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Created February 24, 2016 16:29
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import os
import glob
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import nibabel
from pypreprocess.external.nistats.design_matrix import (
make_design_matrix, plot_design_matrix)
# meta data
tr = 2.
drift_model = 'Cosine'
hrf_model = 'Canonical With Derivative'
hfcut = 128.
# load stuff
design_matrices = []
for run_path in sorted(glob.glob(
run_id = os.path.basename(run_path)
run_func = os.path.join(
"/home/elvis/nilearn_data/ds001/sub001/BOLD/%s/bold.nii.gz" % run_id)
run_onset_paths = sorted(glob.glob(
"%s/*" % run_id)))
onsets = map(np.loadtxt, run_onset_paths)
for x, p in zip(onsets[:2], run_onset_paths[:2]):
print x[:5], p
# break
conditions = np.hstack([["cond%03i" % (c + 1)] * len(onsets[c])
for c in range(len(run_onset_paths))])
onsets = np.vstack((onsets))
onsets *= tr
run_func = nibabel.load(run_func)
n_scans = run_func.shape[-1]
onset, duration, amplitude = onsets.T
frametimes = np.linspace(0, (n_scans - 1) * tr, n_scans // 2)
paradigm = pd.DataFrame(dict(name=conditions, onset=onset,
duration=duration, amplitude=amplitude))
design_matrix = make_design_matrix(frametimes, paradigm,
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