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Last active January 22, 2024 20:41
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PowerShell script that uses Ghostscript to extract 1st page pictures from each PDF in a directory and its subdirectories
# Recursively for each PDF file make a 1st page JPEG nearby.
# Execute `$WhatIfPreference = 1` before running this script to dry run.
# (tip: dry run doesn't require Ghostscript at all, so in this way it's possible to simulate this script is before even actually installing the gs)
# Execute `$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'` before running this script to enable verbose output.
# Execute `$VerbosePreference = 'Inquire'` before running this script to be asked to confirm before each operation.
# (NOTE: the `$VerbosePreference = 'Inquire'` treats `[A] Yes to All` as simply `[Y] Yes` for some reason.)
# (Also any of the above can be copy-pasted right into this script itself but it's rather anti-idiomatic.)
# Where the PDFs are (reminder: this script is recursive but this can be changed easily, see below).
$path = 'Y:\our\P\ath'
# How to call Ghostscript (tip: it's fine to use full path to the executable if short version doesn't work).
$gs = 'gswin64c'
# Filter: Must be newer than this.
$time = '2001-01-01'
# Filter: Detect existing pictures and skip them?
$skipExisting = $true
# The easiest are both 'jpeg' or both 'png'. To learn more advanced options:
$sDevice = 'jpeg'
$extension = 'jpeg'
# (Tip: remove -Recurse if lack of subdirectory processing is desired.)
Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse -Include *.pdf |
Where-Object -FilterScript {
# Filter by last write time. Change to other kind of time as needed.
($_.LastWriteTime -gt $time)
} |
ForEach-Object {
$nameWithoutExtension = $_.BaseName
$directoryFullPath = $_.DirectoryName
$out = "$directoryFullPath\1p $nameWithoutExtension.$extension"
if ($skipExisting -and (Test-Path -Path $out -PathType leaf)) {
Write-Verbose "skip (already exists): $_ => $out"
# Note that Return in ForEach-Object acts like Continue in foreach would (i.e. it skips to next iteration and not exits fully).
if ($WhatIfPreference) {
Write-Host "(dry run) $_ => $out"
else {
Write-Host "$_ => $out"
& $gs -sDEVICE="$sDevice" -o $out -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 $_
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