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Last active August 27, 2024 22:33
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Generate a leaner SVG from QR-Code-generator

Generate a leaner SVG from QR-Code-generator

This is a quick function that can convert a QR code generated with the rust version of QR-Code-generator into a much smaller SVG than the to_svg_string function included in their example. The function is made generic so that you may use this function with other qr sources. All the function needs is a method to check coordinates if they contain a block box or not besides the size and border values.

So if you have the data for your QR code, all you need is to write a method as I did in the FakeQr struct for the tests.

The SVG optimizations:

  • Remove unneeded attributes, tags and whitespace
  • Use short form for hex colors
  • Calculate the path in a different way to safe space

The path was being calculated simply by looking at each bock and adding it:

M4,4h1v1h-1z M6,4h1v1h-1z M7,4h1v1h-1z M9,4h1v1h-1z

Visual explanation

In this gist the function actually looks at the next block and moves the cursor to it without resetting it each time:

M4 4h1v1H4zm2 0h1v1H6zm1 0h1v1H7zm2 0h1v1H9z

Visual explanation

As you can see, even in this small example this saves some space.

extern crate qrcodegen;
use qrcodegen::{QrCode, QrCodeEcc};
fn main() {
let qr = QrCode::encode_text(
let svg =
to_optimized_svg_string(qr.size() as u16, 4, QrCode::get_module, &qr);
fn to_optimized_svg_string<T, U: Into<i32> + From<u16>>(
size: u16,
border: u8,
get_module_fn: fn(&T, U, U) -> bool,
module: &T,
) -> String {
let border = border as u16;
let dimension: u32 = size as u32 + (border as u32 * 2);
let mut result = String::new();
result += &format!(
"<svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 {dimension} {dimension}\">",
result += "<rect width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" fill=\"#fff\"/>";
result += "<path d=\"";
let mut new_row;
let mut last_cursor_position = 0;
for y in 0..size {
new_row = true;
for x in 0..size {
if get_module_fn(module, x.into(), y.into()) {
// "H[x]" is shorter when x < 9
// "h-1" is at least the same length or shorter when x > 9
// Example:
// H1 H2 .. H9 H10 H11 .. H99 H100 H101
// vs
// h-1 h-1 .. h-1 h-1 h-1 .. h-1 h-1 h-1
let horizontal = if x + border > 9 {
} else {
&format!("H{x}", x = x + border)
// On new rows we move the cursor to the next black box with "M[x] [y]"
if new_row {
new_row = false;
result += &format!(
"M{x} {y}h1v1{horizontal}z",
x = x + border,
y = y + border
// On a box that's within the same row we move the cursor
// by [x] - last_cursor_position with "m[delta] 0" because that's shorter
// Example:
// M1 1, M2 2 .. M9 9, M10 10, M11 11 .. M99 99, M100 100, M101 101
// vs
// m1 0, m2 0 .. m9 0, m10 0, m11 0 .. m99 0, m100 0, m101 0
} else {
result += &format!(
"m{x} 0h1v1{horizontal}z",
x = x + border - last_cursor_position
last_cursor_position = x + border;
result += "\"/></svg>\n";
mod test {
use super::*;
struct FakeQr {
blocks: Vec<&'static str>,
impl FakeQr {
pub fn get_module(&self, y: u16, x: u16) -> bool {
fn small_svg() {
let qr = FakeQr {
blocks: vec!["0,0", "0,3", "1,1", "2,2", "2,3", "3,3"],
to_optimized_svg_string(4, 0, FakeQr::get_module, &qr),
"<svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 4 4\">\
<rect width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" fill=\"#fff\"/>\
<path d=\"\
M0 0h1v1H0zm3 0h1v1H3z\
M1 1h1v1H1z\
M2 2h1v1H2zm1 0h1v1H3z\
M3 3h1v1H3z\
fn svg_with_empty_line() {
let qr = FakeQr {
blocks: vec!["0,0", "0,3", "2,2", "3,3"],
to_optimized_svg_string(4, 0, FakeQr::get_module, &qr),
"<svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 4 4\">\
<rect width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" fill=\"#fff\"/>\
<path d=\"\
M0 0h1v1H0zm3 0h1v1H3z\
M2 2h1v1H2z\
M3 3h1v1H3z\
fn svg_with_line_left() {
let qr = FakeQr {
blocks: vec!["0,0", "1,0", "2,0", "3,0"],
to_optimized_svg_string(4, 0, FakeQr::get_module, &qr),
"<svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 4 4\">\
<rect width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" fill=\"#fff\"/>\
<path d=\"\
M0 0h1v1H0z\
M0 1h1v1H0z\
M0 2h1v1H0z\
M0 3h1v1H0z\
fn svg_with_line_top() {
let qr = FakeQr {
blocks: vec!["0,0", "0,1", "0,2", "0,3"],
to_optimized_svg_string(4, 0, FakeQr::get_module, &qr),
"<svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 4 4\">\
<rect width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" fill=\"#fff\"/>\
<path d=\"\
M0 0h1v1H0zm1 0h1v1H1zm1 0h1v1H2zm1 0h1v1H3z\
fn svg_with_line_center() {
let qr = FakeQr {
blocks: vec!["2,0", "2,1", "2,2", "2,3", "2,4"],
to_optimized_svg_string(5, 0, FakeQr::get_module, &qr),
"<svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 5 5\">\
<rect width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" fill=\"#fff\"/>\
<path d=\"\
M0 2h1v1H0zm1 0h1v1H1zm1 0h1v1H2zm1 0h1v1H3zm1 0h1v1H4z\
fn svg_with_dot_center() {
let qr = FakeQr {
blocks: vec!["2,2"],
to_optimized_svg_string(5, 0, FakeQr::get_module, &qr),
"<svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 5 5\">\
<rect width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" fill=\"#fff\"/>\
<path d=\"\
M2 2h1v1H2z\
fn svg_with_border() {
let qr = FakeQr {
blocks: vec!["2,2"],
to_optimized_svg_string(5, 5, FakeQr::get_module, &qr),
"<svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 15 15\">\
<rect width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" fill=\"#fff\"/>\
<path d=\"\
M7 7h1v1H7z\
fn svg_with_large_numbers() {
let qr = FakeQr {
blocks: vec!["12,12"],
to_optimized_svg_string(24, 0, FakeQr::get_module, &qr),
"<svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\">\
<rect width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" fill=\"#fff\"/>\
<path d=\"\
M12 12h1v1h-1z\
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