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Last active December 11, 2015 06:58
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class Purse {
private balance;
constructor(balance = 0) {
this.@balance = balance;
getBalance() { return this.@balance; }
makePurse() { return new Purse; }
deposit(amount, srcPurse) {
srcPurse.@balance -= amount;
this.@balance += amount;
private checkNum(n) {
if (typeof n !== "number")
throw new Error("Number please!");
// === Expansion ===
let Purse = (function() {
let amp = WeakMap(true);
// Prototype of private object holds private methods
let privateProto = {
checkNum: function(num) {
if (typeof n !== "number")
throw new Error("Number please!");
function Purse(balance = 0) {
// Initialize the private object
let priv = Object.create(privateProto, {
balance: { writable: true }
amp.set(this, Object.seal(priv));
// Constructor body, balance);
priv.balance = balance;
Purse.prototype = {
getBalance: function() { return amp.get(this).balance; },
makePurse: function() { return new Purse; },
deposit: function(amount, srcPurse) {
let priv = amp.get(this);, amount);
amp.get(srcPurse).balance -= amount;
priv.balance += amount;
return Purse;
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domenic commented Jan 18, 2013

@Nathan-Wall hmm, not sure. I think private checkNum(n) makes sense given that it's a peer of private balance? I.e. use private for declarations, @ for access.

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Nice proposal. I suggest the following amendments:

  • possibly dropping the private balance declaration, for the statement this.@balance = balance is sufficient. So, it would work the same way as public properties, which are not declared. OTOH, forcing them to be declared is better for debugging;
  • like Nathan, changing private checkNum(n) { ... } into @checkNum(n) { ... }. Indeed, it would be more consistent with the use of getBalance() { ... } instead of function getBalance() { ... }, where the context only tells the difference between declaration and access.

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