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Last active September 21, 2018 03:33
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Save dolph/ef4aa9b1e164fc6c97b7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Peeking inside OpenStack keystone Fernet token payloads:
curl localhost:35357/v3/auth/tokens \
-H "X-Subject-Token: {{ fernet_token }}" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: {{ keystone.conf [default] admin_token }}" \
| python -m json.tool
"token": {
"audit_ids": [
"catalog": [
"endpoints": [
"id": "2a33a94c07204efbb557c87eac2153f0",
"interface": "admin",
"region": "RegionOne",
"region_id": "RegionOne",
"url": ""
"id": "51fe3bbf5b0d493ba909c17df69a1ef5",
"interface": "internal",
"region": "RegionOne",
"region_id": "RegionOne",
"url": ""
"id": "92adfc46b0e94083b1455508c10d3e3a",
"interface": "public",
"region": "RegionOne",
"region_id": "RegionOne",
"url": ""
"id": "2b8a5f3844b444be90c7e14db4779eca",
"name": "keystone",
"type": "identity"
"expires_at": "2015-09-17T11:04:19.843989Z",
"extras": {},
"issued_at": "2015-09-16T23:04:20.000000Z",
"methods": [
"project": {
"domain": {
"id": "default",
"name": "Default"
"id": "1bbe74f5b22243048a75459be8544d62",
"name": "admin"
"roles": [
"id": "08c8a9303a844ed59fa868db5d27b88d",
"name": "admin"
"id": "981c580495d24799aa197e842b529d18",
"name": "heat_stack_owner"
"service_providers": [
"auth_url": "",
"id": "my_sp",
"sp_url": ""
"user": {
"domain": {
"id": "default",
"name": "Default"
"id": "9a75d040210e47d7b2a9ca0315defa2d",
"name": "admin"
# This snippet illustrates calling into internal APIs of stable/kilo.
# Absolutely nothing here can be expected to work in future releases!
# You'll have to give Keystone a chance to read it's configuration.
from keystone.server import common
# Then, you can instantiate a Fernet token formatter directly.
from keystone.token.providers.fernet import token_formatters
formatter = token_formatters.TokenFormatter()
# This lets the Fernet token formatter return all the context it can from a
# plaintext token.
validated_dict = formatter.validate_token(fernet_token)
# For the sake of readability, let's pretty-print that dictionary.
import json
print(json.dumps(validated_dict, indent=4))
# This snippet illustrates calling into internal APIs of stable/kilo.
# Absolutely nothing here can be expected to work in future releases!
# You'll have to give Keystone a chance to read it's configuration.
from keystone.server import common
# Then, you can instantiate a Fernet token formatter directly.
from keystone.token.providers.fernet import token_formatters
formatter = token_formatters.TokenFormatter()
# We can use the token formatter to decrypt and validate a plaintext token.
payload = formatter.unpack(fernet_token)
# But the payload itself is binary serialized using MessagePack.
# tl;dr MessagePack == compressed JSON
unpacked_iterable = msgpack.unpackb(payload)
# Because the iterable contains further byte arrays, it's easiest just to print
# it directly at this point.
[2, '\x9au\xd0@!\x0eG\xd7\xb2\xa9\xca\x03\x15\xde\xfa-', 1, '\x1b\xbet\xf5\xb2"C\x04\x8auE\x9b\xe8TMb', 1442487859.843989, ['\xe9A\x93h\xb8i@`\x9b\x8e\x0b\xe6XI\x85A']]
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