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Created May 4, 2023 03:39
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  • Save doitian/0ce3a86cc737bc9e0153d2ab2a52746e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save doitian/0ce3a86cc737bc9e0153d2ab2a52746e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import re
import sys
import subprocess
import json
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
def _str(s):
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
return s.decode('utf-8')
return s
os.makedirs(".git/changes", exist_ok=True)
if 'GITHUB_CHANGELOG_REPO' in os.environ:
repo = os.environ['GITHUB_CHANGELOG_REPO']
elif os.path.exists(".git/changes/repo"):
with open(".git/changes/repo") as repo_file:
repo =
remote_url = _str(subprocess.check_output(
["git", "remote", "get-url", "origin"])).strip()
if remote_url.endswith('.git'):
remote_url = remote_url[:-4]
repo = '/'.join(remote_url.rsplit(':', 2)[-1].rsplit('/', 3)[-2:])
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
since = sys.argv[1]
tag_rev = _str(subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'rev-list', '--tags', '--max-count=1']).strip())
since = _str(subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'describe', '--tags', tag_rev]).strip())
logs = _str(subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'log', '--reverse', '--merges', '--pretty=tformat:%s', '{}...HEAD'.format(since)]))
PR_NUMBER_RE = re.compile(r'^Merge pull request #(\d+) from')
BORS_PR_NUMBER_RE = re.compile(r'^Merge #(\d+.*)')
PR_TITLE_RE = re.compile(
Change = namedtuple('Change', ['scope', 'module', 'title', 'text'])
changes = OrderedDict()
for scope in ['feat', 'fix']:
changes[scope] = []
'bug': 'fix',
'bugs': 'fix',
'chore': False,
'docs': False,
'feature': 'feat',
'perf': 'refactor',
'test': False,
'feat': 'Features',
'fix': 'Bug Fixes',
'refactor': 'Improvements',
auth = HTTPBasicAuth('', os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN'])
for line in logs.splitlines():
pr_numbers = []
pr_number_match = PR_NUMBER_RE.match(line)
if pr_number_match:
pr_number_match = BORS_PR_NUMBER_RE.match(line)
if pr_number_match:
for pr_number in" #"):
for pr_number in pr_numbers:
cache_file = ".git/changes/{}.json".format(pr_number)
if os.path.exists(cache_file):
print("read pr #" + pr_number, file=sys.stderr)
with open(cache_file) as fd:
pr = json.load(fd)
print("get pr #" + pr_number, file=sys.stderr)
api_endpoint = '{}/pulls/{}'.format(
repo, pr_number)
pr_resp = requests.get(api_endpoint, auth=auth)
if pr_resp.status_code == 404:
print("PR {} not found".format(pr_number), file=sys.stderr)
pr = pr_resp.json()
if 'message' in pr:
print(pr['message'], file=sys.stderr)
with open(cache_file, 'w') as fd:
json.dump(pr, fd)
scope, module, message = PR_TITLE_RE.match(pr['title']).groups()
if not scope:
if message.lower().startswith("fix ") or message.lower().startswith("fixes "):
scope = 'fix'
scope = 'misc'
scope = SCOPE_MAPPING.get(scope, scope)
if not scope:
user = pr['user']['login']
message = message.strip()
message = message[0].upper() + message[1:]
if module:
title = '* #{0} **{1}:** {2} (@{3})'.format(pr_number,
module, message, user)
title = '* #{0}: {1} (@{2})'.format(pr_number, message, user)
change = Change(scope, module, title, [])
Change = namedtuple('Change', ['scope', 'module', 'title', 'text'])
body = pr['body'] or ""
if '```release-note' in body:
# ```release-note
# None: Exclude this PR from the release note.
# Title Only: Include only the PR title in the release note.
# Note: Add a note under the PR title in the release note.
# ```
body = body.split('```release-note')[1].split('```')[0].strip()
if body.startswith('None: '):
elif body.startswith('Title Only: '):
body = ''
elif body.startswith('Note: '):
body = body[6:]
if body.strip() == 'Add a note under the PR title in the release note.':
body = ''
labels = [label['name'] for label in pr['labels']]
is_breaking = "breaking change" in labels or any(
label.startswith('b:') for label in labels)
if is_breaking:
breaking_banner = ", ".join(
label for label in labels if label.startswith('b:'))
if breaking_banner != "" or "breaking change" not in body.lower():
if breaking_banner == "":
breaking_banner = "This is a breaking change"
breaking_banner = "This is a breaking change: " + breaking_banner
if body == "":
body = breaking_banner
elif breaking_banner != "":
body = breaking_banner + "\n\n" + body
if scope not in changes:
changes[scope] = []
changes[scope].append(Change(scope, module, title, body))
if os.path.exists(".git/changes/extra.json"):
with open(".git/changes/extra.json") as fin:
extra = json.load(fin)
for (scope, extra_changes) in extra.items():
if scope not in changes:
changes[scope] = []
for change in extra_changes:
Change(scope, change.get('module'), change['title'], change.get('text', '')))
out = open(".git/changes/", "w")
for scope, changes in changes.items():
if len(changes) == 0:
scope_title = SCOPE_TITLE.get(scope, scope.title())
print('### {}'.format(scope_title), file=out)
print('', file=out)
for change in changes:
print(change.title, file=out)
if change.text != '':
print('', file=out)
for line in change.text.splitlines():
print(' ' + line, file=out)
print('', file=out)
print('', file=out)
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