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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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## Create a rug plot
CreatedBy: Steve Harris
CreatedAt: 111291
ModifiedAt: 120701
131122 - modify rug plot so that it is copes with massive data sets
Filename: rug.ado
## Description
Make a rug plot to add to histograms etc
## Dependencies
- takes a single variable and produces a rug plot
- options
- levels specifies the number of shades used to represent the density
- 16 means no shading
- transform(log) adjusts the freqency scale for the shading by log
- zero specifies the y height of the rug
- axis specifes against which axis to draw this
cap program drop rug
program rug , rclass
di as result "Preparing rug plot ..."
syntax varlist(min=1) [if/] , [levels(integer 16)] ///
[transform(name)] [zero(real 0)] [GRANularity(real 1000)] ///
[noshade] [axis(integer 1)] [clock(integer 0)]
args rugvar
// if command is written rug myvar, options then "myvar," is variable!!
if substr("`rugvar'",-1,1) == "," {
local rugvar = subinstr("`rugvar'",",","",.)
di "`if'"
tempvar rugcount
cap drop `rugsave'
cap drop rugzero
cap drop ruglabel
cap drop `rugvar'_rug
cap drop `rugvar'_pickone
cap drop `rugvar'_cat
gen `rugvar'_rug=`rugvar'
su `rugvar'_rug,d
local roundto=3/`granularity'
replace `rugvar'_rug=round((`rugvar'_rug-r(mean))/r(sd),0.003)
gen rugzero=`zero'
if "`if'"=="" local my_touse "!missing(`rugvar'_rug)"
if "`if'"!="" local my_touse "(`if') & !missing(`rugvar'_rug)"
cap gen ruglabel="|" if `my_touse'
egen `rugvar'_pickone= tag(`rugvar'_rug) if `my_touse'
if "`noshade'"=="shade" | `levels'!=16 | ///
`granularity'!=1000 | "`transfrom'"!="" {
di as result "*** Producing shaded rug plot ***"
duplicates report `rugvar'_rug if `my_touse'
duplicates tag `rugvar'_rug if `my_touse', gen(`rugcount')
if "`transform'"=="log" ///
replace `rugcount'=log(`rugcount') if `my_touse'
local maxlevels `levels'
local llevel0 0
su `rugcount' if `my_touse',d
local dup_range=r(max)-r(min)
local dup_step=round(`dup_range'/`maxlevels',1)
gen `rugvar'_cat=.
local iimax=`maxlevels'+1
forvalues ii=`llevel0'(1)`iimax' {
replace `rugvar'_cat=`ii' ///
if `rugvar'_cat==. & `rugcount'<=(`ii' * `dup_step') & `my_touse'
*egen `rugcat'=cut(`rugcount'), group(`maxlevels')
levelsof `rugvar'_cat, local(llevels)
*local llevels: list llevels - llevel0
tabstat `rugvar' if `my_touse', ///
by(`rugvar'_cat) s(n min mean max) col(stat)
tab `rugvar'_cat if `my_touse'
local ssteps=floor(`maxlevels'/`r(r)')
local rrug
local ssize: list sizeof llevels
foreach llevel of local llevels {
local pposition: list posof "`llevel'" in llevels
local rposition = `ssize'-`pposition'+1
local iintensity=1-(0.7*((`rposition')/`maxlevels'))
local rrug "`rrug' (scatter rugzero `rugvar'"
local rrug "`rrug' if `rugvar'_pickone &"
local rrug "`rrug' `rugvar'_cat==`llevel' & `my_touse',"
local rrug "`rrug' xaxis(`axis') msymbol(none) mlab(ruglabel)"
local rrug "`rrug' mlabcolor(*`iintensity')"
local rrug "`rrug' mlabposition(`clock') )"
else {
local rrug "`rrug' (scatter rugzero `rugvar'"
local rrug "`rrug' if `rugvar'_pickone & `my_touse', xaxis(`axis')"
local rrug "`rrug' msymbol(none) mlab(ruglabel) mlabcolor(*1)"
local rrug "`rrug' mlabposition(`clock'))"
di as text "Twoway command (colour coded) stored as r(rugcommand): " ///
as result "`rrug'"
di as text "*** Stored in global rugcommand for now ***"
return local rugcommand = "`rrug'"
global rugcommand "`rrug'"
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