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Last active July 11, 2020 19:35
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Rust solution for /r/dailyprogrammer challenge #317 [intermediate]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct Element([u8; 2]);
impl Element {
fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
let s = if self.0[1] == 0 { &self.0[..1] } else { &self.0 };
unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(s) }
pub type Compound = flat_map::FlatMap<Element, i32>;
mod parsers {
use super::{Compound, Element};
use nom::{bytes::complete::tag, character::complete::digit1,
combinator::{map, map_opt, opt, verify},
branch::alt, multi::many1, sequence::{delimited, pair}};
mod ast {
pub type Formula = Vec<Component>;
pub type Allotrope = (super::Element, i32);
pub type Compound = (Formula, i32);
pub enum Component { Allo(Allotrope), Comp(Compound) }
type Input<'a> = &'a [u8];
type Result<'a, T> = nom::IResult<Input<'a>, T>;
pub fn parse_formula(input: &str) -> Option<Compound> {
fn visit(mut comp: Compound, component: ast::Component) -> Compound {
let mut inc_count = |elem, c| *comp.entry(elem).or_insert(0) += c;
match component {
ast::Component::Allo((elem, count)) => inc_count(elem, count),
ast::Component::Comp((components, multiplier)) => components.into_iter()
.fold(Compound::new(), visit)
.for_each(|(elem, count)| inc_count(elem, count * multiplier))
if let Ok(([], raw)) = formula(input.as_bytes()) {
Some(visit(Compound::new(), ast::Component::Comp((raw, 1))))
} else {
fn formula(i: Input) -> Result<ast::Formula> {
map(compound, ast::Component::Comp),
map(allotrope, ast::Component::Allo)
fn allotrope(i: Input) -> Result<ast::Allotrope> {
let (i, upper) = take_single_if(u8::is_ascii_uppercase)(i)?;
let (i, lower) = opt(take_single_if(u8::is_ascii_lowercase))(i)?;
let (i, count) = opt(extract_u16)(i)?;
Ok((i, (Element([upper, lower.unwrap_or_default()]), count.unwrap_or(1).into())))
fn compound(i: Input) -> Result<ast::Compound> {
delimited(tag(b"("), formula, tag(b")")),
map(extract_u16, i32::from)
fn extract_u16(i: Input) -> Result<u16> {
use nom::ParseTo;
map_opt(digit1, |n: Input| n.parse_to())(i)
fn take_single_if<'a, F>(pred: F) -> impl Fn(Input<'a>) -> Result<'a, u8>
where F: Fn(&u8) -> bool {
|i: Input| if let Some((&head, tail)) = i.split_first() {
Ok((tail, head))
} else {
Err(nom::Err::Error((i, nom::error::ErrorKind::Eof)))
pub use parsers::parse_formula;
fn pnp(input: &str) {
print!("{}", input);
if let Some(comp) = parse_formula(input) {
comp.into_iter().for_each(|(elem, count)| println!("{:>6}: {}", elem.as_str(), count));
} else {
println!(" - failed to parse");
fn main() {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
].iter().for_each(|&input| pnp(input));
} else {
use std::io::BufRead;
.map_while(|line_res| line_res.ok().filter(|line| !line.is_empty()))
.for_each(|input| pnp(&input));
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dodheim commented Jul 11, 2020

Updated from nom v3 to v5

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