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Created November 28, 2014 14:55
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Download file via ajax. Copied from here
module.exports = downloadAjaxFile
function downloadAjaxFile (xhr) {
/* jshint maxcomplexity: 7 */
var filename = ''
, disposition = xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Disposition')
if (disposition && disposition.indexOf('attachment') !== -1) {
var filenameRegex = /filename[^;=\n]*=((['"]).*?\2|[^;\n]*)/
, matches = filenameRegex.exec(disposition)
if (matches != null && matches[1]) filename = matches[1].replace(/['"]/g, '')
var type = xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type')
, blob = new Blob([ xhr.responseText ], { type: type })
// IE workaround for "HTML7007: One or more blob URLs were revoked by
// closing the blob for which they were created. These URLs will no
// longer resolve as the data backing the URL has been freed.
if (typeof window.navigator.msSaveBlob !== 'undefined') return window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename)
var URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL
, downloadUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
if (filename) {
// use HTML5 a[download] attribute to specify filename
var a = document.createElement('a')
// safari doesn't support this yet
if (typeof === 'undefined') {
window.location = downloadUrl
} else {
a.href = downloadUrl = filename
} else {
window.location = downloadUrl
setTimeout(function () { URL.revokeObjectURL(downloadUrl); }, 100)
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