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Last active November 29, 2016 17:50
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Movie MIRC Bot
;Before u do anything type !movieclear on irc or /movieclear if ur on the bot
;!movielist - Lists movies (local /movielist)
;!movieadd - adds movies only working for the nick devillish2 (local /movieadd)
;!movienext - changes to the next movie only working for mods (local /movienext)
;!movieclear - clears movielist only working for the nick devillish (local /movieclear)
;!nowplaying - current movie (local /nowplaying)
;!nextplaying - next movie (local /nextplaying)
on *:TEXT:*!movielist*:#BigBrother: {
if (!%movietimer) {
if (%movielist != $null) {
msg $chan Movielist: $replace(%movielist,$chr(124),$chr(44))
msg $chan Type !FullMovielist on the Main Chat B) Cheers
set -u10 %movietimer 1
else {
set -u10 %movietimer 1
msg $chan No Movies in list.
on *:TEXT:*!Fullmovielist*:#BigBrother: {
if (!%movietimer) {
if (%movielist != $null) {
msg $nick Here You Go $nick The FullMovieList: $replace(%Movielist,$chr(124),$chr(44))
msg $chan $nick Check IM, If you didnt receive the list this means your Freind Request was not yet Approved Try again Later Plz.. Enjoy The Horror Movie Channel NON Stop Horror 24/7
set -u10 %movietimer 1
else {
set -u10 %movietimer 1
msg $nick No Movies in list.
on *:TEXT:*!Horrormovielist:*: {
if (!%movietimer) {
if (%movielist != $null) {
msg $nick Here You Go $nick The Horror MovieList: $replace(%Movielist,$chr(124),$chr(44))
set -u10 %movietimer 1
else {
set -u10 %movietimer 1
msg $nick No Movies in list.
on *:TEXT:*!movieadd*:#BigBrother: {
if (($nick == devillish) ||($nick isop $chan)) {
set %movielist $addtok(%movielist,$$2-,124)
msg $chan Movie(s) added: $$2-
; Jump to a movie
on *:TEXT:*!moviejump*:#BigBrother: {
if (($nick == devillish) ||($nick isop $chan)) {
if ((!%movietimer) && ($2)) {
if (%movielist != $null) {
if ($gettok(%movielist,$2,124) == $null) { return }
set %movieplaying $2
set %movienext $calc($2 + 1)
if ($gettok(%movielist,%movienext,124) == $null ) { set %movienext 1 }
if ($me ison $chan) msg $chan Now Playing: $gettok($gettok(%movielist,%movieplaying,124),1,92)
else {
msg $chan No Movies in list.
set -u4 %movietimer 1
on *:TEXT:*!horrormovieadd*:*: {
if (($nick == devillish) || if ($nick isop $chan)) {
set %movielist $addtok(%movielist,$$2-,124)
msg $nick Movie(s) added: $$2-
on *:TEXT:*!movienext*:#BigBrother: {
if (($nick == devillish) ||($nick isop $chan)) {
if (%movielist != $null) {
inc %movieplaying
inc %movienext
if ($gettok(%movielist,%movieplaying,124) == $null) { set %movieplaying 1 }
if ($gettok(%movielist,%movienext,124) == $null ) { set %movienext 1 }
msg $chan Now Playing: $gettok(%movielist,%movieplaying,124)
else msg $chan No Movies in list.
on *:TEXT:*!movieclear*:#BigBrother: {
if (($nick == devillish) ||($nick isop $chan))
unset %movielist
set %movieplaying 1
set %movienext 2
msg $chan Movielist cleared.
on *:TEXT:*!horrormovieclear*:*: {
if (($nick == devillish) ||($nick isop $chan)) {
unset %movielist
set %movieplaying 1
set %movienext 2
msg $nick Movielist cleared.
on *:TEXT:*!nowplaying*:#BigBrother: {
if (!%movietimer) {
if (%movielist != $null) {
msg $chan Now Playing: $gettok(%movielist,%movieplaying,124)
set -u05 %movietimer 1
else {
set -u05 %movietimer 1
msg $chan No Movies in list.
on *:TEXT:*!movie*:#BigBrother: {
if (($nick == devillish) ||($nick isop $chan)) {
if (!%movietimer) {
if (%movielist != $null) {
msg $chan Now Playing: $gettok(%movielist,%movieplaying,124)
set -u05 %movietimer 1
else {
set -u05 %movietimer 1
msg $chan No Movies in list.
on *:TEXT:*!nextplaying*:#BigBrother: {
if (!%movietimer) {
if (%movielist != $null) {
msg $chan Next Playing: $gettok(%movielist,%movienext,124)
set -u20 %movietimer 1
else {
set -u20 %movietimer 1
msg $chan No Movies in list.
alias movielist {
if (%movielist != $null) {
echo %movielist
else echo No Movies in list.
alias movieadd { set %movielist $addtok(%movielist,$$1-,124)
alias movieadd2 { set %movielist2 $addtok(%movielist2,$$1-,124)
alias movieadd3 { set %movielist3 $addtok(%movielist2,$$1-,124)
alias movienext {
if (%movielist != $null) {
inc %movieplaying
inc %movienext
if ($gettok(%movielist,%movieplaying,124) == $null) { set %movieplaying 1 }
if ($gettok(%movielist,%movienext,124) == $null ) { set %movienext 1 }
else echo No Movies in list.
alias movieclear { unset %movielist | set %movieplaying 1 | set %movienext 2
alias nowplaying {
if (%movielist != $null) {
echo $gettok(%movielist,%movieplaying,124)
else echo No Movies in list.
alias nextplaying {
if (%movielist != $null) {
echo $gettok(%movielist,%movienext,124)
else echo No Movies in list.
on *:TEXT:!requestclear:#BigBrother: {
if (($nick == devillish) || ($nick == dollabillz6) || ($nick == dollabillz) || ($nick == dollabillz7)) {
unset %requestlist
msg $chan Requestlist cleared.
on *:TEXT:!Requestmovie*:#BigBrother: {
set %Requestlist $addtok(%Requestlist,$$2-,124)
msg $chan $nick Request Submited: $$2-
on *:TEXT:!horror:#BigBrother: {
if (($nick == devillish) ||($nick isop $chan)) {
if (!%movietimer) {
if (%movielist != $null) {
msg $chan [MOD] $nick Says Invite your friends to join The Horror Movie Channel Non Stop HORROR 24 / 7 Just type /invite friends - [You Are Now Watching]:>>> $gettok(%movielist,%movieplaying,124) <<<[Coming up Next]:>>> $gettok(%movielist,%movienext,124)} <<< Enjoy the Movie.
set -u05 %movietimer 1
else {
set -u05 %movietimer 1
msg $chan No Movies in list.
on *:TEXT:!Requestlist:#BigBrother: {
if (!%requesttimer) {
if (%Requestlist != $null) {
msg $nick Here You Go $nick The FullRequestList: $replace(%Requestlist,$chr(124),$chr(44))
msg $chan $nick Check IM, If you didnt receive the list this means your Freind Request was not yet Approved Try again Later Plz.. Enjoy The Horror Movie Channel NON Stop Horror 24/7
set -u10 %requesttimer 1
else {
set -u10 %requesttimer 1
msg $nick No Movies Requested.
alias Requestlist {
if (%requestlist != $null) {
echo %requestlist
else echo No Movies in list.
alias fullRequestlist {
if (%requestlist != $null) {
echo %requestlist
else echo No Movies in list.
alias movierequest { set %requestlist $addtok(%requestlist,$$1-,124)
alias requestclear { unset %requestlist
on *:TEXT:*!Help*:#BigBrother: {
if (!%var [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
set -u30 %var $+ $nick $nick
if (($nick == devillish) ||($nick isop $chan)) {
msg $chan Mod Commands : !movieadd - adds movies Movie 1 "|" Movie 2 "|" Movie 3 "|" use the separators without the " - !movienext - changes to the next movie - !movieclear - clears movielist
msg $chan Viewer Commands : !nowplaying - current movie - !nextplaying - next movie - !movielist - Lists movies
else {
msg $chan Viewer Commands : !nowplaying - current movie - !nextplaying - next movie - !movielist - Lists movies
on *:TEXT:!movieclear:%bot.MOVIELOUNG,%bot.MOVIELOUNG-1: {
if (($nick == devillish) || ($nick == time0ut)) {
unset %Lounge.movielist
set %movieplaying 1
set %movienext 2
if ($me ison %bot.MOVIELOUNG) msg %bot.MOVIELOUNG Movielist cleared.
if ($me ison %bot.MOVIELOUNG-1) .timer 1 2 msg %bot.MOVIELOUNG-1 Movielist cleared..
on *:TEXT:!movieadd*:%bot.MOVIELOUNG,%bot.MOVIELOUNG-1: {
if (($nick == devillish) || ($nick == time0ut)) {
set %Lounge.movielist $addtok(%Lounge.movielist,$$2-,124)
if ($me ison %bot.MOVIELOUNG) msg %bot.MOVIELOUNG Movielist: $$2-
if ($me ison %bot.MOVIELOUNG-1) .timer 1 2 msg %bot.MOVIELOUNG-1 Movielist: $$2- .
on *:TEXT:!movielist:%bot.MOVIELOUNG,%bot.MOVIELOUNG-1: {
if (!%Lounge.movielisttimer) {
if (%Lounge.movielist != $null) {
msg $chan Movie List: $replace(%Lounge.movielist,$chr(124),$chr(44))
msg $chan For Whats Playing Check Top Left of video screen
set -u10 %Lounge.movielisttimer 1
else {
set -u10 %Lounge.movielisttimer 1
msg $chan No Movies On The List Check Later :p.
msg $chan Check Movie Screen For Movie Info
on *:TEXT:!fullmovielist:%bot.MOVIELOUNG,%bot.MOVIELOUNG-1: {
if (!%Lounge.movielisttimer) {
if (%Lounge.movielist != $null) {
msg $nick The Movie List: $replace(%Lounge.movielist,$chr(124),$chr(44))
msg $chan $nick Check IM, If you didnt receive the list this means your Freind Request was not yet Approved Try again Later Plz.. Enjoy Your Movie Lounge NON Stop Movies 24/7
set -u10 %Lounge.movielisttimer 1
else {
set -u10 %Lounge.movielisttimer 1
msg $chan No Movies On The List Check Later :p.
msg $chan Check Movie Screen For Movie Info
; Displays current time
on *:TEXT:!clock*:%bot.MOVIELOUNG,%bot.MOVIELOUNG-1: {
if (! {
if (! {
msg $chan TimeNow: $date $time
set -u2 1
set -u30 1
; Jump to a movie
on *:TEXT:!moviejump*:%bot.MOVIELOUNG,%bot.MOVIELOUNG-1: {
if ($nick isop $chan) {
if ((!%%Lounge.movielistmovietimer) && ($2)) {
if (%Lounge.movielist != $null) {
if ($gettok(%Lounge.movielist,$2,124) == $null) { return }
set %movieplaying $2
set %movienext $calc($2 + 1)
if ($gettok(%Lounge.movielist,%movienext,124) == $null ) { set %movienext 1 }
if ($me ison %bot.MOVIELOUNG) msg %bot.MOVIELOUNG Just Started: $gettok($gettok(%Lounge.movielist,%movieplaying,124),1,92)
if ($me ison %bot.MOVIELOUNG-1) .timer 1 2 msg %bot.MOVIELOUNG-1 Just Started: $gettok($gettok(%Lounge.movielist,%movieplaying,124),1,92) .
else {
msg $chan No Movies in list.
set -u4 %Lounge.movielistmovietimer 1
on *:TEXT:!movienext:%bot.MOVIELOUNG,%bot.MOVIELOUNG-1: {
if ($nick isop $chan) {
if (%Lounge.movielist != $null) {
inc %movieplaying
inc %movienext
if ($gettok(%Lounge.movielist,%movieplaying,124) == $null) { set %movieplaying 1 }
if ($gettok(%Lounge.movielist,%movienext,124) == $null ) { set %movienext 1 }
if ($me ison %bot.MOVIELOUNG) msg %bot.MOVIELOUNG Just Started: $gettok($gettok(%Lounge.movielist,%movieplaying,124),1,92)
if ($me ison %bot.MOVIELOUNG-1) .timer 1 2 msg %bot.MOVIELOUNG-1 Just Started: $gettok($gettok(%Lounge.movielist,%movieplaying,124),1,92) .
else msg $chan No Movies in list.
on *:TEXT:!movieprevious:%bot.MOVIELOUNG,%bot.MOVIELOUNG-1: {
if ($nick isop $chan) {
if (%Lounge.movielist != $null) {
dec %movieplaying
dec %movienext
if (%movieplaying == 0) { set %movieplaying $numtok(%Lounge.movielist,124) }
if (%movienext == 0) { set %movienext $numtok(%Lounge.movielist,124) }
if ($me ison %bot.MOVIELOUNG) msg %bot.MOVIELOUNG Just Started: $gettok($gettok(%Lounge.movielist,%movieplaying,124),1,92)
if ($me ison %bot.MOVIELOUNG-1) .timer 1 2 msg %bot.MOVIELOUNG-1 Just Started: $gettok($gettok(%Lounge.movielist,%movieplaying,124),1,92) .
else msg $chan No Movies in list.
//on *:TEXT:!nowplaying:%bot.MOVIELOUNG,%bot.MOVIELOUNG-1: {
if (!%Lounge.movielistmovietimer) {
if (%Lounge.movielist != $null) {
msg $chan Now Playing: $gettok($gettok(%Lounge.movielist,%movieplaying,124),1,92) - Playing Next: $gettok($gettok(%Lounge.movielist,%movienext,124),1,92) B)
set -u05 %Lounge.Nowplaying.timer 1
else {
set -u05 %Lounge.movielistmovietimer 1
msg $chan No Movies in list.
msg $chan Check Movie Screen For Movie Info
//on *:TEXT:!nextplaying:%bot.MOVIELOUNG,%bot.MOVIELOUNG-1: {
if (!%Lounge.movielistmovietimer) {
if (%Lounge.movielist != $null) {
msg $chan Next Playing: $gettok($gettok(%Lounge.movielist,%movienext,124),1,92)
set -u05 %Lounge.Nowplaying.timer 1
else {
set -u05 %Lounge.Nextplaying.timer 1
msg $chan No Movies in list.
on *:text:!topic:%bot.MOVIELOUNG,%bot.MOVIELOUNG-1:{
if (!%var [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
set -u30 %var $+ $nick $nick
msg # Wrong Command O_O Try One Of The Following !Movielist -OR- !Nowplaying -OR- !Nextplaying B) For More Commands Type !cmds.
on *:text:!schedule:%bot.MOVIELOUNG,%bot.MOVIELOUNG-1:{
if (!%var [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
set -u30 %var $+ $nick $nick
msg # Wrong Command O_O Try One Of The Following !Movielist -OR- !Nowplaying -OR- !Nextplaying B) For More Commands Type !cmds.
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