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Last active December 29, 2015 10:59
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Save doi-t/7660870 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#log format:[log_msg time]
awk 'BEGIN{ OFS="\t"; sum=0; max=0; }
NR==1 { min=$2; }
{ sum+=$2; if($2>max){max=$2}; if(min>$2){min=$2}; }
END{ print($1, sum, NR, max, min, sum/NR) }'
[ ! -e "$dest_dir" ] && mkdir "$dest_dir"
gnuplot <<- EOF
set grid y
set terminal png
set boxwidth 0.5
set yrange [0:]
set xtics rotate by -15
set style fill solid border lc rgb "black"
set output "$dest_dir/$1_sum.png"
plot "$2" using (\$0*4+0):2:xtic(1) with boxes lw 2 lc rgb "light-cyan" title "sum"
set output "$dest_dir/$1_count.png"
plot "$2" using (\$0*4+0):3:xtic(1) with boxes lw 2 lc rgb "light-cyan" title "count"
set output "$dest_dir/$1_max.png"
plot "$2" using (\$0*4+0):4:xtic(1) with boxes lw 2 lc rgb "light-cyan" title "max"
set output "$dest_dir/$1_min.png"
plot "$2" using (\$0*4+0):5:xtic(1) with boxes lw 2 lc rgb "light-cyan" title "min"
set output "$dest_dir/$1_avg.png"
plot "$2" using (\$0*4+0):6:xtic(1) with boxes lw 2 lc rgb "light-cyan" title "avg"
[ $# -ne 1 -o ! -e "$1" ] && echo "Usage:$0 [log_file]" && exit 1
echo -e "#label\tsum\tcount\tmax\tmin\tavg" > $plotfile
grep "hoge" $1 | calc_avg >> $plotfile
grep "fuga" $1 | calc_avg >> $plotfile
grep "foo" $1 | calc_avg >> $plotfile
grep "bar" $1 | calc_avg >> $plotfile
mkgraph "sample" $plotfile
foo 10
hoge 8.431
fuga 0.542
fuga 1.021
fuga 0.732
fuga 0.981
foo 30
bar 5.679
hoge 9.321
hoge 10.021
bar 6.091
foo 60
hoge 11.234
fuga 1.329
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