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Created June 19, 2018 19:51
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WebSms class
WebSms messaging class.
Copyright © 2018 confirm IT solutions
__all__ = (
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from base64 import b64encode
from json import dumps
API_URL = ''
class WebSms:
API class to send text messages and WhatsApp messages via the API of
.. seealso::
def __init__(self, token=None, username=None, password=None):
:param str token: The token used for a login with an access token (option A)
:param str username: The username used for a login with credentials (option B)
:param str password: The password used for a login with credentials (option B)
if token:
authorization_header = 'Bearer ' + token
elif username and password:
base64_credentials = b64encode('{}:{}'.format(username, password))
authorization_header = 'Basic ' + base64_credentials
raise TypeError('WebSms needs to be instantiated with a username & password OR a token')
self.request_headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': authorization_header,
def convert_to_msisdn_numbers(numbers):
Takes a list of numbers and converts all of them into proper MSISDN
formatted numbers.
Please note that currently only Swiss numbers are supported, which is
achieved by doing the following steps:
- Extract digits only from the numbers
- Remove leading `00`
- Add leading `41` to all numbers starting with `07`
Finally the number must meet the Swiss format or it will be removed
from the list.
:param list numbers: Swiss numbers in any format
:return: Swiss numbers in the MSISDN format
:rtype: list
if isinstance(numbers, (int, str)):
numbers = [numbers]
msisdns = []
for number in numbers:
number = ''.join([n for n in number if n.isdigit()])
if len(number) == 13 and number[0:2] == '00':
number = number[2:]
elif len(number) == 10 and number[0:2] == '07':
number = '41{}'.format(number[1:])
if len(number) == 11 and number[0:2] == '41':
return msisdns
def request(self, endpoint, data):
Send a HTTP POST request to the API endpoint.
:param str endpoint: The URL of the API endpoint
:param dict data: The POST data
:return: The HTTP (JSON) response
:rtype: str
url = API_URL + endpoint
data = dumps(data).encode()
request = Request(url=url, headers=self.request_headers, data=data)
response = urlopen(request).read().decode()
return response
def send_text_message(self, message, recipients, sender_address=None, flash_sms=False):
Sends a text message to a list of recipients.
:param str text: The message content
:param list recipients: The list of E164 formatted MSISDN recipients
:param senderAddress: The address of the sender
:type senderAddress: None or str
:param bool flashSms: Send the message as flash SMS
data = {
'messageContent': message,
'recipientAddressList': self.convert_to_msisdn_numbers(recipients),
'sendAsFlashSms': flash_sms
if sender_address:
data['senderAddress'] = sender_address
if not sender_address.isnumeric():
data['senderAddressType'] = 'alphanumeric'
return self.request('/smsmessaging/text', data)
def send_whatsapp_message(self, message, recipients):
Sends a whatsapp message (broadcast) to a list of recipients.
:param str message: The message content
:param list recipients: The list of E164 formatted MSISDN recipients
data = {
'messageContent': message,
'recipientAddressList': self.convert_to_msisdn_numbers(recipients),
return self.request('/converged/whatsapp', data)
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