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Created January 15, 2024 22:45
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[wpkama embed] Gathers and caches the minimum and maximum value of the specified meta-field for the specified terms of the taxonomy
* Gathers and caches the minimum and maximum value of the specified meta-field for the specified terms of the taxonomy.
* Suitable for obtaining the minimum and maximum prices of products from categories.
* The code caches the minimum and maximum numerical values in the post meta-fields for each category.
* It also collects the overall minimum and maximum values for the entire taxonomy.
* @changelog
* 2.1 CHG: The `init` hook was moved to the `init()` method. Minor edits.
* 2.0 CHG: The code has been rewritten to allow creating different instances of the class.
* 1.1 IMP: Refactored the code. Changed data storage from options to transient options.
* CHG: The output has been changed. The min and max values are now numerical and are in the array [min, max], not in the form of a string 'min,max'.
* @ver 2.1
class Kama_Minmax_Post_Meta_Values {
/** @var string The meta key name where the product price is located. */
private $meta_key;
/** @var string The name of the taxonomy. */
private $taxonomy;
/** @var string The name of the post type. */
private $post_type;
/** @var string The cache transient option name. */
private $cache_key;
/** @var int Time for which the data will be refreshed. */
private $cache_ttl;
/** @var int Time in seconds after which the script will be triggered when updating a post (product). */
private $update_timeout = 60;
public function __construct( array $args ) {
if( empty( $args['meta_key'] ) || empty( $args['taxonomy'] ) || empty( $args['post_type'] ) ){
throw new \RuntimeException( 'Required `meta_key` OR `taxonomy` parameters not specified.' );
$this->meta_key = $args['meta_key'];
$this->taxonomy = $args['taxonomy'];
$this->post_type = $args['post_type'];
$this->cache_ttl = (int) ( $args['cache_ttl'] ?? WEEK_IN_SECONDS );
$this->cache_key = "minmax_{$args['taxonomy']}_{$args['meta_key']}_values";
public function init(): void {
add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'check_update_data' ], 99 );
* @return array Array of min-max prices for all taxonomy terms. For example:
* [
* [valid_until] => 1508719235
* [all] => [ 80, 68000 ]
* [1083] => [ 950, 7300 ]
* [1084] => [ 1990, 3970 ]
* [1085] => [ 200, 3970 ]
* [1086] => [ 2000, 3970 ]
* [1089] => [ 1990, 1990 ]
* [1090] => [ 190, 1990 ]
* [1091] => [ 1590, 1990 ]
* ]
public function get_data(): array {
return get_transient( $this->cache_key ) ?: [];
* @param int|string $term_id_or_all Term id or `all` key to get minmax values for the whole taxonomy.
* @return int[] Min, max pair: `[ 1590, 1990 ]`. Empty array if no data.
public function get_term_minmax( $term_id_or_all ): array {
return $this->get_data()[ $term_id_or_all ] ?? [];
public function check_update_data(): void {
add_action( "save_post_{$this->post_type}", [ $this, 'mark_data_for_update' ] );
add_action( 'deleted_post', [ $this, 'mark_data_for_update' ] );
if( time() > ( $this->get_data()['valid_until'] ?? 0 ) ){
* Marks the data as outdated one minute after updating the record.
public function mark_data_for_update(): void {
$minmax_data = $this->get_data();
$minmax_data['valid_until'] = time() + $this->update_timeout;
set_transient( $this->cache_key, $minmax_data );
* Updates all minmax data at once.
public function update_data(): void {
$minmax_data = [
'valid_until' => time() + $this->cache_ttl
$this->add_all_minmax( $minmax_data );
$this->add_terms_minmax( $minmax_data );
set_transient( $this->cache_key, $minmax_data );
private function add_all_minmax( & $minmax_data ): void {
global $wpdb;
$sql = str_replace( '{AND_WHERE}', '', $this->minmax_base_sql() );
$minmax = $wpdb->get_row( $sql, ARRAY_A );
$minmax_data['all'] = [ (int) $minmax['min'], (int) $minmax['max'] ] + [ 0, 0 ];
private function add_terms_minmax( & $minmax_data ): void {
global $wpdb;
$base_sql = $this->minmax_base_sql();
$terms_data = self::get_terms_post_ids_data( $this->taxonomy );
foreach( $terms_data as $term_id => $post_ids ){
if( empty( $post_ids ) ){
$IN_post_ids = implode( ',', array_map( 'intval', $post_ids ) );
$minmax = $wpdb->get_row( str_replace( '{AND_WHERE}', "AND post_id IN( $IN_post_ids )", $base_sql ), ARRAY_A );
if( array_filter( $minmax ) ){
$minmax_data[ $term_id ] = [ (int) ( $minmax['min'] ?? 0 ), (int) ( $minmax['max'] ?? 0 ) ];
private function minmax_base_sql(): string {
global $wpdb;
return $wpdb->prepare( "
SELECT MIN( CAST(meta_value as UNSIGNED) ) as min, MAX(CAST(meta_value as UNSIGNED)) as max
FROM $wpdb->postmeta
WHERE meta_key = %s AND meta_value > 0
* Collects the IDs of all records of all categories into an array with elements like:
* [
* term_id => [ post_id, post_id, ... ],
* ...
* ]
* The list of post IDs contains posts from the current category and from all nested subcategories.
* @return array[] Returns empty array if no data.
private static function get_terms_post_ids_data( string $taxonomy ): array {
global $wpdb;
$cats_data_sql = $wpdb->prepare( "
SELECT term_id, object_id, parent
FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy tax
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships rel ON (rel.term_taxonomy_id = tax.term_taxonomy_id)
WHERE taxonomy = %s
$terms_data = (array) $wpdb->get_results( $cats_data_sql );
* Reformat the data: where the key will be the category ID, and the value will be an object with data:
* parent and object_id - all post IDs (there can be several records in the category).
* Get all terms of the specified taxonomy in the format:
* [
* 123 => object {
* parent => 124
* object_id => [ 12, 13, ... ],
* child => [],
* }
* 124 => ...
* ]
$new_terms_data = [];
foreach( $terms_data as $data ){
if( ! $new_terms_data[ $data->term_id ] ){
$new_terms_data[ $data->term_id ] = (object) [
'parent' => $data->parent,
'object_id' => [],
'child' => [],
if( $data->object_id ){
$new_terms_data[ $data->term_id ]->object_id[] = $data->object_id;
$terms_data = $new_terms_data;
* Collect subcategories into parent categories (in the 'child' element).
* `child` will be a PHP reference to the current category element.
* This will allow recursively traversing the multi-level nesting.
foreach( $terms_data as $term_id => $data ){
if( $data->parent ){
$terms_data[ $data->parent ]->child[] = & $terms_data[ $term_id ]; // reference
* Collect all record IDs of all categories into one array with elements like:
* [
* term_id => [ post_id, post_id, ... ],
* ...
* ]
* The list of post IDs contains posts from the current category and from all nested subcategories.
$terms_post_ids = [];
foreach( $terms_data as $term_id => $data ){
$post_ids = [];
self::collect_post_ids_recursively( $post_ids, $data );
$terms_post_ids[ $term_id ] = array_unique( $post_ids );
return $terms_post_ids;
* Recursively collects object_id into the specified collector $post_ids.
private static function collect_post_ids_recursively( &$post_ids, $data ) {
if( $data->object_id ){
$post_ids = array_merge( $post_ids, (array) $data->object_id );
foreach( $data->child as $child_data ){
self::collect_post_ids_recursively( $post_ids, $child_data );
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