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Last active January 31, 2023 09:59
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Cast ray in voxel space (i.e. 3d-grid) #Unity
namespace UnityEngine
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine.Assertions.Must;
internal struct BoundsInt
private Vector3i _min;
private Vector3i _max;
public Vector3 Center
return (this.Max - this.Min) / 2f;
public Vector3 Extents
return this.Max - this.Center;
public Vector3i Max
return this._max;
this._max = value;
this.Size.Any(c => c < 0).MustBeFalse();
public Vector3i Min
return this._min;
this._min = value;
this.Size.Any(c => c < 0).MustBeFalse();
public Vector3i Size
return this.Max - this.Min;
this.Max = this.Min + value;
this.Size.Any(c => c < 0).MustBeFalse();
public BoundsInt(Vector3i min, Vector3i max)
this._min = min;
this._max = max;
public Vector3i ClosestPoint(Vector3i point)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool Contains(Vector3i point)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Encapsulate(Vector3i point)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Encapsulate(BoundsInt bounds)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override bool Equals(object other)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Expand(float amount)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Expand(Vector3i amount)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override int GetHashCode()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool IntersectRay(Ray ray)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool IntersectRay(Ray ray, out float distance)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool Intersects(BoundsInt bounds)
return (this.Min.x > bounds.Max.x || this.Max.x < bounds.Min.x || this.Min.y > bounds.Max.y || this.Max.y < bounds.Min.y || this.Min.z > bounds.Max.z ? false : this.Max.z >= bounds.Min.z);
public static bool operator ==(BoundsInt lhs, BoundsInt rhs)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static bool operator !=(BoundsInt lhs, BoundsInt rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
public float SqrDistance(Vector3i point)
throw new NotImplementedException();
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using UnityEngine;
public struct Vector3i : IEquatable<Vector3i>
public static readonly Vector3i zero = new Vector3i(0, 0, 0);
public static readonly Vector3i one = new Vector3i(1, 1, 1);
public static readonly Vector3i forward = new Vector3i(0, 0, 1);
public static readonly Vector3i back = new Vector3i(0, 0, -1);
public static readonly Vector3i up = new Vector3i(0, 1, 0);
public static readonly Vector3i down = new Vector3i(0, -1, 0);
public static readonly Vector3i left = new Vector3i(-1, 0, 0);
public static readonly Vector3i right = new Vector3i(1, 0, 0);
public static readonly Vector3i[] directions = new Vector3i[] {
left, right,
back, forward,
down, up,
public int x, y, z; // do not rename, would cause deserialization problems
public Vector3i(int x, int y, int z)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
public Vector3i(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = 0;
public Vector3i(Vector3 original, System.Func<float, int> convert)
this.x = convert(original.x);
this.y = convert(original.y);
this.z = convert(original.z);
public Vector3i(int value) : this()
this.x = this.y = this.z = value;
public int Volume
return this.x * this.y * this.z;
public int this[int index]
switch (index)
case 0:
return this.x;
case 1:
return this.y;
case 2:
return this.z;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");
switch (index)
case 0:
this.x = value;
case 1:
this.y = value;
case 2:
this.z = value;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");
public static Vector3i operator -(Vector3i a)
return new Vector3i(-a.x, -a.y, -a.z);
public static Vector3i operator -(Vector3i a, Vector3i b)
return new Vector3i(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y, a.z - b.z);
public static Vector3i operator +(Vector3i a, Vector3i b)
return new Vector3i(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z);
public static Vector3i operator *(Vector3i v, int factor)
return new Vector3i(v.x * factor, v.y * factor, v.z * factor);
public static Vector3 operator *(Vector3i v, float factor)
return new Vector3(v.x * factor, v.y * factor, v.z * factor);
public static Vector3i operator /(Vector3i v, int factor)
return new Vector3i(v.x / factor, v.y / factor, v.z / factor);
public static Vector3 operator /(Vector3i v, float factor)
return new Vector3(v.x / factor, v.y / factor, v.z / factor);
//public static Vector3i operator %(Vector3i v, int factor)
// return new Vector3i(v.x % factor, v.y % factor, v.z % factor);
public static implicit operator Vector3(Vector3i v)
return new Vector3(v.x, v.y, v.z);
public static explicit operator Vector3i(Vector3 v)
return Floor(v);
public static bool operator ==(Vector3i a, Vector3i b)
return a.x == b.x &&
a.y == b.y &&
a.z == b.z;
public static bool operator !=(Vector3i a, Vector3i b)
return a.x != b.x ||
a.y != b.y ||
a.z != b.z;
public static Vector3i Min(Vector3i a, Vector3i b)
return new Vector3i(Mathf.Min(a.x, b.x), Mathf.Min(a.y, b.y), Mathf.Min(a.z, b.z));
public static Vector3i Max(Vector3i a, Vector3i b)
return new Vector3i(Mathf.Max(a.x, b.x), Mathf.Max(a.y, b.y), Mathf.Max(a.z, b.z));
public static Vector3i Floor(Vector3 v)
return new Vector3i(
public static Vector3i Ceil(Vector3 v)
return new Vector3i(
public static Vector3i Round(Vector3 v)
return new Vector3i(
public Vector3i Mul(Vector3i factor)
return new Vector3i(x * factor.x, y * factor.y, z * factor.z);
public Vector3i Div(Vector3i factor)
return new Vector3i(x / factor.x, y / factor.y, z / factor.z);
public Vector3i Sign()
return new Vector3i(
public bool Any(Predicate<int> p)
if (p(x))
return true;
if (p(y))
return true;
if (p(z))
return true;
return false;
public override bool Equals(object other)
if (!(other is Vector3i))
return false;
return this.Equals((Vector3i)other);
public override int GetHashCode()
//return x.GetHashCode() ^ y.GetHashCode() << 2 ^ z.GetHashCode() >> 2;
var hash = (int)23988961768543;
hash = hash * (int)8187723713453 + x.GetHashCode();
hash = hash * (int)8187723713453 + y.GetHashCode();
hash = hash * (int)8187723713453 + z.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("Vector3i({0} {1} {2})", x, y, z);
public bool Equals(Vector3i other)
return x == other.x &&
y == other.y &&
z == other.z;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using ModelSystem;
using UnityEngine;
// Heavily based on:
internal class VoxelRaycast
private readonly BoundsInt? worldBounds;
public VoxelRaycast(BoundsInt? worldBounds)
this.worldBounds = worldBounds;
* Call the callback with (position, face) of all blocks along the line
* segment from point 'origin' in vector direction 'direction' of length
* 'radius'. 'radius' may be infinite, but beware infinite loop in this case.
* 'face' is the normal vector of the face of that block that was entered.
* If the callback returns a true value, the traversal will be stopped.
public void Raycast(
Vector3 origin,
Vector3 direction,
float radius,
Func<Vector3i, Vector3i, bool> callback)
// From "A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing"
// by John Amanatides and Andrew Woo, 1987
// <>
// <>
// Extensions to the described algorithm:
// • Imposed a distance limit.
// • The face passed through to reach the current cube is provided to
// the callback.
// The foundation of this algorithm is a parameterized representation of
// the provided ray,
// origin + t * direction,
// except that t is not actually stored; rather, at any given point in the
// traversal, we keep track of the *greater* t values which we would have
// if we took a step sufficient to cross a cube boundary along that axis
// (i.e. change the integer part of the coordinate) in the variables
// tMaxX, tMaxY, and tMaxZ.
// Cube containing origin point.
var x = Mathf.FloorToInt(origin[0]);
var y = Mathf.FloorToInt(origin[1]);
var z = Mathf.FloorToInt(origin[2]);
// Break out direction vector.
var dx = direction[0];
var dy = direction[1];
var dz = direction[2];
// Direction to increment x,y,z when stepping.
var stepX = signum(dx);
var stepY = signum(dy);
var stepZ = signum(dz);
// See description above. The initial values depend on the fractional
// part of the origin.
var tMaxX = intbound(origin[0], dx);
var tMaxY = intbound(origin[1], dy);
var tMaxZ = intbound(origin[2], dz);
// The change in t when taking a step (always positive).
var tDeltaX = stepX / dx;
var tDeltaY = stepY / dy;
var tDeltaZ = stepZ / dz;
// Buffer for reporting faces to the callback.
var face = new Vector3i();
// Avoids an infinite loop.
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0 && dz == 0)
throw new Exception("Ray-cast in zero direction!");
// Rescale from units of 1 cube-edge to units of 'direction' so we can
// compare with 't'.
radius /= Mathf.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
// Deal with world bounds or their absence.
Vector3i min, max;
min = max = default(Vector3i);
var worldIsUnlimited = !this.worldBounds.HasValue;
if (!worldIsUnlimited)
min = this.worldBounds.Value.Min;
max = this.worldBounds.Value.Max;
while (worldIsUnlimited || (
/* ray has not gone past bounds of world */
(stepX > 0 ? x < max.x : x >= min.x) &&
(stepY > 0 ? y < max.y : y >= min.y) &&
(stepZ > 0 ? z < max.z : z >= min.z)))
// Invoke the callback, unless we are not *yet* within the bounds of the
// world.
if (worldIsUnlimited ||
!(x < min.x || y < min.y || z < min.z || x >= max.x || y >= max.y || z >= max.z))
if (callback(new Vector3i(x, y, z), face))
// tMaxX stores the t-value at which we cross a cube boundary along the
// X axis, and similarly for Y and Z. Therefore, choosing the least tMax
// chooses the closest cube boundary. Only the first case of the four
// has been commented in detail.
if (tMaxX < tMaxY)
if (tMaxX < tMaxZ)
if (tMaxX > radius)
// Update which cube we are now in.
x += stepX;
// Adjust tMaxX to the next X-oriented boundary crossing.
tMaxX += tDeltaX;
// Record the normal vector of the cube face we entered.
face[0] = -stepX;
face[1] = 0;
face[2] = 0;
if (tMaxZ > radius)
z += stepZ;
tMaxZ += tDeltaZ;
face[0] = 0;
face[1] = 0;
face[2] = -stepZ;
if (tMaxY < tMaxZ)
if (tMaxY > radius)
y += stepY;
tMaxY += tDeltaY;
face[0] = 0;
face[1] = -stepY;
face[2] = 0;
// Identical to the second case, repeated for simplicity in
// the conditionals.
if (tMaxZ > radius)
z += stepZ;
tMaxZ += tDeltaZ;
face[0] = 0;
face[1] = 0;
face[2] = -stepZ;
private float intbound(float s, float ds)
// Some kind of edge case, see:
var sIsInteger = Mathf.Round(s) == s;
if (ds < 0 && sIsInteger)
return 0;
return (ds > 0 ? Mathf.Ceil(s) - s : s - Mathf.Floor(s)) / Mathf.Abs(ds);
private int signum(float x)
return x > 0 ? 1 : x < 0 ? -1 : 0;
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Another edge case: intbound does not work if s is zero. To work properly, I had to define a custom ceil function:

private static float ceil(float s) { if (s == 0f) return 1f; else return Mathf.Ceil(s); }

To replace the call to Mathf.Ceil used in intbound. Then it worked properly even if the ray started centered on precisely origin.

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