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Last active September 4, 2015 00:14
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To convert CSV data with values in columns (say, labeled T1, T2, … Tn) to values in rows:

data <- read.csv('page-load-times.csv')
data.m <- melt(data, id=c('Site', 'Browser'), measure=paste('T', 1:10, sep=''))

This assumes there are columns 'Site' and 'Browser' which label the data. Then to select subsets of the data:

subset(data.m, subset=(Site=='' & Browser=='lynx'))

To compute a statistic for all sites, and then plot a bar chart with percentage difference:

meds <- ddply(data.m, c('Site', 'Browser'), summarize, Time = median(value))
meds_wide <- reshape(meds, idvar='Site', timevar='When', direction='wide')
meds_wide$Delta <- (meds_wide$Time.After / meds_wide$Time.Before) - 1
meds_wide$Id = 1:dims(meds_wide)[1]
ggplot(meds_wide, aes(x=factor(Id), y=Delta)) + geom_bar()

And to draw a boxplot to facilitate comparison between two specific values:

boxplot(subset(data.m, Site==''&Browser=='lynx')$value,
        subset(data.m, Site==''&Browser=='wget')$value)

Or alternatively:

qplot(data.m$Browser[data.m$Site==''], data.m$value[data.m$Site==''], geom='boxplot')
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