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Created May 12, 2023 00:44
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import Foundation
enum ComputerModel: String {
case apple = "Apple"
case windows = "Windows"
case linux = "Linux"
enum ComputerError: Error {
case tooEarly
case tooMany
struct Computer {
var yearMade: Int
var yearPurchased: Int
var model: ComputerModel
var make: String
init(yearMade: Int, yearPurchased: Int, model: ComputerModel, make: String) throws {
if yearMade > yearPurchased {
throw ComputerError.tooEarly
self.yearMade = yearMade
self.yearPurchased = yearPurchased
self.model = model
self.make = make
struct ShoppingCart {
private var computers: [Computer]
private var maximumContents: Int
init() {
self.computers = [Computer]()
self.maximumContents = 5
init(maximum: Int) {
self.maximumContents = maximum
self.computers = [Computer]()
mutating func add(_ computer: Computer) throws {
if self.computers.count >= maximumContents {
throw ComputerError.tooMany
} else {
// is the amount after greater than the amount before?
// is the computer I added valid?
// am I below the maxmimum number of computers?
var cart = ShoppingCart(maximum: 1)
func showErrorMessage(_ string: String) {
do {
let computer = try Computer(yearMade: 2020, yearPurchased: 2021, model: .apple, make: "Mac book pro")
try cart.add(computer)
print("all done!")
} catch ComputerError.tooEarly {
showErrorMessage("this computer was bought too early!")
} catch ComputerError.tooMany {
print("This cart has too many computers!")
} catch {
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