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Created January 11, 2024 01:25
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[wpkama embed] Breadcrumbs for WordPress
* Breadcrumbs for WordPress
* @param string $sep Separator. Default is ' » '.
* @param array $l10n For localization. See the variable `$default_l10n`.
* @param array $args Options. See the variable `$def_args`.
* @return void Outputs HTML code to the screen
* version 3.3.3
function kama_breadcrumbs( $sep = ' » ', $l10n = [], $args = [] ) {
$kb = new Kama_Breadcrumbs;
echo $kb->get_crumbs( $sep, $l10n, $args );
class Kama_Breadcrumbs {
public $arg;
// Localisation
static $l10n = [
'home' => 'Главная',
'paged' => 'Страница %d',
'_404' => 'Ошибка 404',
'search' => 'Результаты поиска по запросу - <b>%s</b>',
'author' => 'Архив автора: <b>%s</b>',
'year' => 'Архив за <b>%d</b> год',
'month' => 'Архив за: <b>%s</b>',
'day' => '',
'attachment' => 'Медиа: %s',
'tag' => 'Записи по метке: <b>%s</b>',
'tax_tag' => '%1$s из "%2$s" по тегу: <b>%3$s</b>',
// tax_tag will output: 'post_type from "taxonomy_name" by tag: term_name'.
// If separate placeholders are needed, for example, only the term name, write like this: 'posts by tag: %3$s'
// Default parameters
static $args = [
// Display breadcrumbs on the front page
'on_front_page' => true,
// Show the post title at the end (last element). For posts, pages, attachments
'show_post_title' => true,
// Show the taxonomy item title at the end (last element). For tags, categories, and other taxonomies
'show_term_title' => true,
// Template for the last title. If enabled: show_post_title or show_term_title
'title_patt' => '<span class="kb_title">%s</span>',
// Show the last separator when the title at the end is not displayed
'last_sep' => true,
// 'markup' - microdata. Can be: '', '', '' - without microdata
// Or you can specify your own markup array:
// array( 'wrappatt'=>'<div class="kama_breadcrumbs">%s</div>', 'linkpatt'=>'<a href="%s">%s</a>', 'sep_after'=>'', )
'markup' => '',
// Priority taxonomies, needed when a post is in multiple taxonomies
'priority_tax' => [ 'category' ],
// 'priority_terms' - priority items of taxonomies when a post is in multiple items of the same taxonomy at the same time.
// For example: array( 'category'=>array(45,'term_name'), 'tax_name'=>array(1,2,'name') )
// 'category' - taxonomy for which priority items are specified: 45 - term ID and 'term_name' - label.
// The order of 45 and 'term_name' matters: the earlier, the more important. All specified terms are more important than unspecified ones...
'priority_terms' => [],
// Add rel=nofollow to links?
'nofollow' => false,
// Service
'sep' => '',
'linkpatt' => '',
'pg_end' => '',
function get_crumbs( $sep, $l10n, $args ) {
global $post, $wp_post_types;
self::$args['sep'] = $sep;
// Filters the defaults and merges
$loc = (object) array_merge( apply_filters( 'kama_breadcrumbs_default_loc', self::$l10n ), $l10n );
$arg = (object) array_merge( apply_filters( 'kama_breadcrumbs_default_args', self::$args ), $args );
$arg->sep = '<span class="kb_sep">' . $arg->sep . '</span>'; // supplement
// simplify
$sep = &$arg->sep;
$this->arg = &$arg;
// micro-markup ---
if( 1 ){
$mark = &$arg->markup;
// Default markup
if( ! $mark ){
$mark = [
'wrappatt' => '<div class="kama_breadcrumbs">%s</div>',
'linkpatt' => '<a href="%s">%s</a>',
'sep_after' => '',
// rdf
elseif( $mark === '' ){
$mark = [
'wrappatt' => '<div class="kama_breadcrumbs" prefix="v:">%s</div>',
'linkpatt' => '<span typeof="v:Breadcrumb"><a href="%s" rel="v:url" property="v:title">%s</a>',
'sep_after' => '</span>', // close span after the separator!
elseif( $mark === '' ){
$mark = [
'wrappatt' => '<div class="kama_breadcrumbs" itemscope itemtype="">%s</div>',
'linkpatt' => '<span itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype=""><a href="%s" itemprop="item"><span itemprop="name">%s</span></a></span>',
'sep_after' => '',
elseif( ! is_array( $mark ) ){
die( __CLASS__ . ': "markup" parameter must be array...' );
$wrappatt = $mark['wrappatt'];
$arg->linkpatt = $arg->nofollow ? str_replace( '<a ', '<a rel="nofollow"', $mark['linkpatt'] ) : $mark['linkpatt'];
$arg->sep .= $mark['sep_after'] . "\n";
$linkpatt = $arg->linkpatt; // simplify
$q_obj = get_queried_object();
// maybe it's an empty archive of the tax
$ptype = null;
if( ! $post ){
if( isset( $q_obj->taxonomy ) ){
$ptype = $wp_post_types[ get_taxonomy( $q_obj->taxonomy )->object_type[0] ];
$ptype = $wp_post_types[ $post->post_type ];
// paged
$arg->pg_end = '';
$paged_num = get_query_var( 'paged' ) ?: get_query_var( 'page' );
if( $paged_num ){
$arg->pg_end = $sep . sprintf( $loc->paged, (int) $paged_num );
$pg_end = $arg->pg_end; // simplify
$out = '';
if( is_front_page() ){
return $arg->on_front_page ? sprintf( $wrappatt, ( $paged_num ? sprintf( $linkpatt, get_home_url(), $loc->home ) . $pg_end : $loc->home ) ) : '';
// post page when a separate page is set for the main page.
elseif( is_home() ){
$out = $paged_num ? ( sprintf( $linkpatt, get_permalink( $q_obj ), esc_html( $q_obj->post_title ) ) . $pg_end ) : esc_html( $q_obj->post_title );
elseif( is_404() ){
$out = $loc->_404;
elseif( is_search() ){
$out = sprintf( $loc->search, esc_html( $GLOBALS['s'] ) );
elseif( is_author() ){
$tit = sprintf( $loc->author, esc_html( $q_obj->display_name ) );
$out = ( $paged_num ? sprintf( $linkpatt, get_author_posts_url( $q_obj->ID, $q_obj->user_nicename ) . $pg_end, $tit ) : $tit );
elseif( is_year() || is_month() || is_day() ){
$y_url = get_year_link( $year = get_the_time( 'Y' ) );
if( is_year() ){
$tit = sprintf( $loc->year, $year );
$out = ( $paged_num ? sprintf( $linkpatt, $y_url, $tit ) . $pg_end : $tit );
// month day
$y_link = sprintf( $linkpatt, $y_url, $year );
$m_url = get_month_link( $year, get_the_time( 'm' ) );
if( is_month() ){
$tit = sprintf( $loc->month, get_the_time( 'F' ) );
$out = $y_link . $sep . ( $paged_num ? sprintf( $linkpatt, $m_url, $tit ) . $pg_end : $tit );
elseif( is_day() ){
$m_link = sprintf( $linkpatt, $m_url, get_the_time( 'F' ) );
$out = $y_link . $sep . $m_link . $sep . get_the_time( 'l' );
// Hierarchical posts
elseif( is_singular() && $ptype->hierarchical ){
$out = $this->_add_title( $this->_page_crumbs( $post ), $post );
// Taxonomies, flat posts, and attachments
$term = $q_obj; // taxonomies
// define a term for posts (including attachments)
if( is_singular() ){
// modify $post to define the term for the parent of the attachment
if( is_attachment() && $post->post_parent ){
$save_post = $post; // сохраним
$post = get_post( $post->post_parent );
// takes into account if attachments are attached to hierarchical taxonomies - it happens :)
$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( $post->post_type );
// let's leave only hierarchical and public, just in case....
$taxonomies = array_intersect( $taxonomies, get_taxonomies( [
'hierarchical' => true,
'public' => true,
] ) );
if( $taxonomies ){
// sort by priority
if( ! empty( $arg->priority_tax ) ){
usort( $taxonomies, static function( $a, $b ) use ( $arg ) {
$a_index = array_search( $a, $arg->priority_tax );
if( $a_index === false ){
$a_index = 9999999;
$b_index = array_search( $b, $arg->priority_tax );
if( $b_index === false ){
$b_index = 9999999;
return ( $b_index === $a_index ) ? 0 : ( $b_index < $a_index ? 1 : -1 ); // меньше индекс - выше
} );
// try to get the terms, in order of tax priority
foreach( $taxonomies as $taxname ){
if( $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, $taxname ) ){
// проверим приоритетные термины для таксы
$prior_terms = &$arg->priority_terms[ $taxname ];
if( $prior_terms && count( $terms ) > 2 ){
foreach( (array) $prior_terms as $term_id ){
$filter_field = is_numeric( $term_id ) ? 'term_id' : 'slug';
$_terms = wp_list_filter( $terms, [ $filter_field => $term_id ] );
if( $_terms ){
$term = array_shift( $_terms );
$term = array_shift( $terms );
// revert back (for attachments)
if( isset( $save_post ) ){
$post = $save_post;
// output
// terms or post of any type with terms
if( $term && isset( $term->term_id ) ){
$term = apply_filters( 'kama_breadcrumbs_term', $term );
// attachment
if( is_attachment() ){
if( ! $post->post_parent ){
$out = sprintf( $loc->attachment, esc_html( $post->post_title ) );
if( ! $out = apply_filters( 'attachment_tax_crumbs', '', $term, $this ) ){
$_crumbs = $this->_tax_crumbs( $term, 'self' );
$parent_tit = sprintf( $linkpatt, get_permalink( $post->post_parent ), get_the_title( $post->post_parent ) );
$_out = implode( $sep, [ $_crumbs, $parent_tit ] );
$out = $this->_add_title( $_out, $post );
// single
elseif( is_single() ){
if( ! $out = apply_filters( 'post_tax_crumbs', '', $term, $this ) ){
$_crumbs = $this->_tax_crumbs( $term, 'self' );
$out = $this->_add_title( $_crumbs, $post );
// non-hierarchical taxonomy (tags)
elseif( ! is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $term->taxonomy ) ){
// метка
if( is_tag() ){
$out = $this->_add_title( '', $term, sprintf( $loc->tag, esc_html( $term->name ) ) );
// taxonomy
elseif( is_tax() ){
$post_label = $ptype->labels->name;
$tax_label = $GLOBALS['wp_taxonomies'][ $term->taxonomy ]->labels->name;
$out = $this->_add_title( '', $term, sprintf( $loc->tax_tag, $post_label, $tax_label, esc_html( $term->name ) ) );
// hierarchical taxonomy (category)
elseif( ! $out = apply_filters( 'term_tax_crumbs', '', $term, $this ) ){
$_crumbs = $this->_tax_crumbs( $term, 'parent' );
$out = $this->_add_title( $_crumbs, $term, esc_html( $term->name ) );
// attachments (of post) without terms
elseif( is_attachment() ){
$parent = get_post( $post->post_parent );
$parent_link = sprintf( $linkpatt, get_permalink( $parent ), esc_html( $parent->post_title ) );
$_out = $parent_link;
// attachment of post with hierarchical type
if( is_post_type_hierarchical( $parent->post_type ) ){
$parent_crumbs = $this->_page_crumbs( $parent );
$_out = implode( $sep, [ $parent_crumbs, $parent_link ] );
$out = $this->_add_title( $_out, $post );
// posts without terms
elseif( is_singular() ){
$out = $this->_add_title( '', $post );
// replacement of link to post type archive page
$home_after = apply_filters( 'kama_breadcrumbs_home_after', '', $linkpatt, $sep, $ptype );
if( '' === $home_after ){
// A link to the archive page of a post type for:
// individual pages of that type; archives of that type; taxonomies associated with that type.
if( $ptype && $ptype->has_archive && ! in_array( $ptype->name, [ 'post', 'page', 'attachment' ] )
&& ( is_post_type_archive() || is_singular() || ( is_tax() && in_array( $term->taxonomy, $ptype->taxonomies ) ) )
$pt_title = $ptype->labels->name;
// first page of the post type archive
if( is_post_type_archive() && ! $paged_num ){
$home_after = sprintf( $this->arg->title_patt, $pt_title );
// singular, paged post_type_archive, tax
$home_after = sprintf( $linkpatt, get_post_type_archive_link( $ptype->name ), $pt_title );
$home_after .= ( ( $paged_num && ! is_tax() ) ? $pg_end : $sep ); // pagination
$before_out = sprintf( $linkpatt, home_url(), $loc->home ) . ( $home_after ? $sep . $home_after : ( $out ? $sep : '' ) );
$out = apply_filters( 'kama_breadcrumbs_pre_out', $out, $sep, $loc, $arg );
$out = sprintf( $wrappatt, $before_out . $out );
return apply_filters( 'kama_breadcrumbs', $out, $sep, $loc, $arg );
function _page_crumbs( $post ) {
$parent = $post->post_parent;
$crumbs = [];
while( $parent ){
$page = get_post( $parent );
$crumbs[] = sprintf( $this->arg->linkpatt, get_permalink( $page ), esc_html( $page->post_title ) );
$parent = $page->post_parent;
return implode( $this->arg->sep, array_reverse( $crumbs ) );
function _tax_crumbs( $term, $start_from = 'self' ) {
$termlinks = [];
$term_id = ( $start_from === 'parent' ) ? $term->parent : $term->term_id;
while( $term_id ){
$term = get_term( $term_id, $term->taxonomy );
$termlinks[] = sprintf( $this->arg->linkpatt, get_term_link( $term ), esc_html( $term->name ) );
$term_id = $term->parent;
if( $termlinks ){
return implode( $this->arg->sep, array_reverse( $termlinks ) );
return '';
* Adds a title to the passed text, taking into account all options.
* Adds a delimiter at the beginning, if necessary.
* @param string $add_to
* @param object $obj
* @param string $term_title
* @return string
function _add_title( $add_to, $obj, $term_title = '' ) {
// simplify.
$arg = & $this->arg;
// $term_title is cleaned separately, HTML tags can be inside.
$title = $term_title ?: esc_html( $obj->post_title );
$show_title = $term_title ? $arg->show_term_title : $arg->show_post_title;
// pagination
if( $arg->pg_end ){
$link = $term_title ? get_term_link( $obj ) : get_permalink( $obj );
$add_to .= ( $add_to ? $arg->sep : '' ) . sprintf( $arg->linkpatt, $link, $title ) . $arg->pg_end;
// add sep
elseif( $add_to ){
if( $show_title ){
$add_to .= $arg->sep . sprintf( $arg->title_patt, $title );
elseif( $arg->last_sep ){
$add_to .= $arg->sep;
// sep will be later...
elseif( $show_title ){
$add_to = sprintf( $arg->title_patt, $title );
return $add_to;
* Changelog:
* 3.3 - new hooks: attachment_tax_crumbs, post_tax_crumbs, term_tax_crumbs. Allow to extend taxonomy breadcrumbs.
* 3.2 - fixed an issue with the separator when 'show_term_title' is disabled. Stabilized the logic.
* 3.1 - fixed an issue with esc_html() for term titles - it was rendering tags incorrectly...
* 3.0 - Wrapped in a class. Added options: 'title_patt', 'last_sep'. Refactored the code. Added pagination for posts.
* 2.5 - ADD: 'show_term_title' option
* 2.4 - Minor code adjustments
* 2.3 - ADD: Posts page when a separate page is set for the homepage.
* 2.2 - ADD: Link to post type archive on taxonomies page
* 2.1 - ADD: $sep, $loc, $args params to hooks
* 2.0 - ADD: fourth argument $ptype to the 'kama_breadcrumbs_home_after' filter
* 1.9 - ADD: 'kama_breadcrumbs_default_loc' filter to change the default localization
* 1.8 - FIX: notes when there are no posts in the category
* 1.7 - Improved handling of primary taxonomies.
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