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Created April 16, 2011 15:53
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Sample Build target for Azure Automated Deployment
cspack \ServiceDefinition.csdef
csmanage /update-deployment /hosted-service:domgreen /slot:production
csmanage /delete-deployment /hosted-service:domgreen /slot:production
csmanage /create-deployment /hosted-service:domgreen /slot:production
/name:domgreen /label:domgreenLabel
csmanage /update-deployment /hosted-service:domgreen /slot:production
<Target Name="BeforeDropBuild" Condition=" '$(IsDesktopBuild)'!='true' ">
<Message Text="use cspack create a package for deployment"/>
<Exec Command="$(PackageCommand)" WorkingDirectory="$(SolutionDir)" />
<Message Text="run program to place package in blob storage"/>
<Exec Command="$(DeployToBlobStorageCommand) $(SolutionDir)\AirWatch.cspkg"/>
<Message Text="suspend the current running cloud application"/>
<Exec Command="$(SuspendCommand)" ContinueOnError="true"/>
<Message Text="delete the currently deployed cloud application"/>
<Exec Command="$(DeleteCommand)" ContinueOnError="true"/>
<Message Text="create a azure service using the package placed in blob storage"/>
<Exec Command="$(CreateCommand)" WorkingDirectory="$(SolutionRoot)"/>
<Message Text="run the created application"/>
<Exec Command="$(RunCommand)" />
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