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Dominic Sayers dominicsayers

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TigerGraph Docker cheatsheet


docker ps -a | grep tiger

List all containers with tiger in their name or image name.

docker logs -f tiger-local-development



The document is aimed at an engineer who is to implement the requirements it defines. The language and structure should be designed for that audience. The focus should be on minimal completeness and the removal of any ambiguity.

The document doesn't need to contain any justification of its design goals - it is assumed these are in line with both the business strategy and user requirements. It is relevant to discuss how the data design meets the user requirements.


dominicsayers / WSL + Docker setup for
Last active February 9, 2020 13:23
Setting up Windows Services for Linux and Docker for Windows for Ruby on Rails development

Setting up Windows Services for Linux (WSL) and Docker for Windows for Ruby on Rails development


On your Windows 10 development machine you should have installed

  1. Windows Services for Linux and a Debian-based app like Ubuntu.
  2. putty
  3. Docker for Windows (and I use Kitematic because I'm a Docker n00b)

The consultation document cites several design manuals and guidelines.

These need to be enforced.

I see anecdotal evidence every day of new road schemes that do not deliver the sort of safe cycling and walking environment that these documents describe.

There is no evidence in the design of these schemes that the documents you mention have been consulted or that the designers are even aware of their existence.

Regarding road junctions with traffic lights, where a large number of people on cycles have been killed by HGVs turning left: often there is an Advanced Stop Line for use by people on cycles. I believe the only offence committed by a motor vehicle driver who obstructs this area is that of going through a red light. No statistics can be found on how common this is because it is not classed as a separate offence. When the offence is committed (with extremely high frequency in my experience) it is never punished. The ASL is there for a reason, and obstructing it affects the safety of vulnerable ro

Draft 2

Postponement of the Blackheath Mini Rugby Festival 2018

After reviewing the conditions at Avery Hill Park, we've reluctantly decided to postpone this Sunday's festival. Please feel free to have Sunday morning in bed.

We were influenced by a number of clubs who told us they thought the journey would be difficult. While we expect roads to be open on Sunday it's clear that conditions in some parts of Kent might make attending our festival a bit of a challenge. Given the risk of frozen ground or even some remaining snow, it would be a pity to make families attempt a difficult journey only to find the pitches unplayable when they got here.

The festival is postponed until Sunday, 29th April. We'll be in touch to confirm your club's availability for that date.

Referees' briefing

Hello to all coaches attending the Blackheath FC Mini Rugby Festival. At some point during the day you may be asked to referee one or more matches. There will be a referees' briefing for each age group prior to play starting at 10am which you should attend but here are some notes you might like to consider.

Included are some general guidelines for all age groups but also there are a few age-group specific things below that bear repeating.

1. Communication

Whatever your level of experience of refereeing, the players and coaches will appreciate knowing what's going on. If you blow the whistle to stop play, make sure all the players know why you've blown the whistle. If an offence has occurred, miming the offence to the coaches and others watching will help if they're out of earshot.

Referees' briefing

Hello to all coaches attending the Blackheath FC Mini Rugby Festival. At some point during the day you may be asked to referee one or more matches. There will be a referees' briefing for each age group prior to play starting at 10am which you should attend but here are some notes you might like to consider.

Included are some general guidelines for all age groups but also there are a few age-group specific things below that bear repeating.

1. Communication

Whatever your level of experience of refereeing, the players and coaches will appreciate knowing what's going on. If you blow the whistle to stop play, make sure all the players know why you've blown the whistle. If an offence has occurred, miming the offence to the coaches and others watching will help if they're out of earshot.

Festival format

Here is some information about the matches you'll be playing and what to expect on the day.

We will be running the festival in accordance with the guidelines provided by the RFU in Regulation 15 and its associated Codes of Practice from here:

Just so you don't have to wade through all these documents, here is a summary of the parts relevant to our festival:

1. Playing time

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am dominicsayers on github.
  • I am dominicsayers ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 76C1 4574 2AD0 556B 6A8C E0BB CCE0 0232 4697 17D6

To claim this, I am signing this object:

dominicsayers /
Last active January 26, 2016 16:47
Green padlock development with nginx

Your production web site is delivered over SSL and has a beautiful green padlock in your users' browsers. But your dev environment uses plain old HTTP, or maybe SSL with a self-signed certificate that your browser doesn't recognise.

That's OK, but you're missing out on some nice stuff. For instance, some browsers will warn you if you're delivering mixed content over SSL (like a link to an image that's on plain old HTTP). If you don't see this until you release then you're not doing your users any favors.

So here's how I got my dev environment to give me a green padlock while I'm writing code:

1. Register a dev domain

Domains are pretty cheap these days. I registered a new domain for my dev environment - let's call it