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Last active May 21, 2016 10:57
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Deploying rackerlabs/capstone with a CentOS 7 ansible host
set -e
set -x
# Give networking a chance to start.
until curl ; do sleep 0.1 ; done
# Bootstrap the ansible host.
yum update
yum install -y git
# Clone the two repos we need.
git clone /root/openstack-ansible
git clone /root/capstone
cd /root/openstack-ansible
git checkout stable/mitaka
# Temporary until this merges:
sed '' -i /root/capstone/deploy/ansible-role-requirements.yml
# We only need a subset of openstack-ansible's requirements for capstone.
export ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE=/root/capstone/deploy/ansible-role-requirements.yml
set -e
set -x
# We keyscanned the capstone node from the container host.
chown root /root/.ssh/known_hosts
chgrp root /root/.ssh/known_hosts
# Deploy capstone.
cd /root/capstone/deploy
ansible-playbook -i /root/inventory -e @local_vars.yml deploy.yml
set -e
set -x
# Create a CentOS 7 container to use as a deploy host.
lxc delete -f ansible-host
lxc launch images:centos/7/amd64 ansible-host
# Create an ubuntu 14.04 box to use as a deploy target.
lxc delete -f capstone
lxc launch ubuntu:14.04 capstone
# Bootstrap the ansible host.
lxc file push ansible-host/root/
lxc exec ansible-host -- sh /root/
lxc exec ansible-host -- rm /root/
# Configure SSH keys: allow ansible-host to SSH to capstone
lxc file pull ansible-host/root/.ssh/ /tmp/
lxc file push /tmp/ capstone/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
rm /tmp/
# Bootstrap the deploy target.
lxc file push capstone/root/
lxc exec capstone -- sh /root/
lxc exec capstone -- rm /root/
# Authorize the ansible host to SSH to capstone.
CAPSTONE_IP=`lxc info capstone | grep eth0 | python -c "import fileinput; print(fileinput.input().readline().split()[2])"`
ssh-keyscan $CAPSTONE_IP > /tmp/ansible-host-known_hosts
lxc file push /tmp/ansible-host-known_hosts ansible-host/root/.ssh/known_hosts
rm /tmp/ansible-host-known_hosts
# Build an ansible inventory.
echo [keystone_all] > /tmp/inventory
echo $CAPSTONE_IP >> /tmp/inventory
lxc file push /tmp/inventory ansible-host/root/inventory
rm /tmp/inventory
# Use the ansible host to deploy capstone.
lxc file push ansible-host/root/
lxc exec ansible-host -- sh /root/
lxc exec ansible-host -- rm /root/
# Smoke test the deployment.
lxc file pull capstone/etc/ssl/certs/keystone.pem keystone.pem
curl --cacert keystone.pem https://$CAPSTONE_IP:8443/
set -e
set -x
# Give networking a chance to start.
until curl ; do sleep 0.1 ; done
apt update
apt install -y python-dev git-core apt-transport-https curl libssl-dev libffi-dev
chown root /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
chgrp root /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
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