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Forked from djfdyuruiry/
Created January 12, 2023 13:58
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WSL 2 - Enabling systemd

Enable systemd in WSL 2

NOTE: If you have Windows 11 there is now an official way to do this in WSL 2, use it if possible - see MS post here (WINDOWS 11 ONLY)

This guide will enable systemd to run as normal under WSL 2. This will enable services like microk8s, docker and many more to just work during a WSL session. Note: this was tested on Windows 10 Build 2004, running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS in WSL 2.

  • To enable systemd under WSL we require a tool called systemd-genie

  • Copy the contents of to a new file /tmp/

    cd /tmp
    wget --content-disposition \
  • Make it executable:

    chmod +x /tmp/
  • Run the new script:

    /tmp/ && rm /tmp/
  • Exit the WSL terminal and shutdown the WSL env:

    wsl --shutdown
  • To open a new WSL terminal with systemd enabled, run:

    wsl genie -s
  • Prove that it works:

    sudo systemctl status
#! /usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# change these if you want
function installDebPackage() {
# install repackaged systemd-genie
sudo dpkg -i "${GENIE_FILE_PATH}"
rm -rf "${GENIE_FILE_PATH}"
function downloadDebPackage() {
rm -f "${GENIE_FILE_PATH}"
pushd /tmp
wget --content-disposition \
function installDependencies() {
sudo apt-get update
wget --content-disposition \
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y \
daemonize \
dotnet-runtime-5.0 \
sudo rm -f /usr/sbin/daemonize
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/daemonize /usr/sbin/daemonize
function main() {
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