true if this field is valid or generate an Fatal Error
#checkField (table: string, field: string) {
const findCallback = i => i.table === table && i.field === field
const tableName = this.#getTable(this.#sqlTable)
const isField = this.#sqlFields.find(findCallback)
if (!isField) {
this.#catch(`Field ${table}.${field} its not allowed`)
return true
#catch = (message: string) => {
throw new Error(message)
// sql public
select () {
const fields = this.#sqlSelect.join(', ')
this.#sqlText = `SELECT ${fields}${this.#from()}`
return this
paginate(page: number = 1, size: number = 10) {
this.#sqlValues = [page, size]
const values = this.#sqlValues
const pageVal = `$${values.length}`
const sizeVal = `$${values.length - 1}`
this.#sqlText += ` LIMIT ${pageVal} OFFSET ((${sizeVal} - 1) * ${pageVal})`
return this
where(field: string, value: any) {
const pField = this.#parseField(field)
const tableName = this.#getTable(this.#sqlTable)
const values = this.#sqlValues
this.#checkField(pField.table, pField.field)
this.#sqlText += ` WHERE ${pField.table}.${pField.field}=$${values.length}`
return this
innerJoin(props) {
const tableOn = this.#getTable(props.on.table)
const tableJoin = this.#getTable(props.join.table)
const tableJoinAs = this.#generateAs(props.join.table)
const fieldOn = props.on.field
const fieldJoin = props.join.field
this.#sqlText += ` INNER JOIN${tableJoinAs} ON ${tableJoin}.${fieldJoin} = ${tableOn}.${fieldOn}`
return this
sql () {
// return this.#sqlText
return {
text: this.#sqlText,
values: this.#sqlValues,
fields: this.#sqlFields
const qs = new QueryBuilder({
table: 'musician',
as: ['musician as m', 'country as c'],
fields: ['id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'country__name', ''],
select: ' as nombre, age as edad,,, c.age as country_age'
const sql =
const sql2 =
const sql3 ='last_name', 'Claudio').paginate().sql()
const sql4 = qs
join: { table: 'country', field: 'id' },
on: { table: 'm', field: 'city_fk' }
join: { table: 'city', field: 'iso' },
on: { table: 'c', field: 'country_iso_fk' }
.where('', 'Santiago').paginate().sql()
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