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Last active December 9, 2022 03:48
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Save dolzenko/4125565 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- Primer on representing non-printable characters in Lua code
function assert_equal(a, b)
if a ~= b then
error(a .. ' is not equal to ' .. b)
-- Escape sequences in string use decimal character codes, i.e.
assert_equal('\97\98\99', 'abc')
-- Bytes in the string can be retrieved with string.byte(s, 0, -1)
local bytes = {string.byte('abc', 0, -1)} -- type(bytes) == 'table', #bytes == 3
assert_equal(table.concat(bytes, ', '), '97, 98, 99')
-- print(s) prints octal encoded escape sequences (WTF?)
print('\128') -- will print '\200'
-- To get the string which can be put back into source file you can
local eprint = function(s) print('\\' .. table.concat({string.byte(s, 0, -1)}, '\\')) end
eprint('abc') -- will print '\97\98\99'
-- Or to keep printable chars
local eprint = function(s)
local bytes = {}
for i=1,#s do
local byte = string.byte(s, i)
if byte >= 32 and i <= 126 then
byte = string.char(byte)
byte = '\\' .. tostring(byte)
table.insert(bytes, byte)
-- Print string with non printable characters to be put in source code
-- "string with non printable" {|i| i >= 32 && i <= 126 ? i.chr : "\\#{i}" }.join
-- String from Ruby to Lua
> '\\' + abc'.unpack('C*') * '\\' # => "\\97\\98\\99"
-- From Lua bytes to Ruby string
> [97, 98, 99].pack('c*')
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