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domluna/rdp.jl Secret

Created September 5, 2016 03:55
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using ReverseDiffPrototype
const RDP = ReverseDiffPrototype
using Distributions
# 784 * 20 * 10
W1 = randn(784, 20)
W2 = randn(20, 10)
X = randn(32, 784)
Y = rand(DiscreteUniform(1, 10), 32)
RDP.@forward sigmoid(x) = 1. ./ (1. + exp(-x))
function softmax(x)
#= xx = x - maximum(x) =#
exped = exp(x)
return exped ./ sum(exped)
#= function ce_loss(x, y) =#
#= bs = size(x, 1) =#
#= inds = zip(1:bs, y) =#
#= return mean(map(i -> x[i[1], i[2]], inds)) =#
#= end =#
function nn_forward(w1, w2, x, y)
x2 = sigmoid(x * w1)
logits = sigmoid(x2 * w2)
return sum(softmax(logits))
#= return sum(logits) =#
#= return ce_loss(softmax(logits), y) =#
function nn_backward(w1, w2, x, y)
∇w1 = RDP.gradient(w -> nn_forward(w, w2, x, y), w1)
∇w2 = RDP.gradient(w -> nn_forward(w1, w, x, y), w2)
return (∇w1, ∇w2)
nn_backward(W1, W2, X, Y)
@time nn_backward(W1, W2, X, Y)
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