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Created January 31, 2020 17:29
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Structured JSON-style python form converter
The goal of this code is to allow submitting data using the
naming convention specified in the un-implemented WC3 JSON
form proposal.
This would allow forms to better submit more structured data.
This will differ from the W3C proposal in a few important ways:
* Takes place server-side instead of client-side
* Does not support files
* Supports negative indexing
* Supports empty array append keys mid-path, e.g. this[is][][perfectly valid]
* Supports comments/tags that will not be included in the output path: real[path]#this-is-not-included
(This is useful to differientiate radio groups that might need to have the same name)
This is especially useful as a layer sitting between a web framework such as Flask
and a deserializtion library such as marshmallow.
from ast import literal_eval
from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum
class KeyType(Enum):
object = 'object'
array = 'array'
PathSegment = namedtuple('PathSegment', ('key', 'type'))
undefined = type('undefined', (), {})()
def structured_form(kvpairs, parse_literals=False, datatype=dict):
Takes an interable of key-value pairs where the key is
the data path and the value is the value to set.
Returns the data as a structured dirctionary.
If parse_literals is true, the function will attempt
to parse values as Python literal values, defaulting
to strings if the values are not valid literals.
Pass the optional datatype parameter to use another mapping
datatype, such as and ordered dict
data = datatype()
for key, value in kvpairs:
if parse_literals:
value = literal_eval(value)
pass # Assume it's a string
if value == '':
value = None
steps = parse_path(key)
data = set_value(data, steps, value, map_datatype=datatype)
return undefined_to_none(data)
def parse_path(path: str):
Takes a string-based JSON path, and parses it into a list of
PathSegment steps.
Equvilent to the "steps to parse a JSON encoding path"
algorithm detailed in the W3C Proposal.
original = path
steps = []
if '[' not in path:
steps.append(PathSegment(path, KeyType.object))
return steps
first_key, path = path.split('[', 1)
steps.append(PathSegment(first_key, KeyType.object))
while path:
if path[0] == '#':
# This is outside the original scope, but is essensially a comment.
# The use case for this is to allow a way to diffrientiate radio
# button groups when -1 indexing is used
if path[0] == '[':
# Technically this doesn't perfectly match the original algorithm,
# it would parse in invalid path such as this[is]invaid] the same as
# this[is][valid].
path = path[1:]
if path[0] == ']':
# This is also outside the original spec. It would allow empty indexes
# mid-path
path = path[1:]
steps.append(PathSegment(None, KeyType.array))
elif ']' in path:
key, path = path.split(']', 1)
key = int(key)
steps.append(PathSegment(key, KeyType.array))
except ValueError:
steps.append(PathSegment(key, KeyType.object))
# Malformed path, failure
return [PathSegment(original, KeyType.object)]
return steps
def set_value(current, steps, value, map_datatype = dict):
Takes a list of steps, the value to set, and the current value.
Returns a new value to replace current, with value set approriately
on it.
Equivilent to the "steps to set a JSON encoding value" algorithm
in the W3C proposal.
if not steps:
# When we reach the end of recursion
if current is undefined:
return value
elif isinstance(current, list):
return current.append(value)
elif isinstance(current, dict):
return set_value(current, [PathSegment('', KeyType.object)], value, map_datatype=map_datatype)
return [current, value]
step = steps[0]
if current is undefined:
current = [] if step.type is KeyType.array else map_datatype()
if isinstance(current, list):
if step.type is KeyType.array:
if step.key is None:
elif step.key >= len(current):
current.extend([undefined] * (step.key + 1 - len(current)))
key = -1 if step.key is None else step.key
current[key] = set_value(current[key], steps[1:], value)
elif step.type is KeyType.object:
# Current is a list but we're setting an object key
# Convert current to a dict
current = map_datatype([
(index, value)
for index, value in enumerate(current)
if value is not undefined
current[step.key] = set_value(current.get(step.key, undefined), steps[1:], value, map_datatype=map_datatype)
raise ValueError(f'Invalid key step type: {step.type}')
elif isinstance(current, dict):
current[step.key] = set_value(current.get(step.key, undefined), steps[1:], value, map_datatype=map_datatype)
# There is a value currently here we need to replace with a dict
current = {'': current}
current[step.key] = set_value(current.get(step.key, undefined), steps[1:], value, map_datatype=map_datatype)
return current
def undefined_to_none(data):
Converts undefined placeholder values to None.
if isinstance(data, dict):
iterable = data.items()
elif isinstance(data, list):
iterable = enumerate(data)
return data
for key, value in iterable:
if value is undefined:
data[key] = None
elif isinstance(value, (dict, list)):
return data
def test():
Test the the library works as expected.
kvpairs = [
('justme', 'test'),
('array_append[]', 'one'),
('array_append[]', 'two'),
('array_append[]', 'three'),
('array_append[]', 'four'),
('obj[k1]', '1'),
('obj[k2]', '2'),
('obj[k3]', '3'),
('obj[k4]', '4'),
('obj[level2][k1]', '21'),
('obj[level2][k2]', '22'),
('twice', 'a'),
('twice', 'b'),
('overwrite_obj', 'original'),
('overwrite_obj[kiddie]', 'kitty'),
('overwrite_backward[kiddie]', 'kitty'),
('overwrite_backward', 'real'),
('wow[such][deep][3][much][power][!]', 'Amaze'),
('negative[][name]', 'John'),
('negative[-1][gender]', 'Male'),
('negative[][name]', 'Jane'),
('negative[-1][gender]', 'Female'),
('out_of_order[3]', 'ATM'),
('out_of_order[1]', 'Toilet'),
('out_of_order[0]', 'Arcade Game'),
('out_of_order[4]', 'Vending Machine'),
('out_of_order[2]', 'My Brain'),
data = structured_form(kvpairs)
from pprint import pprint
expected = {
'justme': 'test',
'array_append': ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'],
'obj': {
'k1': '1',
'k2': '2',
'k3': '3',
'k4': '4',
'k1': '21',
'k2': '22',
'twice': ['a', 'b'],
'overwrite_obj': {
'': 'original',
'kiddie': 'kitty'
'overwrite_backward': {
'': 'real',
'kiddie': 'kitty'
{'much':{'power':{'!': 'Amaze'}}}
'name': 'John',
'gender': 'Male',
'name': 'Jane',
'gender': 'Female',
'Arcade Game',
'My Brain',
'Vending Machine',
assert(data == expected)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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