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Created August 26, 2015 20:54
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A test Ionic controller to check Cordova iBeacon plugin performance on Android
// JMD iBeacon test
.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', '$window', 'localNotification', function ($scope, $window, localNotification){
//console.log('MainCtrl is loaded.');
$scope.ifurl = "";
// functions called by UI buttons
$scope.startMonitoring = function () {
for(i=0; i< $scope.beaconRegions.length; i++){
var beaconRegion = $window.cordova.plugins.locationManager.Regions.fromJson($scope.beaconRegions[i]);
// set the URL for testing (a random big image)
$scope.ifurl = "";
$scope.stopMonitoring = function () {
for(i=0; i< $scope.beaconRegions.length; i++){
var beaconRegions = $window.cordova.plugins.locationManager.Regions.fromJson($scope.beaconRegions[i]);
Initialize some stuff
$scope.resetStuff = function(){
// a variable to update the UI with messages
$scope.status = "";
$scope.pingCount = 0;
// set up an array of beacon region objects
$scope.beaconRegions = [
'identifier': 'Alfie',
'major': 1,
'minor': 1,
'typeName': 'BeaconRegion'
'identifier': 'Bertie',
'major': 1,
'minor': 2,
'typeName': 'BeaconRegion'
'identifier': 'Charlie',
'major': 1,
'minor': 3,
'typeName': 'BeaconRegion'
// helper function to get the index from an object's property
// example: var data = myArray[myArray.getIndexFromValue("key", "value")];
Array.prototype.getIndexFromValue = function (name, value) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (this[i][name] == value) {
return i;
window.ionic.Platform.ready(function () {
//console.log("Cordova Plugins ready");
// ask iOS 8 for permission
// set the delegate
delegate = new $window.cordova.plugins.locationManager.Delegate();
delegate.didDetermineStateForRegion = function (pluginResult) {
console.log("didDetermineStateForRegion: " + pluginResult.region.identifier +" -> "+ pluginResult.state+" :: "+JSON.stringify(pluginResult));
delegate.didStartMonitoringForRegion = function (pluginResult) {
delegate.didEnterRegion = function (pluginResult) {
console.log("didEnterRegion: " + pluginResult.region.identifier);
delegate.didExitRegion = function (pluginResult) {
console.log("didExitRegion: " + pluginResult.region.identifier);
delegate.didRangeBeaconsInRegion = function (pluginResult) {
// There must be a beacon within range.
if (pluginResult.beacons.length === 0) {
//$scope.status += "No beacon in range on this call: "+JSON.stringify(pluginResult)+"<br>";
} else {
//console.log(pluginResult.beacons[0].major +" : "+ pluginResult.beacons[0].minor +" -> "+pluginResult.beacons[0].proximity);
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.beaconRegions.length; i++) {
if ($scope.beaconRegions[i].uuid == pluginResult.beacons[0].uuid.toLowerCase() && $scope.beaconRegions[i].major == pluginResult.beacons[0].major && $scope.beaconRegions[i].minor == pluginResult.beacons[0].minor) {
$scope.$apply($scope.beaconRegions[i].proximity = pluginResult.beacons[0].proximity);
// check what we're being sent
}); // end of window.ionic.Platform.ready
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