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Created August 13, 2013 17:04
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# Compile with nimrod c -d:release --threads:on PN.nim
import os, strutils, unsigned
TileDim = 50
Miw = 2
MaxWid = 8
NumLevs = 800
NumThreads = 4
TTile = object
x, y, t: int32
TRoom = object
x, y, w, h, n: int32
TLev = object
ts: array[2500, TTile]
rs: array[100, TRoom]
lenRs: int32
proc genRand(gen: ptr uint32): int32 {.raises: [], noSideEffect.} =
var g = gen[]
g += g
g = g xor 1
var tgen = cast[int32](g)
if tgen < 0:
g = g xor 0x88888eef
gen[] = g
return cast[int32](g)
proc checkColl(x, y, w, h: int32, rs: array[100, TRoom], lenRs: int32): int32 =
result = 0
for i in 0 .. <lenRs:
rx = rs[i].x
ry = rs[i].y
rw = rs[i].w
rh = rs[i].h
var roomOkay = ord((rx + rw + 1) < x) or ord(rx > (x + w + 1)) or
ord((ry + rh + 1) < y) or ord(ry > (y + h + 1))
if roomOkay == 0: return 1
proc makeRoom(rs: var array[100, TRoom], lenRs: ptr int32, gen: ptr uint32) =
var newLenRs = lenRs[]
for ii in 0 .. <50000:
x = genRand(gen) mod TileDim
y = genRand(gen) mod TileDim
w = genRand(gen) mod MaxWid+Miw
h = genRand(gen) mod MaxWid+Miw
if x + w >= TileDim or y + h >= TileDim or x == 0 or y == 0: continue
let noCrash = checkColl(x, y, w, h, rs, newLenRs)
if noCrash == 0:
var r = TRoom(x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h, n: newLenRs)
rs[newLenRs] = r
newLenRs = newLenRs + 1
if newLenRs == 99: break
lenRs[] = newLenRs
proc room2Tiles(r: ptr TRoom, ts: var array[2500, TTile]) =
x = r.x
y = r.y
w = r.w
h = r.h
for xi in x .. x + w:
for yi in y .. y + h:
var num = yi * TileDim + xi
ts[num].t = 1
proc printLev(lvl: ptr TLev) =
for i in 0 .. <2500:
if i mod TileDim == 49 and i != 0: stdout.write("\n")
ls: array[NumLevs, TLev]
gens: array[NumThreads, array[8, uint32]]
proc makeLevs(threadNum: int32) {.thread.} =
loopStart = threadNum * (NumLevs div NumThreads)
pGen = addr(gens[threadNum][0])
for i in loopStart .. <(loopStart + (NumLevs div NumThreads)):
rs {.noinit.}: array[100, TRoom]
lenRs = 0'i32
pLenRs = addr(lenRs)
makeRoom(rs, pLenRs, pGen)
var ts {.noinit.}: array[2500, TTile]
for ii in 0 .. <2500:
let imod = ii mod TileDim
let idiv = ii.int32 div TileDim
ts[ii].x = imod
ts[ii].y = idiv
ts[ii].t = 0
for ii in 0 .. <lenRs:
room2Tiles(addr(rs[ii]), ts)
var lvl: TLev = rs
lvl.ts = ts
lvl.lenRs = lenRs
ls[i] = lvl
when isMainModule:
let v = paramStr(1).parseInt()
echo("The random seed is: ", v)
var threads: array[NumThreads, TThread[int32]]
var gen = v
for i in 0 .. <NumThreads:
gens[i][0] = uint32(gen * (i+1) * (i+1))
echo "The seed of thread $1 is: $2" % [$(i+1), $gens[i][0]]
for i in 0 .. <NumThreads:
createThread(threads[i], makeLevs, i.int32)
var templ: TLev
templ.lenRs = 0
for i in 0 .. <100:
if ls[i].lenRs > templ.lenRs: templ = ls[i]
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