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Last active December 10, 2015 12:54
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// Do note that the following java code takes about 8-15 microseconds also
public class Timing {
public static void main(String[] Args) {
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++){ // warmup
long start_time = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println(System.nanoTime() - start_time); // tends to print out 8000-15000 which is 8-15 microseconds
public static long thing(){
double zre = 0;
double zim = 0;
double cre = -1.08;
double cim = 0.07;
double new_zre = 0;
double new_zim = 0;
long dwell = 2001;
for(long i = 0; i < 2000; i++){ // this is not an attempt at calculating the its, just make the formula run 2000 times
if(zre*zre + zim*zim > 4.0 || i == dwell) {
} else {
new_zre = zre*zre - zim*zim + cre;
new_zim = 2.0*zre*zim + cim;
zre = new_zre;
zim = new_zim;
i = i;
dwell = dwell;
return 2000;
;; Winner winner, chicken dinner. This calcs (mandel (complex. 0 0) 2000) in 15 μs after warmup
(deftype complex [^double real ^double imag])
(defn plus
"(a + bi) + (c + di) == (a + b) + (c + d)i"
[^complex z1 ^complex z2]
(complex. (+ (.real z1) (.real z2)) (+ (.imag z1) (.imag z2))))
(defn magnitude-squared
"|z|^2 == a^2 + b^2"
[^complex z]
(+ (* (.real z) (.real z)) (* (.imag z) (.imag z))))
(defn times
"(a + bi)*(c + di) == (ac - bd) + (ad + bc)i"
[^complex z1 ^complex z2]
(- (* (.real z1) (.real z2)) (* (.imag z1) (.imag z2)))
(+ (* (.real z1) (.imag z2)) (* (.imag z1) (.real z2)))))
(defn mandel
"Calculates the number of iterations taken to escape, up to a bailout
(mandel (complex. 0 0) 100) => 100 since [0,0] is in the set"
([^complex c ^long dwell]
(mandel (complex. 0 0) c 0 dwell))
([z c ^long its ^long dwell]
(if (or (> (magnitude-squared z) 4.0) (= its dwell))
(recur (plus (times z z) c) c (inc its) dwell))))
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