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Last active November 7, 2022 22:04
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Short quiz to test how well you know operator precedence rules in ruby. See the [blog post]( to have a go at the quiz
# To test yourself on the actual quiz go to
a = false
b = true
c = 3
d = 4
expressions = [
"1 + 2 * 2", # Outputs 5
"4 * 6 / 2 * 2", # Outputs 24
"4 / 2 * 2 + 2 / 2", # Outputs 5
"4 * 2 ** 2 * 2", # Outputs 32
"5 + 10 % 3 + 6 / 2", # Outpus 9
"! a || b = false ; b", # Output true
"c or d == 7", # Outputs 3
"x = 5 && 4; x", # Outputs 4
"x = 5 and 4; x", # Outputs 5
"13 & 10 << 1", # Outputs 4
"a && b ? 'foo' : 'bar'", # Outputs 'bar'
"a and b ? 'foo' : 'bar'" # Outputs false
expressions.each_with_index do |expr, i|
puts "Question #{i}: #{expr}"
puts eval(expr)
puts "\n"
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