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Last active September 16, 2020 13:58
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Sample AuthorizeService (wrapper for oidc-client.js) of Microsoft from the ASP.NET Core 3.1 Angular template #Angular #OpenIDConnect
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { User, UserManager, WebStorageStateStore } from 'oidc-client';
import { BehaviorSubject, concat, from, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, map, mergeMap, take, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { ApplicationPaths, ApplicationName } from './api-authorization.constants';
export type IAuthenticationResult =
SuccessAuthenticationResult |
FailureAuthenticationResult |
export interface SuccessAuthenticationResult {
status: AuthenticationResultStatus.Success;
state: any;
export interface FailureAuthenticationResult {
status: AuthenticationResultStatus.Fail;
message: string;
export interface RedirectAuthenticationResult {
status: AuthenticationResultStatus.Redirect;
export enum AuthenticationResultStatus {
export interface IUser {
name?: string;
providedIn: 'root'
export class AuthorizeService {
// By default pop ups are disabled because they don't work properly on Edge.
// If you want to enable pop up authentication simply set this flag to false.
private popUpDisabled = true;
private userManager: UserManager;
private userSubject: BehaviorSubject<IUser | null> = new BehaviorSubject(null);
public isAuthenticated(): Observable<boolean> {
return this.getUser().pipe(map(u => !!u));
public getUser(): Observable<IUser | null> {
return concat(
this.userSubject.pipe(take(1), filter(u => !!u)),
this.getUserFromStorage().pipe(filter(u => !!u), tap(u =>,
public getAccessToken(): Observable<string> {
return from(this.ensureUserManagerInitialized())
.pipe(mergeMap(() => from(this.userManager.getUser())),
map(user => user && user.access_token));
// We try to authenticate the user in three different ways:
// 1) We try to see if we can authenticate the user silently. This happens
// when the user is already logged in on the IdP and is done using a hidden iframe
// on the client.
// 2) We try to authenticate the user using a PopUp Window. This might fail if there is a
// Pop-Up blocker or the user has disabled PopUps.
// 3) If the two methods above fail, we redirect the browser to the IdP to perform a traditional
// redirect flow.
public async signIn(state: any): Promise<IAuthenticationResult> {
await this.ensureUserManagerInitialized();
let user: User = null;
try {
user = await this.userManager.signinSilent(this.createArguments());;
return this.success(state);
} catch (silentError) {
// User might not be authenticated, fallback to popup authentication
console.log('Silent authentication error: ', silentError);
try {
if (this.popUpDisabled) {
throw new Error('Popup disabled. Change \'authorize.service.ts:AuthorizeService.popupDisabled\' to false to enable it.');
user = await this.userManager.signinPopup(this.createArguments());;
return this.success(state);
} catch (popupError) {
if (popupError.message === 'Popup window closed') {
// The user explicitly cancelled the login action by closing an opened popup.
return this.error('The user closed the window.');
} else if (!this.popUpDisabled) {
console.log('Popup authentication error: ', popupError);
// PopUps might be blocked by the user, fallback to redirect
try {
await this.userManager.signinRedirect(this.createArguments(state));
return this.redirect();
} catch (redirectError) {
console.log('Redirect authentication error: ', redirectError);
return this.error(redirectError);
public async completeSignIn(url: string): Promise<IAuthenticationResult> {
try {
await this.ensureUserManagerInitialized();
const user = await this.userManager.signinCallback(url); && user.profile);
return this.success(user && user.state);
} catch (error) {
console.log('There was an error signing in: ', error);
return this.error('There was an error signing in.');
public async signOut(state: any): Promise<IAuthenticationResult> {
try {
if (this.popUpDisabled) {
throw new Error('Popup disabled. Change \'authorize.service.ts:AuthorizeService.popupDisabled\' to false to enable it.');
await this.ensureUserManagerInitialized();
await this.userManager.signoutPopup(this.createArguments());;
return this.success(state);
} catch (popupSignOutError) {
console.log('Popup signout error: ', popupSignOutError);
try {
await this.userManager.signoutRedirect(this.createArguments(state));
return this.redirect();
} catch (redirectSignOutError) {
console.log('Redirect signout error: ', popupSignOutError);
return this.error(redirectSignOutError);
public async completeSignOut(url: string): Promise<IAuthenticationResult> {
await this.ensureUserManagerInitialized();
try {
const response = await this.userManager.signoutCallback(url);;
return this.success(response && response.state);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`There was an error trying to log out '${error}'.`);
return this.error(error);
private createArguments(state?: any): any {
return { useReplaceToNavigate: true, data: state };
private error(message: string): IAuthenticationResult {
return { status: AuthenticationResultStatus.Fail, message };
private success(state: any): IAuthenticationResult {
return { status: AuthenticationResultStatus.Success, state };
private redirect(): IAuthenticationResult {
return { status: AuthenticationResultStatus.Redirect };
private async ensureUserManagerInitialized(): Promise<void> {
if (this.userManager !== undefined) {
const response = await fetch(ApplicationPaths.ApiAuthorizationClientConfigurationUrl);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Could not load settings for '${ApplicationName}'`);
const settings: any = await response.json();
settings.automaticSilentRenew = true;
settings.includeIdTokenInSilentRenew = true;
this.userManager = new UserManager(settings); () => {
await this.userManager.removeUser();;
private getUserFromStorage(): Observable<IUser> {
return from(this.ensureUserManagerInitialized())
mergeMap(() => this.userManager.getUser()),
map(u => u && u.profile));
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