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Last active January 5, 2018 15:00
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Develop Mobile Apps with Cordova
## Javascript Package
* npm install/update [-g (install globally, otherwise in $PWD/node-modules dir)] PACKAGE
## Cordova CLI (ref:
* cordova <command> [options] -- [platformOpts]
* verbose output: -d
## Cordova Project
* dirs: config.xml hooks/ platforms/ plugins/ www/
## Cordova Project Getting Started
1. cordova create PROJECT_NAME [ID: com.companyname.appname] [NAME: app name appeared on device]
2. cordova platforms add browser/android/ios...
3. (Browser) cordova serve
4. (Android) Create default emulator (quite a chore, only need to done once:
5. cordova build [PLATFORM]: prepare and compile
* cordova prepare [PLATFORM]: this will copy www/ to platforms/
* cordova compile [PLATFORM]: binary
6. cordova emulate [PLATFORM]: build and send to emulator
7. cordova run [PLATFORM]: build and send to device
8. Remote Debugging: (
9. (Android) error: "Could not find an installed version of Gradle either in AndroidStudio", solution: install gradle on your OS, even you have AndroidStudio
## Develop
* cordova plugin add PLUGIN
* build relase build (unsigned): cordova build [android] --release
* make keystore: keytool -genkey -v -keystore KEYSTORE_NAME.keystore -alias ALIAS_NAME -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
* will prompt for password and info
* build release build (signed): cordova build [android] --release -- --keystore='../XXXXXX.keystore' --storePassword='XXXXXX' (keystore password) --alias='XXXXXX' --password='XXXXXX' (key password)
* NOTE: all arguments are required, if password not supplied, cordova fails without prompting
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