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Created July 28, 2020 07:17
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WSL 2 的 .wslconfig 設定檔說明
  • 編輯 %UserProfile%\.wslconfig 檔案

    • Command Prompt

      notepad %UserProfile%\.wslconfig
    • Windows PowerShell

      notepad $env:USERPROFILE\.wslconfig
  • 設定內容說明

    kernel=<path>              # An absolute Windows path to a custom Linux kernel.
    memory=<size>              # How much memory to assign to the WSL2 VM.
    processors=<number>        # How many processors to assign to the WSL2 VM.
    swap=<size>                # How much swap space to add to the WSL2 VM. 0 for no swap file.
    swapFile=<path>            # An absolute Windows path to the swap vhd.
    localhostForwarding=<bool> # Boolean specifying if ports bound to wildcard or localhost in the WSL2 VM should be connectable from the host via localhost:port (default true).
    # <path> entries must be absolute Windows paths with escaped backslashes, for example C:\\Users\\Ben\\kernel
    # <size> entries must be size followed by unit, for example 8GB or 512MB
  • 相關連結

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