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Last active July 2, 2018 15:01
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Converts JSON metadata to YAML headers
# E501: line too long
# E701: multiple statements on one line
ignore = E501,E701
import argparse
import json
import os
import yaml
'draft': bool,
'type': basestring,
'title': basestring,
'subtitle': basestring,
'abstract': basestring,
'excerpt': basestring,
'keywords': basestring,
'authors': list,
'translators': list,
'completed_date': basestring,
'last_updated': basestring,
'pwg': list,
'pta': list,
'related_links': list,
'related_content': list,
'series': list,
'social-media-meta': list,
'primary_tag': basestring,
'tags': list,
'services': list,
'components': list,
'runtimes': list,
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
path = os.path.abspath(args.path)
if not os.path.isdir(path):
raise SystemExit('path expected to be a directory path: %s' % path)
# This is intended to be run from the root of the how-to repository.
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
# Skip image directories, etc.
if 'info.json' not in files or '' not in files: continue
with open(os.path.join(root, 'info.json'), 'r') as f: d = json.load(f)
# Delete old attributes that are not expected in the new output.
if '_comment_tags' in d: del d['_comment_tags']
if '_comment_edit' in d: del d['_comment_edit']
if '_comment_date_format' in d: del d['_comment_date_format']
if 'links' in d: del d['links']
if 'html' in d: del d['html']
# Create a slug based on the directory name.
d['slug'] = os.path.basename(root)
# Clean up the description, ensure there's a period at the end, and dupe it
# as an "excerpt".
if d['description']: d['description'] = d['description'].strip()
if d['description'] and d['description'][-1:] != '.': d['description'] = d['description'] + '.'
d['abstract'] = d['excerpt'] = d['description']
del d['description']
# Set the completed date and last updated date to be the old date.
d['completed_date'] = d['last_updated'] = d['date']
del d['date']
# Add new fields
d.setdefault('subtitle', '')
d.setdefault('series', [])
d.setdefault('pta', [])
d.setdefault('runtimes', [])
d.setdefault('keywords', '')
d.setdefault('related_content', [])
d.setdefault('primary_tag', '')
d.setdefault('related_links', [])
d.setdefault('type', 'howto')
d.setdefault('translators', [])
d.setdefault('tags', [])
d.setdefault('social-media-meta', [])
d.setdefault('pwg', [])
d.setdefault('authors', [])
d.setdefault('components', [])
d.setdefault('services', [])
# Merge and sort tags.
if 'tags_deployments' in d:
del d['tags_deployments']
if 'tags_technology' in d:
del d['tags_technology']
if 'tags_industry' in d:
del d['tags_industry']
d['tags'] = sorted(d['tags'])
# Ensure the list of "author" [sic] is actually a list, even if it's just
# one author... and then fix the field name.
if not isinstance(d['author'], list): d['author'] = [d['author']]
d['authors'] = d['author']
del d['author']
# Ensure that required fields are present.
for field, typ in EXPECTED_FIELDS.items():
if field not in d:
raise Exception('%s: Missing field %s' % (root, field))
if not isinstance(d[field], typ):
raise Exception('%s: Field %s is of unexpected type: %s' % (root, field, type(field)))
# Render a YAML string.
s = yaml.dump(yaml.load(json.dumps(d)), default_flow_style=False, explicit_start=True, width=999)
# Re-write the readme file as YAML + Markdown.
with open(os.path.join(root, ''), 'r') as f: r =
with open(os.path.join(root, ''), 'w') as f: f.write(s + '---\n\n' + r.lstrip())
# Delete the old metadata file.
os.remove(os.path.join(root, 'info.json'))
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