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Created July 25, 2010 21:40
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class GoogleAppHelper extends AppHelper{
public function __construct($options = array()){
$default = array(
'cachePath' => dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).DS.'webroot'.DS.'img'.DS.get_class($this).DS,
'cacheImagePath' => '/google/img/'.get_class($this).'/'
$options = array_merge($default, $options);
$this->cachePath = $options['cachePath'];
$this->cacheImagePath = $options['cacheImagePath'];
protected function _checkCache($data){
$file = sha1(serialize($data)).'.png';
if (is_file($this->cachePath.$file)){
return $this->Html->image($this->cacheImagePath.$file );
return false;
protected function _writeCache($data, $url){
$file = sha1(serialize($data)).'.png';
$contents = file_get_contents($url);
$fp = fopen($this->cachePath.$file, 'w');
fwrite($fp, $contents);
if (!is_file($this->cachePath.$file)){
$this->__errors[] = __('Could not create the cache file', true);
App::import('Helper', 'Google.GoogleAppHelper');
* @author dogmatic69
* @todo custom icons
* @todo
class StaticMapHelper extends GoogleAppHelper{
* Set some defaults
* @var array
protected $_default = array(
'location' => array(),
'sensor' => 'false', // true, false or both
'zoom' => 10,
'visible' => null,
'size' => array(
'width' => 640,
'height' => 640
'image_type' => 'png32', // png, png8, png32, jpg
'map_type' => 'roadmap', // roadmap, satellite, hybrid, terrain
'markers' => array( //nested array
'size' => '', // tiny, mid, small or normal
'color' => '', // like css with no #
'label' => '', // {A-Z, 0-9}
'location' => array(
// like above
public function draw($data = array(), $imageProperties = array()){
$cache = $this->_checkCache(array($data, $imageProperties));
if($cache !== false){
return $cache;
$this->query = $data;
if(!isset($this->query['location']) || !$this->__getValidLocation($this->query['location'])){
if(!isset($this->query['markers']) || count($this->query['markers']) < 2){
$this->errors[] = 'Invalid location';
return false;
if(isset($this->query['visible']) && empty($this->query['visable'])){
$this->query['visible'] = $this->__getValidLocation($this->query['visible']);
$this->query['visible'] = null;
if(!$this->query['visible'] && !(isset($this->query['zoom']) || !$this->__validZoom($this->query['zoom']))){
$this->query['zoom'] = $this->_default['zoom'];
if(!isset($this->query['size']) || !$this->__validSize($this->query['size'])){
$this->errors[] = 'Invalid size';
return false;
if(!isset($this->query['image_type']) || !$this->__validImageType($this->query['image_type'])){
$this->query['image_type'] = $this->_default['image_type'];
if(!isset($this->query['map_type']) || !$this->__validMapType($this->query['map_type'])){
$this->query['map_type'] = $this->_default['map_type'];
$this->query['sensor'] = $this->__SensorType(isset($this->query['sensor']) ? $this->query['sensor'] : false);
$this->query['markers'] = $this->__markersValid(isset($this->query['markers']) ? $this->query['markers'] : array());
$url = $this->__buildQuery();
$this->_writeCache(array($data, $imageProperties), $url);
return $this->Html->image(
private function __buildQuery(){
$return[] = 'visible='.$this->query['visible'];
$return[] = 'center='.implode(',', (array)$this->query['location']);
$return[] = 'zoom='.$this->query['zoom'];
$return[] = 'size='.$this->query['size']['width'].'x'.$this->query['size']['height'];
$return[] = 'sensor='.$this->query['sensor'];
foreach($this->query['markers'] as $marker){
$return[] = $this->__formatMarker($marker);
$return = $this->__url.'?'.implode('&', array_filter($return));
return $return;
* points on the map
* The set of marker style descriptors is a series of value assignments
* separated by the pipe (|) character. This style descriptor defines the
* visual attributes to use when displaying the markers within this marker
* descriptor.
* @param unknown_type $marker
private function __formatMarker($marker){
return null;
$return = array();
$return[] = $marker['location'];
$return[] = 'color:'.$marker['color'];
$return[] = 'label:'.$marker['label'];
$return[] = 'size:'.$marker['size'];
return 'markers='.implode('|', $return);
* There is no need to modyfy this class.
* @author dogmatic69
* The map api url
* @var string
protected $__url = '';
* Max height allowed
* @var int
protected $__maxHeight = 640;
* max width allowed
* @var int
protected $__maxWidth = 640;
* Allowed image types
* @var array
protected $__imageTypes = array(
* Allowed map types
* @var array
protected $__mapTypes = array(
protected $__markerSizes = array(
* by address could return wrong maps.
* @param array $data
protected function __getValidLocation($location){
if(isset($location) && !empty($location) && !is_array($location)){
return urlencode($location);
if(isset($location['latitude']) && isset($location['longitude'])){
$valid = $this->__validLatitude($location['latitude']) && $this->__validLongitude($location['longitude']);
return urlencode(implode(',', $location));
return null;
* valid latitude.
* Latitudes can take any value between -90 and 90 while
* @param float $latitude
protected function __validLatitude($latitude){
return -90 <= (float)$latitude && (float)$latitude <= 90;
* valid longitude.
* longitude values can take any value between -180 and 180.
* @param float $longitude
protected function __validLongitude($longitude){
return -180 <= (float)$longitude && (float)$longitude <= 180;
* valid zoom
* Zoom levels between 0 (the lowest zoom level, in which the entire
* world can be seen on one map) to 21+ (down to individual buildings)
* NOTE: not all zoom levels appear at all locations on the earth
* @param unknown_type $zoom
protected function __validZoom($zoom){
return 0 <= $zoom && $zoom <= 21;
* valid image size
* Images may be retrieved in sizes up to 640 by 640 pixels.
* @param array $sizes
protected function __validSize($sizes){
return $sizes['width'] <= $this->__maxWidth && $sizes['height'] <= $this->__maxHeight;
* valid image format
* Images may be returned in several common web graphics formats: GIF, JPEG and PNG.
* @param string $imageType
protected function __validImageType($imageType){
return in_array($imageType, $this->__imageTypes);
* valid map type
* roadmap (default) specifies a standard roadmap image, as is normally shown on the Google Maps website. If no maptype value is specified, the Static Maps API serves roadmap tiles by default.
* satellite specifies a satellite image.
* terrain specifies a physical relief map image, showing terrain and vegetation.
* hybrid specifies a hybrid of the satellite and roadmap image, showing a transparent layer of major streets and place names on the satellite image.
* @param string $mapType
protected function __validMapType($mapType){
return in_array($mapType, $this->__mapTypes);
* maps for gps device
* specifies whether the application requesting the static map is using a sensor to determine the user's location.
* @param string $mapType
protected function __SensorType($sensor){
case $sensor === true:
case strtolower($sensor) === 'true':
return 'true';
return 'false';
* validate and remove unneded params for markers
* @param array $markers
protected function __markersValid($markers){
if(empty($markers) || !is_array($markers)){
return array();
$return = array();
$i = 0;
foreach($markers as $marker){
$return[$i]['size'] = $this->__validMarkerSize(isset($marker['size']) ? $marker['size'] : '');
$return[$i]['color'] = $this->__validMarkerColor(isset($marker['color']) ? $marker['color'] : '');
$return[$i]['label'] = $this->__validMarkerLabel(isset($marker['label']) ? $marker['label'] : '');
$return[$i]['location'] = $this->__getValidLocation(isset($marker['location']) ? $marker['location'] : '');
return $return;
* check the size param
* if its the default dont add it, waste of url chars :)
* @param unknown_type $size
protected function __validMarkerSize($size){
if(empty($size) || !in_array(strtolower($size), $this->__markerSizes) && strtolower($size) !== $this->__markerSizes[0]){
return null;
return $size;
* check colors are valid.
* @param unknown_type $color
protected function __validMarkerColor($color){
if(empty($color) || !preg_match('/^([a-f]|[A-F]|[0-9]){3}(([a-f]|[A-F]|[0-9]){3})?$/', 'fff111')){
return null;
return '0x'.$color;
* a single uppercase alphanumeric character from the set {A-Z, 0-9}
* @param $label
protected function __validMarkerLabel($label){
if(!empty($label) && preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9]$/', '1')){
return $label;
return '';
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