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Created March 25, 2018 00:13
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/// @notice The minimum payment required to use breedWithAuto(). This fee goes towards
/// the gas cost paid by whatever calls giveBirth(), and can be dynamically updated by
/// the COO role as the gas price changes.
uint256 public autoBirthFee = 2 finney;
/// @notice Have a pregnant Kitty give birth!
/// @param _matronId A Kitty ready to give birth.
/// @return The Kitty ID of the new kitten.
/// @dev Looks at a given Kitty and, if pregnant and if the gestation period has passed,
/// combines the genes of the two parents to create a new kitten. The new Kitty is assigned
/// to the current owner of the matron. Upon successful completion, both the matron and the
/// new kitten will be ready to breed again. Note that anyone can call this function (if they
/// are willing to pay the gas!), but the new kitten always goes to the mother's owner.
function giveBirth(uint256 _matronId)
// Grab a reference to the matron in storage.
Kitty storage matron = kitties[_matronId];
// Check that the matron is a valid cat.
require(matron.birthTime != 0);
// Check that the matron is pregnant, and that its time has come!
// Grab a reference to the sire in storage.
uint256 sireId = matron.siringWithId;
Kitty storage sire = kitties[sireId];
// Determine the higher generation number of the two parents
uint16 parentGen = matron.generation;
if (sire.generation > matron.generation) {
parentGen = sire.generation;
// Call the sooper-sekret gene mixing operation.
uint256 childGenes = geneScience.mixGenes(matron.genes, sire.genes, matron.cooldownEndBlock - 1);
// Make the new kitten!
address owner = kittyIndexToOwner[_matronId];
uint256 kittenId = _createKitty(_matronId, matron.siringWithId, parentGen + 1, childGenes, owner);
// Clear the reference to sire from the matron (REQUIRED! Having siringWithId
// set is what marks a matron as being pregnant.)
delete matron.siringWithId;
// Every time a kitty gives birth counter is decremented.
// Send the balance fee to the person who made birth happen.
// return the new kitten's ID
return kittenId;
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