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Created December 24, 2019 19:34
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# Chris Riederer
# 2019-06-27
"""Toy experiment with reinforcement learning."""
from collections import Counter
import random
import time
import numpy as np
import sklearn.preprocessing
import xgboost
"""Represent the game."""
class Values():
X = 1
O = -1
blank = 0
tie = 0
def create_new_board():
return tuple(np.zeros(9).astype(int)) # Tuple so that it's iummutable
def print_board_quick(board):
for row in range(3):
print board[row:row+3],
def print_board(board):
def print_separater():
print "+----+----+----+"
def print_row(row):
# print "|", row[0], "|", row[1], "|", row[2], "|"
print "| {: 2d} | {: 2d} | {: 2d} |".format(*row)
for row in range(3):
# print "row", board[3*row:3*row+3]
"""Check if game is over."""
def check_all_same(item1, item2, item3):
return ((Values.X == item1 == item2 == item3)
or (Values.O == item1 == item2 == item3))
def check_rows(board):
for row in range(3):
if check_all_same(*board[3*row:3*row+3]):
return True
return False
def check_columns(board):
for col in range(3):
if check_all_same(*board[col:9:3]):
return True
return False
def check_diags(board):
return (check_all_same(board[0], board[4], board[8])
or check_all_same(board[2], board[4], board[6]))
def check_win(board):
return (check_rows(board)
or check_columns(board)
or check_diags(board))
"""Query and manipulate the board."""
def available_moves(board):
return [i for i, val in enumerate(board) if val == Values.blank]
def make_move(board, player, move):
new_board = list(board)
new_board[move] = player
return tuple(new_board)
def random_move(board):
return random.choice(available_moves(board))
def human(board):
moves = available_moves(board)
print "Available moves:", moves, ":",
while True:
move = input()
print move
move = int(move)
print "I didn't like your input."
if move in moves:
return move
print "I didn't like your input."
def model_factory(model):
def strat(board):
moves = available_moves(board)
state_actions = np.array(
[represent_state_action(board, move) for move in moves])
probs = model.predict_proba(state_actions)[:, 1]
best_move_index = np.argmax(probs)
return moves[best_move_index]
return strat
"""Manage data representation."""
ohe = sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder(n_values=9)[[0]]) # This doesn't do anything but prevents in error in sklearn version I'm using.
def represent_state_action(board, move):
return np.append(
np.array(board), ohe.transform(move).toarray())
def update_state_actions(state_actions, this_action):
return np.append(state_actions, [this_action], axis=0)
def get_labels(state_actions, winner):
labels = np.ones(len(state_actions))
if winner == Values.X:
labels[1::2] = 0
elif winner == Values.O:
labels[0::2] = 0
return labels
def get_player_x_data(state_actions, winner):
data = state_actions[0::2]
label = (winner == Values.X * np.ones(len(data))).astype(int)
return data, label
def get_player_o_data(state_actions, winner):
data = state_actions[1::2]
label = (winner == Values.O * np.ones(len(data))).astype(int)
return data, label
def extract_board(state_action):
return state_action[:9].astype(int)
"""Run a game."""
def play_game(strategyX, strategyO, display=False, display_wait=0.5, record_data=False):
board = create_new_board()
player = Values.X
strategy = strategyX
state_actions = np.empty((0,18), int)
while True:
if len(available_moves(board)) == 0:
if display: print "Tie game"
return (state_actions, Values.tie)
# Decide on a move.
move = strategy(board)
# Record move as state-action pairing.
if record_data:
this_action = represent_state_action(board, move)
state_actions = update_state_actions(state_actions, this_action)
# Update the board.
board = make_move(board, player, move)
if display:
if check_win(board):
if display: print "Player", player, "wins!"
# TODO: return all moves with label
return (state_actions, player)
if player == Values.X:
player = Values.O
strategy = strategyO
player = Values.X
strategy = strategyX
def compare_strategies(strategy1, strategy2, num_games=100):
results = []
for game in range(num_games):
_, winner = play_game(strategy1, strategy2)
outcome_counts = Counter(results)
print outcome_counts
print "strategy1 vs strategy2:"
print sum([k * v for k, v in outcome_counts.items()]) / float(num_games)
results = []
for game in range(num_games):
_, winner = play_game(strategy2, strategy1)
outcome_counts = Counter(results)
print outcome_counts
print "strategy2 vs strategy1:"
print sum([k * v for k, v in outcome_counts.items()]) / float(num_games)
def generate_data(num_games, strategy1, strategy2, display=False):
data = np.empty((0,18), int)
labels = np.empty((1,0), int)
for i in range(num_games):
this_data, winner = play_game(strategy1, strategy2, record_data=True, display=display)
this_labels = get_labels(this_data, winner)
# Append data to train X
data = np.append(data, this_data, axis=0)
labels = np.append(labels, this_labels)
return data, labels
# print
# print state_actions
# play_game(model_factory(first_model), random_move, display=True)
print "Compare random:"
compare_strategies(random_move, random_move, 1000)
print "GENERATE: Train strategy on random players."
data, labels = generate_data(1000, random_move, random_move)
models = []
strats = []
for i in range(ROUNDS):
print "***** Round", i, "*****"
model = xgboost.XGBClassifier(max_depth=9), labels)
new_strat = model_factory(model)
print "COMPARE: trained strategy to random."
compare_strategies(new_strat, random_move, 500)
print "COMPARE: trained strategy to itself."
compare_strategies(new_strat, new_strat, 500)
if i > 0:
print "COMPARE: trained strategy to last round."
compare_strategies(new_strat, strats[i-1], 500)
print "GENERATE: Play trained strategy against itself."
more_data, more_labels = generate_data(1000, new_strat, new_strat)
data = np.append(data, more_data, axis=0)
labels = np.append(labels, more_labels)
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