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Building the new IKEA

Carl Sutton dogmatic69

Building the new IKEA
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dogmatic69 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
DynaDNS type script for Rackspace based DNS

Poormans DynaDNS with rackspace

Uses online site to check current ip address which is saved to a file, when re-run the saved ip is compared with a check of the current again and if it is different will log into the rackspace API to remove the old entry and create a new one.

Best to have the DNS entry with a very short TTL, rackspace has 300 seconds as the shortest.

The mail file can be replaced with anything, or just blank for no action. By default it will mail if there has been a change or a problem processing the new ip address.

Add a cron:

rcoup /
Created June 1, 2010 21:46
A script to query the Amazon Web Services (S3/EC2/etc) usage reports programmatically.
#!/usr/bin/env python
A script to query the Amazon Web Services usage reports programmatically.
Ideally this wouldn't exist, and Amazon would provide an API we can use
instead, but hey - that's life.
Basically takes your AWS account username and password, logs into the
website as you, and grabs the data out. Always gets the 'All Usage Types'