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Created March 3, 2011 22:05
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My normal setup... (many cake sites from one cake install)
sudo apt-get install php5-dev mysql-server apache2|cherokee etc
cd /var/www
mkdir frameworks
cd frameworks
git clone git:// cakephp/
# you could run different versions by cloaning things a few times
git clone git:// cakephp1.2/
cd cakephp1.2
git checkout 1.2
git clone git:// cakephp1.3/
cd cakephp1.3
git checkout 1.3
/cakephp <- git repo
<files from cake app dir>
/webroot <- if you can, set this as webroot
app_controller.php etc
<files from cake app dir>
/webroot <- if you can, set this as webroot
app_controller.php etc
# add the following line to php.ini
# this will allow you to add cake sites without having to change anything in index.php
# normally you change CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH but not anymore, if you cant change this...
include_path = "/var/www/frameworks/cakephp/"
# then create a vhost that is something like the following (for apache)
# save this to /etc/apache/sites-available/
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/sites/
<Directory /var/www/sites/>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from ::1/128
ErrorLog /var/www/sites/
# add it to enabled and then restart
sudo a2enmod
sudo serivce apache2 restart
# alternative setup might work if you cant change your webroot
# make sure you have follow symlinks, ive not tested, but should work.
/www <- webroot that cant change
/* symlinked files */ <-----------------------<----------------------<----------------------------<-------------------
/frameworks |
/cakephp <- git repo |
/cake |
/plugins |
/vendors ^
/sites |
/ |
/public_html |
<files from cake app dir> |
/webroot >---------------------->---------------------------->---------------------->-------------
app_controller.php etc
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