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Created October 14, 2010 01:16
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baobab for poor
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import os
import cairo
from hashlib import md5
from colorsys import hls_to_rgb
from optparse import OptionParser
from os.path import abspath, exists, isdir, isfile, join as joinpath
# constants
FILENAME = "out.png"
ORIENTATION = False # vertical
FUCKINGBIGNUMBER = float(2**128)
# main
def getsize(path):
if isfile(path): return os.path.getsize(path) / 1024
p = os.popen('du -sc "'+path+'"')
size = p.readlines()
if size: return int(size[-1].split('\t')[0])
return 0
def get_hash(name):
m = md5()
return int(m.hexdigest(), 16) / FUCKINGBIGNUMBER
def gen_color(color_range, name, variance, saturation, colorvalue):
u, v = tuple(color_range)
h = get_hash(name) + 1
l = h - (v - u) * variance * 0.5
r = h + (v - u) * variance * 0.5
while l < 1.1 and r < 1.1:
l += 1
r += 1
while l > 2.9 and r > 2.9:
l -= 1
r -= 1
col = hls_to_rgb((h * (v - u) + u)%1, saturation, colorvalue)
return col, [l, r], h
def diver(variance, saturation, colorvalue, verbose = False):
colorsettings = variance, saturation, colorvalue
def dive(ctx, colrange, path, paths, pos, dim, orientation, maxs=None):
if maxs is None:
print "* fallback"
maxs = getsize(path)
color, colrange, id = gen_color(colrange, path, *colorsettings)
if verbose: print "enter", path, " size:", maxs, " dim:", dim
ctx.rectangle(pos[0], pos[1], dim[0], dim[1])
if not isdir(path): return
npos = [pos[0] + 1, pos[1] + 1]
ndim = [dim[0] - 2, dim[1] - 2]
if ndim[0] < 2 or ndim[1] < 2: return
names = sorted(paths.keys())
for name in names:
next = joinpath(path, name)
s, ps = paths[name]
perc = float(s) / float(maxs)
o = orientation
i = o * 1
_dim = [ndim[0], ndim[1]]
_dim[i] = _dim[i] * perc
if _dim[0] == _dim[1]:
o = not o
o = _dim[0] < _dim[1]
dive(ctx, colrange, next, ps, npos, _dim, o, s)
npos[i] += _dim[i]
return dive
def get_sizes(path, min_perc):
p = os.popen('du -a "' + path + '"')
lines = p.readlines()
if not lines: return []
duout = re.compile("(?P<size>\d+)\s+(?P<path>.+)")
p = lambda m: (int('size')),'path')) if m else None
size_path = [ p(duout.match(l)) for l in lines ]
if not all(size_path):
print "cannot parse du output."
total = size_path.pop()[0]
min = int(total * min_perc)
return total, filter(lambda sp: sp[0] > min, size_path)
def build_tree(min_path, size_path, verbose = False):
root = {'': (None, {})}
for size, path in size_path:
if verbose: print path
cur = root
dirs = path.split('/')
for dir in dirs[:-1]:
if dir not in cur:
cur[dir] = (None, {})
cur = cur[dir][1]
leaf = dirs[-1]
if leaf not in cur:
cur[leaf] = (size, {})
cur[leaf] = (size, cur[leaf][1])
cur = root
for dir in min_path.split('/'):
if dir in cur:
cur = cur[dir][1]
print "huh? CRITICAL ERROR", dir, "in", min_path
return cur
def filter_tree(tree, ignore = True):
if not ignore: return tree
result = {}
for path in tree:
if not path.startswith('.'):
item = tree[path]
result[path] = item[0], filter_tree(item[1], ignore)
return result
def main():
parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] path")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
help="make lots of output")
parser.add_option("-i", "--ignore",
action="store_true", dest="ignore", default=False,
help="ignore hidden folder")
parser.add_option("-o", "--output",
metavar="FILE", dest="filename", default=FILENAME,
help="write output to FILE [default %default]")
parser.add_option("-c", "--color-variance", type = "float",
metavar="PERCENTAGE", dest="variance", default=VARIANCE,
help="using only PERCENTAGE of the color range of the upper" +
"branch while walking through the tree [default %default]")
parser.add_option("-S", "--saturation", type = "float",
dest="saturation", default=SATURATION,
help="color saturation [default %default]")
parser.add_option("-V", "--value", type = "float",
metavar="VALUE", dest="colorvalue", default=COLORVALUE,
help="color value [default %default]")
parser.add_option("-s", "--size", type = "int",
dest="size", default=400,
help="image size [default %default]")
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
path = abspath("." if len(args) != 1 else args[0])
if not exists(path):
print "path", path, "doesn't exists."
surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, opts.size, opts.size)
ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
print "scanning", path, "..."
total, size_path = get_sizes(path, 1 / opts.size)
paths = filter_tree(build_tree(path, size_path, opts.verbose), opts.ignore)
print "render image ..."
dive = diver(opts.variance, opts.saturation, opts.colorvalue, opts.verbose)
print "write" , opts.filename , "..."
if __name__ == "__main__":
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dodo commented Dec 3, 2010

It's drawing folder structure.

Usage: [options] path

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         make lots of output
  -i, --ignore          ignore hidden folder
  -o FILE, --output=FILE
                          write output to FILE [default out.png]
  -c PERCENTAGE, --color-variance=PERCENTAGE
                          using only PERCENTAGE of the color range of the
                          upperbranch while walking through the tree [default
                          color saturation [default 0.5]
  -V VALUE, --value=VALUE
                          color value [default 0.99]
  -s SIZE, --size=SIZE  image size [default 400]

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