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Last active January 12, 2024 21:50
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dohnutt's Quake Live config
// dohnutt's autoexec
// updated 2024-01-12
// Quake Live\{id}\baseq3\dohnutt.cfg
// ++++++
set name "^1d^5ohnutt" // Your ingame player name.
seta name "^1d^5ohnutt"
//set clan "" // Your ingame clan name.
set sex "male" // The Gender of the player.
set model "bitterman/default" // The model for your ingame character.
set cg_forceTeamModel "bitterman/default" // The model for your team players.
set cg_forceEnemyModel "keel/bright" // The model for your enemy team players. For example "keel/bright".
set cg_forceRedTeamModel "" // Overrides cg_forceEnemyModel/cg_forceTeamModel when spectating.
set cg_forceBlueTeamModel "" // Overrides cg_forceEnemyModel/cg_forceTeamModel when spectating.
cg_forceEnemyWeaponColor "1"
cg_forceTeamWeaponColor "1"
com_idleSleep "0"
r_primitives "2"
// ++++++++
set in_mouse "2" // -1 = Windows mouse input, 1 = Direct input, 2 = Raw input
set sensitivity "2.177891" // Mouse sensitivity.
set cl_mouseaccel "0" // Mouse acceleration. (min 0, max 10)
// HUD
// ++++++++
cg_hudFiles “ui/poo.cfg” // Load custom HUD
set cg_teammateNames "1"
set cg_teammateCrosshairNames "1"
set cg_drawCrosshairTeamHealth "2"
set cg_drawCrosshairTeamHealthSize "0.2"
set cg_teammateCrosshairNamesOpacity "0.3"
set cg_switchOnEmpty "0"
set cg_autohop "1"
set cg_bob "0"
set cg_kickscale "0"
set cg_drawRewards "0"
set cg_rewardsVO "0"
set con_scale "0.8" // Console font size
// +++++
//set s_volume "0.01" // Volume of the game effects.
set s_musicvolumaze "0" // Volume of the ingame background music.
set s_doppler "1" // Doppler sound effects. (bypassing sounds)
set s_ambient "1" // Ambient sound effects. (s_restart or a map load required for change to take effect)
// set s_mixPreStep "0.05" // Copied blindly.
// set s_mixahead "0.140" // Copied blindly.
set cg_chatbeep "0"
set cg_teamchatbeep "1"
// ++++++++
com_maxfps 250
set r_mode "23" // Screen resolution.
set r_fullscreen "1" // Loads the screen fullscreen on 1 or in window mode when set to 0.
set com_maxfps "250" // Maximum frames rendered per second.
set r_displayrefresh "144" // Controls the monitor's refresh rate. (Only usefull with CRT monitors)
set r_swapinterval "0" // Forces vsync, use in combination with r_displayrefresh. (Only usefull with CRT monitors)
set r_dynamiclight "1" // Enable dynamic lights. (For example rockets flying by light up the area.)
set r_vertexlight "0" // Vertex lighting instead of lightmap.
set r_enablepostprocess "1" // A value of 0 will degrade the quality of lighting in exchange for a boost in performance.
set r_picmip "0" // Lowers texture quality by blending out colors. (Does not increase FPS if you have more than 32MB videoram.)
set r_overbrightbits "1" // Ambient lighting of local objects only: anything added to a map like players, ammo and weapons. (Works best with vertex enabled) [values: 0 to 4]
set r_mapoverbrightbits "1" // Ambient lighting of the map. (Makes the map more radiant.) [values: 0 to 10]
set r_mapoverbright "1" // From
set r_gamma "1.25" // Overall brightness.
set r_fullbright "0" // When this variable is set to 1 the renderer system will render all textures on the map at full brightness.
set r_fastsky "0" // When set to 1, blacks out the sky with no texture. (This disables seeing through portals as well!)
set r_lodbias "-2" // Dictates what the highest level of detail to show on ingame elements (players, weapons, ...). (Min: -2 = highest, Max: 2 = lowest)
set cg_shadows "1" // 0 = Disables player shadows.
set r_subdivisions "4" // Controls curved surfaces. Can be 4 or 80.
set cg_simpleitems "1" // Replaces pickup 3D models with iconic 2D images.
set cg_marks "1" // Render bullet marks on walls
set cg_brasstime "2500" // Amount of time expelled shells remain on screen.
set cg_noprojectiletrail "0" // No smoke trails on rockets and grenades.
// +++++++
set cg_drawgun "2" // Show your gun. (0 = hidden, 1 = swaying, 2 = fixed)
set cg_gunx "0" // Gun X-Axis placement.
set cg_guny "0" // Gun Y-Axis placement.
set cg_gunz "0" // Gun Z-Axis placement.
set cg_newweaponbar "1" // Position and layout of the weapon bar.
set cg_switchOnEmpty "1" // Automatically switch to the next weapon in line when current is empty.
set cg_autoswitch "0" // Automatically switch to a weapon you pick up.
set cg_railtrailtime "1000" // Amount of time the railbeam remains visible.
set color1 "8" // The color of the rail beam.
set color2 "8" // The color of the rail swirl/disc effects.
set cg_oldrail "0" // Rail style (0 = new style = beam + swirl, 1 = old style = beam + discs)
set r_railwidth "12" // Diameter of railgun beam effect in pixels, as well as the impact effect.
set r_railcorewidth "6" // Diameter of railgun core effect in pixels.
set cg_truelightning "0.1"
// +++++++
bind 1 "weapon 1" // Gauntlet
bind "SHIFT" "weapon 1" // Gauntlet
bind 2 "weapon 2; weapon 14" // HMG, then machine gun
bind "V" "weapon 2; weapon 14" // HMG, then machine gun
bind "E" "weapon 3" // Shotgun
bind 3 "weapon 3" // Shotgun
bind "F" "weapon 4" // Grenade launcher
bind 4 "weapon 4" // Grenade launcher
bind "Z" "weapon 5" // Rocket launcher
bind 5 "weapon 5" // Rocket launcher
bind "Q" "weapon 6" // Lightning gun
bind 6 "weapon 6" // Lightning gun
bind 7 "weapon 7" // Railgun
bind "CAPSLOCK" "weapon 7" // Railgun
bind "C" "weapon 8" // Plasma rifle
bind 8 "weapon 8" // Plasma rifle
bind 9 "weapon 9" // BFG
bind "-" "weapon 11" // Nailgun
bind "R" "weapon 11" // Nailgun
bind "=" "weapon 12" // Mine launcher
bind 0 "weapon 13" // Chaingun
bind "X" "weapon 13" // Chaingun
bind "H" "dropflag" // Ingame command to drop the flag so another team member can pick it up.
// +++++++
set cl_contimestamps "1"
set cg_followkiller "1" // When you die, spectate your killer. (in CA)
set cg_followpowerup "2" // 1 = While spectating, switches to a player who picks up a powerup. 2 = Same as one, but will not switch to a player who picks up a lesser powerup if already following a flag carrier.
set cg_autoaction "0" // autorecords demo and/or endgame screenshot, 0 = do nothing, 1 = demo, 2 = screenshot, 3 = demo + screenshot
seta com_allowconsole "1" // Allows quick toggle of console (0 = press ctrl+alt+console-bind to toggle console)
set cg_drawProfileImages "1" // Display user profile pictures
snd_restart // Restart sound system, hoping to get less sucky sound
vid_restart // Restart video rendering system to apply graphical settings
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