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Last active August 10, 2022 09:52
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youtube下载 java
package com.example.youtubeparse;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest;
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Xml.Encoding;
import android.widget.Toast;
public class YoutubeParse {
// 常量
private static final String PARAMETER_SEPARATOR = "&";
private static final String NAME_VALUE_SEPARATOR = "=";
private static final String GDATA = "";
private static final String WATCHV = "";
private static final String VIDINFO = "";
private static final String PLAYLIST = "";
private static final String USERAGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)";
private static final String UEFSM = "url_encoded_fmt_stream_map";
private static final String AF = "adaptive_fmts";
private static final String jsplayer = "ytplayer\\.config\\s*=\\s*([^\\n]+);";
public static HashMap<String, Resolution> Resolutions = new HashMap<String, Resolution>();
static {
Resolutions.put("5", new Resolution("320x240", "flv", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("17", new Resolution("176x144", "3gp", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("18", new Resolution("640x360", "mp4", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("22", new Resolution("1280x720", "mp4", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("34", new Resolution("640x360", "flv", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("35", new Resolution("854x480", "flv", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("36", new Resolution("320x240", "3gp", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("37", new Resolution("1920x1080", "mp4", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("38", new Resolution("4096x3072", "mp4", "normal", "4:3 hi-res"));
Resolutions.put("43", new Resolution("640x360", "webm", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("44", new Resolution("854x480", "webm", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("45", new Resolution("1280x720", "webm", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("46", new Resolution("1920x1080", "webm", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("82", new Resolution("640x360-3D", "mp4", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("83", new Resolution("640x480-3D", "mp4", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("84", new Resolution("1280x720-3D", "mp4", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("100", new Resolution("640x360-3D", "webm", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("102", new Resolution("1280x720-3D", "webm", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("133", new Resolution("426x240", "m4v", "video", ""));
Resolutions.put("134", new Resolution("640x360", "m4v", "video", ""));
Resolutions.put("135", new Resolution("854x480", "m4v", "video", ""));
Resolutions.put("136", new Resolution("1280x720", "m4v", "video", ""));
Resolutions.put("137", new Resolution("1920x1080", "m4v", "video", ""));
Resolutions.put("138", new Resolution("4096x3072", "m4v", "video", ""));
Resolutions.put("139", new Resolution("48k", "m4a", "audio", ""));
Resolutions.put("140", new Resolution("128k", "m4a", "audio", ""));
Resolutions.put("141", new Resolution("256k", "m4a", "audio", ""));
Resolutions.put("160", new Resolution("256x144", "m4v", "video", ""));
Resolutions.put("167", new Resolution("640x480", "webm", "video", ""));
Resolutions.put("168", new Resolution("854x480", "webm", "video", ""));
Resolutions.put("169", new Resolution("1280x720", "webm", "video", ""));
Resolutions.put("170", new Resolution("1920x1080", "webm", "video", ""));
Resolutions.put("171", new Resolution("128k", "ogg", "audio", ""));
Resolutions.put("172", new Resolution("192k", "ogg", "audio", ""));
Resolutions.put("242", new Resolution("360x240", "webm", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("243", new Resolution("480x360", "webm", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("244", new Resolution("640x480", "webm", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("245", new Resolution("640x480", "webm", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("246", new Resolution("640x480", "webm", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("247", new Resolution("720x480", "webm", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("248", new Resolution("1920x1080", "webm", "normal", ""));
Resolutions.put("256", new Resolution("192k", "m4a", "audio", "6-channel"));
Resolutions.put("258", new Resolution("320k", "m4a", "audio", "6-channel"));
Resolutions.put("264", new Resolution("1920x1080", "m4v", "video", ""));
// 参数
private boolean have_basic;
private boolean have_gdata;
private String description;
private String category;
private String published;
List<FmtStreamMap> sm;
List<FmtStreamMap> asm;
private String jsurl;
// streams
// oggstreams
// m4astreams
// allstreams
// videostreams
// audiostreams
private String title;
private String thumb;
private String rating;
private long length;
private String author;
private String formats;
private String videoid;
private boolean ciphertag;
private String duration;
private String[] keywords;
private String bigthumb;
private int viewcount;
private String bigthumbhd;
private static class Resolution {
public Resolution(String _resolution, String _format, String _type, String _notes) {
resolution = _resolution;
format = _format;
type = _type;
notes = _notes;
public String resolution;
public String format;
public String type;
public String notes;
private static class FmtStreamMap {
public String fallbackHost;
public String s;
public String itag;
public String type;
public String quality;
public String url;
public String sig;
private static class YoutubeStream {
public String itag;
public String threed;
public String resolution;
public String dimensions;
public String vidformat;
public String quality;
public String extension;
public String title;
public boolean encrypted;
public String parent;
public String filename;
public long fsize;
public String bitrate;
public String mediatype;
public String notes;
public String url;
public String rawurl;
public String sig;
public String rawbitrate;
public YoutubeParse mParent;
public YoutubeStream(FmtStreamMap map, YoutubeParse parent) {
itag = map.itag;
// TODO:threed
resolution = Resolutions.get(itag).resolution;
// TODO:dimensions
vidformat = map.type.split(";")[0];// TODO:异常处理
quality = resolution;
extension = Resolutions.get(itag).format;
title = parent.title;
encrypted = parent.ciphertag;
mParent = parent;
filename = title + "." + extension;
// TODO:fsize
// TODO:bitrate rawbitrate
mediatype = Resolutions.get(itag).type;
notes = Resolutions.get(itag).notes;
// TODO:url
rawurl = map.url;
sig = encrypted ? map.s : map.sig;
if (TextUtils.equals("audio", mediatype)) {
// TODO:音频处理
/** 获取视频url包含解密 */
private void initUrl() {
if (!encrypted) {// 未加密
url = makeUrl(rawurl, sig);
} else {// 这货特么的加密了
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mParent.jsurl)) {
} else {// 额.....
String watchUrl = String.format(WATCHV, mParent.videoid);
// 获取页面内容,终于走到这一步了....
DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet getData = new HttpGet(watchUrl);
getData.setHeader("User-Agent", USERAGENT);
try {
HttpResponse execute = client.execute(getData);
String pageContent = EntityUtils.toString(execute.getEntity(), "utf-8");
Pattern jsPattern = Pattern.compile(jsplayer, Pattern.MULTILINE);
Matcher matcher = jsPattern.matcher(pageContent);
// String jsResult =;
// System.out.println(jsResult);
if (matcher.find()) {
System.out.println("============" +;
try {
JSONObject ytplayerConfig = new JSONObject(;
JSONObject args = ytplayerConfig.getJSONObject("args");
String fmtStream = args.getString("url_encoded_fmt_stream_map");
String[] fmtArray = fmtStream.split(",");
// 数据格式如下
// s=F6B648BDBB6A190BFE93FD2D28484C57E16760EF28.775F5A130A5932B78BCBF9380577606C66482FDF&type=video%2Fmp4%3B+codecs%3D%22avc1.64001F%2C+mp4a.40.2%22&itag=22&
// s=04346DA13C859D87968FCCD4C866F04861B3A2C624.9E370B3331F0992C9209D5B143AE0C4252E85372&type=video%2Fwebm%3B+codecs%3D%22vp8.0%2C+vorbis%22&itag=43&
// s=A99948EE92641C8D21941BC7182A638CEBC72F09D6.86D7B03A783EAB8B0F9BD9D567F18F75C296B11C&type=video%2Fmp4%3B+codecs%3D%22avc1.42001E%2C+mp4a.40.2%22&itag=18&
// s=6F3FA1463C4CEA7B692E049042FB9C556AC62D6E49.F41281DDE47A90A11AEAE79D127502DA50D9AEEF&type=video%2Fx-flv&itag=5&
// s=297983C873C67E7D1EC06A7036389EC3A8C787E930.C6DF5B9561A571E18352B8252D8A6CEF57F26725&type=video%2F3gpp%3B+codecs%3D%22mp4v.20.3%2C+mp4a.40.2%22&itag=36&
// s=8898A3CB97C2E9ABBB916B931A22BED48960F2B5D8.10EBC794B834CDBB10F81CB9A811DB9E59054A1C&type=video%2F3gpp%3B+codecs%3D%22mp4v.20.3%2C+mp4a.40.2%22&itag=17&
} catch (JSONException e) {
} catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
private String makeUrl(String rawurl2, String sig2) {
if (!rawurl2.toLowerCase().contains("ratebypass=")) {
rawurl2 += "&ratebypass=yes";
if (rawurl2.toLowerCase().contains("signature=")) {
rawurl2 += "&signature=" + sig2;
return rawurl2;
public YoutubeParse() {
// 构造http
public String extractVideoId(String url) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?:^|[^\\w-]+)([\\w-]{11})(?:[^\\w-]+|$)");
Matcher matcher = p.matcher(url);
// for (int i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) {
String group =;
// }
return group;
public void fetchBasic(String videoId) {
HashMap<String, String> videoInfoMap = getVideoInfo(videoId);
title = videoInfoMap.get("title").replace("/", "-");
author = videoInfoMap.get("author");
videoid = videoInfoMap.get("video_id");
rating = videoInfoMap.get("avg_rating");
length = Long.parseLong(videoInfoMap.get("length_seconds"));
viewcount = Integer.parseInt(videoInfoMap.get("view_count"));
try {
thumb = URLDecoder.decode(videoInfoMap.get("thumbnail_url"), "utf-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// duration=//TODO:时长
// TODO:解析视频格式,这货后面几个值是个啥
// fmt_list=
// 22/1280x720/9/0/115,
// 43/640x360/99/0/0,
// 18/640x360/9/0/115,
// 5/320x240/7/0/0,
// 36/320x240/99/1/0,
// 17/176x144/99/1/0
String fmtList = videoInfoMap.get("fmt_list");
String[] fmtArray = fmtList.split(",");
for (String fmt : fmtArray) {
String[] format = fmt.split("/");
keywords = videoInfoMap.get("keywords").split(",");
bigthumb = videoInfoMap.get("iurlsd");
bigthumbhd = videoInfoMap.get("iurlsdmaxres");
// ciphertag//TODO:这货标识是否使用密码签名 'use_cipher_signature': ['True']
ciphertag = TextUtils.equals(videoInfoMap.get("use_cipher_signature"), "True");
// 解析流列表(这货又是个啥)
sm = extractStreamMap(UEFSM, videoInfoMap, TextUtils.isEmpty(jsurl));
asm = extractStreamMap(AF, videoInfoMap, TextUtils.isEmpty(jsurl));
// TODO:expiry链接超时时间
have_basic = true;
private void processStream() {
// TODO:如果没有获取到基本信息那么重新获取
if (sm != null) {
for (FmtStreamMap m : sm) {
new YoutubeStream(m, this);
/** @param uefsm2
* @param videoInfoMap
* @param empty
* //这货是做啥用的 */
private List<FmtStreamMap> extractStreamMap(String uefsm2, HashMap<String, String> videoInfoMap, boolean empty) {
List<FmtStreamMap> streamMaps = new ArrayList<YoutubeParse.FmtStreamMap>();
if (videoInfoMap != null && videoInfoMap.containsKey(uefsm2)) {
String uefms2 = videoInfoMap.get(uefsm2);
String[] uefms2s = uefms2.split(",");
for (String s : uefms2s) {
FmtStreamMap streamMap = parseFmtStreamMap(new Scanner(s), "utf-8");
return streamMaps;
/** 获取视频基本信息
* @param videoId */
public HashMap<String, String> getVideoInfo(String videoId) {
String url = String.format(VIDINFO, videoId);
DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet getData = new HttpGet(url);
getData.setHeader("User-Agent", USERAGENT);
HashMap<String, String> valueData = new HashMap<String, String>();
try {
HttpResponse execute = client.execute(getData);
HttpEntity entity = execute.getEntity();
String data = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
// System.out.println(data);
// String decode = URLDecoder.decode(data, "utf-8");
// System.out.println(decode);
parse(valueData, new Scanner(data), "utf-8");
} catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return valueData;
/************************** 工具类 *****************************/
public static void parse(final HashMap<String, String> parameters, final Scanner scanner, final String encoding) {
while (scanner.hasNext()) {
final String[] nameValue =;
if (nameValue.length == 0 || nameValue.length > 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad parameter");
final String name = decode(nameValue[0], encoding);
String value = null;
if (nameValue.length == 2)
value = decode(nameValue[1], encoding);
parameters.put(name, value);
private FmtStreamMap parseFmtStreamMap(final Scanner scanner, final String encoding) {
FmtStreamMap streamMap = new FmtStreamMap();
while (scanner.hasNext()) {
final String[] nameValue =;
if (nameValue.length == 0 || nameValue.length > 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad parameter");
final String name = decode(nameValue[0], encoding);
String value = null;
if (nameValue.length == 2)
value = decode(nameValue[1], encoding);
// s=9E89E8DE8FF59D59BA5F96D9A220724C1A304F634B2C19.55E8C8A3A7C02C3FBF4D274A85A41F5F55F0401B&
// itag=17&
// type=video%2F3gpp%3B+codecs%3D%22mp4v.20.3%2C+mp4a.40.2%22&
// quality=small&
if (TextUtils.equals("fallback_host", name)) {
streamMap.fallbackHost = value;
if (TextUtils.equals("s", name)) {
streamMap.s = value;
if (TextUtils.equals("itag", name)) {
streamMap.itag = value;
if (TextUtils.equals("type", name)) {
streamMap.type = value;
if (TextUtils.equals("quality", name)) {
streamMap.quality = value;
if (TextUtils.equals("url", name)) {
streamMap.url = value;
if (TextUtils.equals("sig", name)) {
streamMap.sig = value;
return streamMap;
private static String decode(final String content, final String encoding) {
try {
return URLDecoder.decode(content, encoding != null ? encoding : HTTP.DEFAULT_CONTENT_CHARSET);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException problem) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(problem);
Copy link

fenfan commented Jan 14, 2015

請問, 當遇到加密時, 跑至
String[] fmtArray = fmtStream.split(",");
// 数据格式如下


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