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Created March 27, 2023 15:08
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Just a simple algorithm for figuring out colors based on a string hash
# Usage: ./run.bash $(sort --random-sort /usr/share/dict/words| head -n10 ) | tee /tmp/foo.html
set -euo pipefail
function string_to_color_hex {
local -r string="$1"
local -r hash=$(echo -n "$string" | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1)
local -ir r=$((16#${hash:0:2}))
local -ir g=$((16#${hash:2:2}))
local -ir b=$((16#${hash:4:2}))
local -ir luma=$(printf "%0.0f" "$(bc -e "0.299 * $r + 0.587 * $g + 0.114 * $b")")
local text_color
if (( luma > 128 )); then
readonly text_color
printf '<p style="color: %s; background-color: #%02x%02x%02x; text-align: center;">%s</p>\n' "$text_color" "$r" "$g" "$b" "$string"
echo '<html>'
for string in "$@"; do
string_to_color_hex "$string"
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