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Created June 27, 2014 18:14
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Simple latex Makefile using latexmk
# Latex Makefile using latexmk
# Modified by Dogukan Cagatay <>
# Originally from :
# Change only the variable below to the name of the main tex file.
# You want latexmk to *always* run, because make does not have all the info.
# Also, include non-file targets in .PHONY so they are run regardless of any
# file of the given name existing.
.PHONY: $(PROJNAME).pdf all clean
# The first rule in a Makefile is the one executed by default ("make"). It
# should always be the "all" rule, so that "make" and "make all" are identical.
all: $(PROJNAME).pdf
# In case you didn't know, '$@' is a variable holding the name of the target,
# and '$<' is a variable holding the (first) dependency of a rule.
# "raw2tex" and "dat2tex" are just placeholders for whatever custom steps
# you might have.
%.tex: %.raw
./raw2tex $< > $@
%.tex: %.dat
./dat2tex $< > $@
# -pdf tells latexmk to generate PDF directly (instead of DVI).
# -pdflatex="" tells latexmk to call a specific backend with specific options.
# -use-make tells latexmk to call make for generating missing files.
# -interactive=nonstopmode keeps the pdflatex backend from stopping at a
# missing file reference and interactively asking you for an alternative.
$(PROJNAME).pdf: $(PROJNAME).tex
latexmk -pdf -pdflatex="pdflatex -interactive=nonstopmode" -use-make $<
latexmk -C
latexmk -c
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