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import "AssetLedger.sol";
// TODO describe rules of exchange.
// In the AF market all users benefit from a "last look" facility to prevent
// them falling foul of mechanical arb sniping by those exploiting the way
// the blockchain and smart contract data lags the real markets being tracked.
// The system proceeds through a series of batching steps, which in practice
// might correspond to some number of blocks (for example, each batching step
// corresponds to a block). Orders collected in batching step B_i are initially
// in a "pending" state although visible within the book. Orders then remain
// pending in step B_i+1 so that submitters may cancel them before they go
// live in step B_i+2 (the assumption is that submitters can see the final
// state of B_i, calculate what their orders may execute against in step
// B_i+2, and then submit cancellation transactions for inclusion in step
// B_i+1 if execution will not be favorable). The computational cost of
// submitting transactions will restrict the amomunt of "phantom liquidity"
// traders create to distort the market and discover prices.
contract AssetExchange {
// === Pile of orders ==
// Orders are bids
byte constant BID = 0x01;
// Orders are asks
byte constant ASK = 0x02;
// === Order matching rules ==
// SLO matching
// Simple limit order: Only matches at specified price or better. Order
// remains in book until either entire amount requested has been filled/sold
// (which may occur as result of unlimited partial match executions over any
// number of blocks) or order is canclled by owner.
uint64 constant SIMPLE_LIMIT = 0x0100000000000000;
// LWE matching
// Limit order with expiry: Same as a normal limit order, but with an expiry
// date. If order has not been cancelled or filled by the expiry date, it is
// removed from the book automatically. The expiry date can be set to the
// current block to create what is effectively a "kill or fill" order.
uint64 constant LIMIT_WITH_EXPIRY = 0x0200000000000000;
// MTD matching
// Market order to DAO's expected best price, then DAO's best price: the
// order first behaves like a kill or fill limit order set at DAO's expected
// best price, and then any remaining units are exchanged with the DAO for
// whatever it determines the best price should be. To the maximum possible
// extent, the order executes upon submission to provide functionality for
// "liquid wallet" applications. Since the DAO cannot reliably determine a
// best price without first hedging its position with liquidity providers,
// whose pricing it cannot control, it settles the trade for only a portion of
// the required units immediately and it is the responsibility of Dapps to
// handle this limitation. For example, if a MTD ask order to sell 100
// D-FACEBOOK is submitted, and say (i) 10 D-FACEBOOK are sold in limit order
// fashion, then (ii) the DAO might immediately only pay 85% of the expected
// value of the remaining 90 D-FACEBOOK tokens, later returning additional
// currency to the order owner to complete the settlement once it has been
// able to determine what its best price was by acquiring hedges. Note that if
// the DAO was forced to pre-commit to a best price it would be trivial for
// arbitrage traders to exploit it. Final note, this order does not sit in the
// book, it executes and the DAO forwards change to the owner.
uint64 constant MARKET_TO_DAO = 0x0300000000000000;
// LTM matching
// Limit order with expiry, but if/when expires order converts into an MTD
// order to fill remaining units.
uint64 constant LIMIT_THEN_MTD = 0x0400000000000000;
// === Pointers ==
// Nil/unassigned
uint64 constant NIL = 0xffffffffffffffff;
// An order in a pile
// NOTE: using 3*256 bits since EVM charges by whole word
struct Order {
uint128 price; // price raised 10^18
uint128 amount; // amount raised 10^18
uint32 submitted; // block batch when submitted, determines if pending
uint64 orderSeqNo;// order sequence number, used resolve price
uint128 config; // 16 bytes of config e.g. flags, expiry
address account; // owner of order
uint64 above; // order above in pile
uint64 below; // order below in pile
// A pile of limit orders
struct Pile {
uint64 top; // the top order in the pile
uint64 size; // the size of the pile
byte orderType; // type of orders stored: BID|ASK
// Order book containing orders that limit match. Note this can include
// LTM orders that have not yet switched into MTD mode.
struct OrderBook {
Pile bids; // pile of bids in limit matching mode
Pile asks; // pile of asks in limit matching mode
OrderBook book;
// MTD orders where the owner has been provided an advance on the final
// settlement and is now waiting for full settlement once the DAO has
// determined its best price.
struct MtdBalance {
uint64 id; // id of original order
uint128 requested;// original amount asset or currency "given" to DAO
uint128 advanced; // amount immediately advanced to owner order
// Pool of MTD balances waiting to be settled
struct MtdPool {
MtdBalance[] bids;
MtdBalance[] asks;
// Id of asset type exchanged in this market instance
string public assetTypeId;
// Id of settlement currency
string public xCurrencyId;
// Asset Ledger for this asset
AssetLedger public currencyLedger;
AssetLedger public assetLedger;
// What the DAO has given as an indicative sell price
uint128 public daoIndicativeAskPrice;
// What the DAO has given as an indicative buy price
uint128 public daoIndicativeBidPrice;
// Proportion of DAO order that can be advanced
uint128 public mtdAdvance = uint128(75);// 75%
// Current block batch index
uint32 public batchIdx;
// Store pending order id queue
uint64[] pendingOrders;
uint64 pendingStart = 0;
// Store orders
mapping(uint64 => Order) orders;
function AssetExchange(string _assetTypeId) {
assetTypeId = _assetTypeId;
xCurrencyId = "XBIT";
currencyLedger = AssetLedger(xCurrencyId, address(0));
batchIdx = uint32(block.number);
book.bids = Pile({top: NIL, size: 0, orderType: BID});
book.asks = Pile({top: NIL, size: 0, orderType: ASK});
// Increment the order batch index
function incOrderBatchIndex() {
// DEBUGGING ONLY. Will use block.number
// The current order batch.
function orderBatchIndex() returns(uint32) {
// DEBUGGING ONLY. Will return uint32(block.number)
return batchIdx;
// Return a copy of the book
function marketOrderBook() returns (uint64[5][], uint64[5][], uint64[5][]) {
return (pendingQueue(), orderPile(BID), orderPile(ASK));
// Return a copy of the pending order queue
function pendingQueue()
returns (uint64[5][])
uint pendingCount = pendingOrders.length-pendingStart;
uint64[5][] memory copy;
if (pendingCount == 0)
return copy;
copy = new uint64[5][](pendingCount);
for (var i=0; i<pendingCount; i++) {
uint64 id = pendingOrders[pendingStart+i];
Order o = orders[id];
copy[i] = copyOrderFields(id, o);
return copy;
// Return a copy of an order pile
function orderPile(byte orderType)
returns (uint64[5][])
Pile pile = orderType == BID ? book.bids : book.asks;
uint64[5][] memory copy;
if (pile.size == 0)
return copy;
copy = new uint64[5][](pile.size);
uint64 id =;
uint i = 0;
while (id != NIL) {
Order o = orders[id];
copy[i] = copyOrderFields(id, o);
id = o.below;
return copy;
function copyOrderFields(uint64 id, Order memory o)
uint64[5] memory copy;
copy[0] = id;
copy[1] = uint64(o.price);
copy[2] = uint64(o.amount);
copy[3] = o.submitted;
copy[4] = uint64(o.account);
return copy;
// Add a bid order to the book. Returns id of new order, any amount of
// asset immediately purchased, any amount of currency remaining in a bid
// (if no currency remains in a bid, then bid has completed)
function addBid(
uint64 id,
address account,
uint128 amount,
uint128 price,
uint64 matching,
uint64 config)
// Validate call
if (amount == 0 || price == 0 || orders[id].price != 0)
// Transfer payment from sender to exchange
uint128 spend = price*amount;
currencyLedger.transferToDAO(spend, account);
// Record pending order
recordPendingOrder(account, id, price, amount, config);
// Add a ask order to the book. Returns id of new order, any amount of
// currency immediately received, and any amount of asset still for sale (if
// no asset remains for sale, then order complete).
function addAsk(
uint64 id,
address account,
uint128 amount,
uint128 price,
uint64 matching,
uint64 config)
// Vaidate call
if (amount == 0 || price == 0 || orders[id].price != 0)
// Transfer amount of asset to be sold
assetLedger.transferToDAO(amount, account);
// Record pending order
recordPendingOrder(account, id, price, amount, config);
// Process live orders that "cross the book" by creating trades. We rely on
// this method to be called by somebody so that pending trades that have tran-
// sitioned into live trades get processed. In practice we might expect
// committed participants such as liquidity providers to make the calls
// but anyone can call the function if they want to make sure that it executes.
// TODO: modify Ethereum so that a block "initiailization" script can be
// registered by transactions, with execution to be paid from the balance of a
// contract (here such as an exchange or other DAO contract). Once such a
// block initializer has been registered, in any subsequent block, it will be
// called *before* any transactions from the mempool are applied.
function executeLimitOrders() {
while (pendingStart < pendingOrders.length) {
// Get next id in pending queue
uint64 id = pendingOrders[pendingStart];
// Continue if empty slot/deleted pending order
if (id == 0) {
// Is this pending order ready to become live?
Order o = orders[id];
if (o.submitted+2 > batchIdx)
return; // => no following pending order ready go live either.
// Remove from pending list
delete pendingOrders[pendingStart];
// Insert this order into the pile
byte orderType = id & 0x8000000000000000 == 0 ? BID : ASK;
Pile pile = orderType == BID ? book.bids : book.asks;
if (!insertOrder(pile, o, id))
// If not to of pile, no trade possible so continue
// New order added to top of file, so process possible trades
function processTradeExecutions()
var (bId, bid) = (, orders[]);
var (aId, ask) = (, orders[]);
while (bId != NIL && aId != NIL) {
// Check more trades to be done given current bid & ask piles
if (bid.price < ask.price)
break; // nope
// Yes, at what price? Age decides who crosses who
uint128 tradePrice = bid.orderSeqNo < ask.orderSeqNo ? bid.price : ask.price;
// Calculate quantity traded and adjust orders
uint128 bidMaxSpend = bid.price*bid.amount;
uint128 maxAmount = bidMaxSpend/tradePrice;
uint128 bought;
uint128 received;
if (maxAmount > ask.amount) {
bought = ask.amount;
bid.amount = (bidMaxSpend-bought*tradePrice)/bid.price;
ask.amount = 0;
} else if (maxAmount < ask.amount) {
bought = maxAmount;
bid.amount = 0;
ask.amount -= bought;
} else {
bought = ask.amount;
bid.amount = 0;
ask.amount = 0;
received = bought*tradePrice;
// Update currency and asset ledgers
currencyLedger.transferFromDAO(ask.account, received);
assetLedger.transferFromDAO(bid.account, bought);
// Delete spent orders and move down piles
if (bid.amount <= 0) {
uint64 bFilled = bId;
(bId, bid) = getOrderBelow(bid);
if (ask.amount <= 0) {
uint64 aFilled = aId;
(aId, ask) = getOrderBelow(ask);
function getOrderBelow(Order memory o)
returns(uint64, Order storage)
return (o.below, orders[o.below]);
function recordPendingOrder(
address account,
uint64 id,
uint128 price,
uint128 amount,
uint128 config
// Make sure id not in use (e.g. client error, attempt subvert, etc)
Order used = orders[id];
if (used.price != 0)
// Add to queue of orders in pending state
// Create order object
Order memory o = Order({price:price, amount:amount, submitted:batchIdx,
orderSeqNo:uint64(pendingOrders.length-1), config:config, account:account,
above: NIL, below: NIL});
// Store order but do not link into pile sequence yet
orders[id] = o;
// Delete order of specified type. Returns if order was found.
function deleteOrder(uint64 id) {
Order o = orders[id];
if (o.price == 0)
throw; // nothing there
// Pending order?
if (o.orderSeqNo >= pendingStart) {
// delete pending order/set value to zero
delete pendingOrders[o.orderSeqNo];
// then remove from storage
delete orders[id];
// Live order
byte orderType = id & 0x8000000000000000 == 0 ? BID : ASK;
Pile pile = orderType == BID ? book.bids : book.asks;
if (o.above == NIL) = o.below;
orders[o.above].below = o.below;
if (o.below != NIL)
orders[o.below].above = o.above;
// remove from storage
delete orders[id];
// // Add a MTD bid order that will spend specified amount. Actual amount bought
// // to be determined by market limit orders and DAO. The assets immediately
// // returned are minimally spend/daoIndicativeAskPrice * mtdAdvance/100.
// // Returns the id of the order, the amount of asset immediately received,
// // and whether the order is completed or sitting in the MTD pool.
// function addMtdBid(
// address account,
// uint128 spend
// )
// returns (uint64, uint128, bool)
// {
// // Transfer payment from sender to exchange
// currencyLedger.transferToDAO(spend, account);
// // Create id for notional order
// uint64 id = nextOrderId(BID, MARKET_TO_DAO);
// // Execute MTD bid
// var (received, finished) = execMtdBid(account, id, spend);
// return (id, received, finished);
// }
// function execMtdBid(
// address account,
// uint64 id,
// uint128 spend
// )
// private
// returns (uint128, bool)
// {
// // Take everything we can from limit orders to DAO's indicative price
// var (bought, unbought) = buyLimitOrdersToPrice(spend, daoIndicativeAskPrice);
// // Advance user assets from change
// if (unbought != 0) {
// // The mtdAdvance coefficient is adjusted by the DAO to account for
// // volatility, and determines how much of an asset it will advance. For
// // example, if mtdAdvance is 75% this implies the DAO thinks the risk of
// // the asset rising in value by 25% in ~20s is sufficiently low that it
// // can advance 75% of the amount of assets it expects to eventually
// // provide.
// uint128 advanced = (unbought*mtdAdvance)/(daoIndicativeAskPrice*100);
// // Add the MTD order to the pool so that user receives the additional
// // assets/difference once the DAO has established its best price.
// bidToMtdPool(account, id, unbought, advanced); // DAO processes pool periodically
// }
// // Immediately transfer to the user those assets that have been bought on
// // the exchange and advanced by the DAO.
// assetLedger.transferFromDAO(account, bought+advanced);
// return (bought+advanced, unbought == 0);
// }
// // Add a MTD ask order that will sell the specified amount. The actual amount
// // received to be detemined by market limit orders and DAO. The payment
// // immediately received is minimally
// // amount*daoIndicativeAskPrice * mtdAdvance/100. Returns the id of the
// // order, the payment immediately received and whether the order has
// // completed or is sitting in MTD pool.
// function addMtdAsk(
// address account,
// uint128 amount
// )
// returns (uint64, uint128, bool)
// {
// // Transfer amount being sold by sender
// assetLedger.transferToDAO(amount, account);
// // Create id for notional order
// uint64 id = nextOrderId(ASK, MARKET_TO_DAO);
// // Execute MTD ask
// var (received, finished) = execMtdAsk(account, id, amount);
// return (id, received, finished);
// }
// function execMtdAsk(
// address account,
// uint64 id,
// uint128 amount
// )
// private
// returns (uint128, bool)
// {
// // Take everything we can from limit orders to DAO's indicative price
// var (received, unsold) = sellLimitOrdersToPrice(amount, daoIndicativeBidPrice);
// // Advance user assets from change
// if (unsold != 0) {
// // The mtdAdvance coefficient is adjusted by the DAO to account for
// // volatility, and determines how much of an asset it will advance. For
// // example, if mtdAdvance is 75% this implies the DAO thinks the risk of
// // the asset rising in value by 25% in ~20s is sufficiently low that it
// // can advance 75% of the amount of assets it expects to eventually
// // provide.
// uint128 advanced = (unsold*daoIndicativeBidPrice*mtdAdvance)/100;
// // Add the unsold asset to the MTD Pool. The DAO periodically processes
// // the pool, redeeming the assets at a price determined by what the
// // liquidity providers will close their promissory coins. When the DAO
// // redeems the asset, it will send the currency minus the advance already
// // sent.
// askToMtdPool(account, id, unsold, advanced);
// }
// // Immediately transfer to the user the currency that has been received from
// // the exchange and advanced by the DAO.
// currencyLedger.transferFromDAO(account, received+advanced);
// return (received+advanced, unsold == 0);
// }
// private
// Add new order to pile. Search for insertion point by moving downwards from
// the top of the pile. We insert new orders below existing orders with the
// same price, thus providing for FIFO matching where appropriate.
function insertOrder(
Pile storage pile,
Order storage o,
uint64 id
returns (bool)
// Find insertion point...
if (pile.size > 0) {
// search...
uint64 prev = NIL;
uint64 curr =;
while (true) {
Order co = orders[curr];
bool insert = false;
// bid?
if (pile.orderType == BID) {
if (o.price > co.price)
insert = true;
// ask
else { // if (pile.type == ASK) {
if (o.price < co.price)
insert = true;
// insert here?
if (insert) {
o.above = prev;
o.below = curr;
// move down
prev = curr;
curr = co.below;
// bottom?
if (curr == NIL) {
o.above = prev;
o.below = NIL;
// Insert into place
if (o.above == NIL) = id;
orders[o.above].below = id;
if (o.below != NIL)
orders[o.below].above = id;
// Return whether is top of file
return o.above == NIL;
function buyLimitOrdersToPrice(uint128 spend, uint128 price) returns (uint128, uint128) {
return (0, spend);
function sellLimitOrdersToPrice(uint128 amount, uint128 price) returns (uint128, uint128) {
return (0, amount);
function askToMtdPool(address sender, uint64 id, uint128 unsold, uint128 advanced) {
function bidToMtdPool(address sender, uint64 id, uint128 unbought, uint128 advanced) {
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