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Last active February 22, 2022 06:13
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This Gist installs PowerShell 7 and VS Code. It also does some initial configuration for Powerhell 7.
# Set-PowerShell7Environment.ps1
# This Gist installs PowerShell 7 and VS Code
# Run this in Windows PowerShell 5.1 to bootstrap your way to Powerhell 7.
# This script is part of Thomas Lee's PowerShell 7 book published by Wiley
# If you are are seeking to reproduce the environment for PowerShell 7 to follow the book's contents,
# Run this script after you install each VM and before you start using the VM.
# 1. Set execution polity and install Nuget and PowerShellGet - Just in case
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process -Force
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
Install-PackageProvider Nuget -MinimumVersion -Force |
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force -AllowClobber
# 2. Enable CredSSP as it is useful in many scripts
Enable-WSManCredSSP -DelegateComputer * -Role Client -Force |
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server -Force |
# 3. Create PowerShell module folders in case they do not exist
$IT = @{ItemType = 'Directory';ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'}
New-Item -Path "C:\Program Files\PowerShell\Modules" @IT
New-Item -Path "C:\Users\administrator\Documents\PowerShell\Modules" @IT
# 4. Install PowerShell 7
# NB: This code installs the latest preview version. Update this at RTM.
New-Item -Path C:\Foo @IT
Set-Location -Path C:\Foo
$URI = ""
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI |
Out-File -FilePath C:\Foo\Install-PowerShell.ps1
C:\Foo\Install-PowerShell.ps1 -UseMSI -Quiet
# 5. Save Install-VSCode installation script
Save-Script -Name Install-VSCode -Path C:\Foo
# 6. Now install latest stable system and popular VSCode Extensions
# NB: this may generate errors, which can generally be ignored
$Extensions = "Streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker",
$InstallHT = @{
BuildEdition = 'Stable-System'
AdditionalExtensions = $Extensions
LaunchWhenDone = $true
.\Install-VSCode.ps1 @InstallHT
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