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Last active June 12, 2018 18:44
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PHP Curl to authenticate with Zimbra API (Using Yii 1.1)
// ...
// login actions
// ...
if ($form->submitted('login') && $form->validate()) {
// assuming successful login = correct credentials,
// auth with zimbra for email and calendar, and create Z_AUTH_TOKEN
// 2 tokens, one for personal mail domain and the other for general calendar
// 1.1) Create a temp file to store cookie info
$cookie_jar = tempnam('/tmp','ZmC');
// 1.2) Set cookie expiry period
$date_of_expiry = time() + (7 * 24 * 60 * 60); // one week expiry from creation
// if (YII_DEBUG != true){
// 2.1) Accounts to auth with (assuming user email is stored in the db)
$zimbra_email_id = Yii::app()->user->email;
// 2.2) User credentials
$username = Yii::app()->user->email;
$userpass = $_POST['LoginForm']['password'];
$user_pass = $username.':'.$userpass;
if (($pos = strpos($zimbra_email_id, "@")) !== FALSE) {
$auth_domain = 'mail.'.substr($zimbra_email_id, $pos+1); // email domain to auth
// 2.3) Auth url. Since there is no auth-only url, request for drafts folder to authenticate
// (fastest request assuming least amount of messages in drafts folder)
$auth_url = "https://".$auth_domain."/home/".$zimbra_email_id."/drafts/?auth=sc&fmt=json";
// 2.4) temp place to put the file
$save_as_folder = "zimbra_json";
// 2.5) temp file name
$auth_file_name = $zimbra_email_id.'.auth'.'.json';
// 2.6) Concatenate folder and name
$auth_file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/assets//'.$save_as_folder.'/'.$auth_file_name;
// 3) Auth with zimbra server via curl
$auth_crl = curl_init();
$fp = fopen($auth_file, "w");
curl_setopt($auth_crl, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true);
curl_setopt($auth_crl, CURLOPT_URL, $auth_url);
curl_setopt($auth_crl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($auth_crl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
curl_setopt($auth_crl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $user_pass);
curl_setopt($auth_crl, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookie_jar);
curl_setopt($auth_crl, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
curl_setopt($auth_crl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY);
curl_setopt($auth_crl, CURLOPT_POSTREDIR, 2);
$auth_data = curl_exec($auth_crl);
$auth_info = curl_getinfo($auth_crl);
echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error($auth_crl);
// 4) Since we cannot save the temp generated cookie file (mostly because I don't know how to),
// we will grab the value of the ZM_AUTH_TOKEN that was created with the auth request and write
// it to a PHP cookie for reference in other pages of the site.
$zimb_cookie = file_get_contents($cookie_jar);
$zimb_cookie = base64_encode($zimb_cookie);
setcookie( "ZIMB_TKN", $zimb_cookie, $date_of_expiry, "/");
// 5) Finally remove the temp file containing auth data which is now stored in the cookie.
// }
// ...
// continue login redirection/etc
// ...
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