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Created December 20, 2021 11:43
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CVE-2021-45105-Code-Snippet for TR|EN Blog Post
// TR: StrSubstitutor.substitute() yöntemi, değiştirilecek değişkenle birlikte çağrılır
// EN: The StrSubstitutor.substitute() method is called with the variable to be substituted
protected boolean substitute(final LogEvent event, final StringBuilder buf, final int offset, final int length) {
return substitute(event, buf, offset, length, null) > 0;
// EN: The StrSubstitutor.substitute() method is called with the original variable lookup (i.e., ctx.apiversion)
// TR: StrSubstitutor.substitute() yöntemi, orijinal değişken aramasıyla (yani, ctx.apiversion) çağrılır;
// found variable end marker
if (nestedVarCount == 0) {
String varNameExpr = new String(chars, startPos + startMatchLen, pos - startPos - startMatchLen);
if (substitutionInVariablesEnabled) {
final StringBuilder bufName = new StringBuilder(varNameExpr);
substitute(event, bufName, 0, bufName.length());
varNameExpr = bufName.toString();
pos += endMatchLen;
final int endPos = pos;
// EN: In this call to StrSubstitutor.substitute(), a call to StrSubstitutor. checkCyclicSubstitution() is made
// TR: Bu StrSubstitutor.substitute() çağrısında, StrSubstitutor'a yapılan bir çağrı. checkCyclicSubstitution() yapılır:
// on the first call initialize priorVariables
if (priorVariables == null) {
priorVariables = new ArrayList<>();
priorVariables.add(new String(chars, offset, length + lengthChange));
// handle cyclic substitution
checkCyclicSubstitution(varName, priorVariables);
// EN: Note that the method StrSubstitutor. checkCyclicSubstitution() attempts to detect
// cyclic substitutions of variables by maintaining a priorVariables list and comparing the current variable to the list:
// TR: StrSubstitutor yöntemine dikkat edin. checkCyclicSubstitution() bir öncekiVariables listesini koruyarak
// ve mevcut değişkeni listeyle karşılaştırarak değişkenlerin döngüsel ifadeleri algılamaya çalışır:
private void checkCyclicSubstitution(final String varName, final List<String> priorVariables) {
if (!priorVariables.contains(varName)) {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(BUF_SIZE);
buf.append("Infinite loop in property interpolation of ");
buf.append(": ");
appendWithSeparators(buf, priorVariables, "->");
throw new IllegalStateException(buf.toString());
// EN: Later, the variable is resolved to its value (i.e., ${${ctx:apiversion}}) and a recursive call
// to StrSubstitutor.substitute() is made
// TR: Daha sonra, değişken değerine çözümlenir (yani, ${${ctx:apiversion}}) ve StrSubstitutor.substitute()
// için yinelemeli bir çağrı yapılır
// resolve the variable
String varValue = resolveVariable(event, varName, buf, startPos, endPos);
if (varValue == null) {
varValue = varDefaultValue;
if (varValue != null) {
// recursive replace
final int varLen = varValue.length();
buf.replace(startPos, endPos, varValue);
altered = true;
int change = substitute(event, buf, startPos, varLen, priorVariables);
change = change + (varLen - (endPos - startPos));
pos += change;
bufEnd += change;
lengthChange += change;
chars = getChars(buf); // in case buffer was altered
// EN: Once again, we detect the variable in the value being parsed.
// However, the recursive call to StrSubstitutor.substitute() does not include the priorVariables list.
// Therefore, the StrSubstitutor. checkCyclicSubstitution() method will fail to detect the cyclic substitution
// and an infinite recursion will occur:
// TR: Bir kez daha, ayrıştırılan değerdeki değişkeni tespit ediyoruz. Ancak, yinelemeli StrSubstitutor.substitute() çağrısı,
// önceki Variables listesini içermez. Bu nedenle, StrSubstitutor. checkCyclicSubstitution() yöntemi, döngüsel ifadeyi tespit
// edemez ve sonsuz bir özyineleme (recursive) meydana gelir
// found variable end marker
if (nestedVarCount == 0) {
String varNameExpr = new String(chars, startPos + startMatchLen, pos - startPos - startMatchLen);
if (substitutionInVariablesEnabled) {
final StringBuilder bufName = new StringBuilder(varNameExpr);
substitute(event, bufName, 0, bufName.length());
varNameExpr = bufName.toString();
pos += endMatchLen;
final int endPos = pos;
// EN: Note too that even if the cyclic substitution is caught by StrSubstitutor. checkCyclicSubstitution(), the exception thrown will
// only be caught by AppenderControl.TryCallAppender(), resulting in a failed write to the log
// TR: Ayrıca, döngüsel ifade StrSubstitutor tarafından yakalansa bile unutmayın. checkCyclicSubstitution(), atılan istisna yalnızca
// AppenderControl.TryCallAppender() tarafından yakalanacak ve günlüğe başarısız bir yazma işlemine neden olacaktır
private void tryCallAppender(final LogEvent event) {
try {
} catch (final RuntimeException error) {
handleAppenderError(event, error);
} catch (final Exception error) {
handleAppenderError(event, new AppenderLoggingException(error));
// EN: Patch Analysis
if (varValue != null) {
// recursive replace
final int varLen = varValue.length();
buf.replace(startPos, endPos, varValue);
altered = true;
int change = isRecursiveEvaluationAllowed()
? substitute(event, buf, startPos, varLen, priorVariables)
: 0;
change = change + (varLen - (endPos - startPos));
pos += change;
bufEnd += change;
lengthChange += change;
chars = getChars(buf); // in case buffer was altered
// found variable end marker
if (nestedVarCount == 0) {
String varNameExpr = new String(chars, startPos + startMatchLen, pos - startPos - startMatchLen);
if (substitutionInVariablesEnabled) {
// initialize priorVariables if they're not already set
if (priorVariables == null) {
priorVariables = new ArrayList<>();
final StringBuilder bufName = new StringBuilder(varNameExpr);
substitute(event, bufName, 0, bufName.length(), priorVariables);
varNameExpr = bufName.toString();
pos += endMatchLen;
final int endPos = pos;
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