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domodomodomo /
Last active May 30, 2024 18:58
When a directory on the server is updated, notify the client's browser via WebSocket using watchdog.
pip install fastapi uvicorn starlette watchdog
uvicorn detect_file_updates:app --reload
import asyncio
import os
from fastapi import FastAPI, WebSocket, WebSocketDisconnect
from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse
domodomodomo / vuepress-webcard.vue
Last active November 22, 2019 15:46
VuePress web card.
## usage
### (1)
Specify a relative path.
The Single File Component does not resolve the relative path to the figure, so the img tag is required.
<vuepress-card href="../relative/path/to/directory/">
<img src="../relative/path/to/directory/img.jpg">
// original
* @param { Route } route
* @param { Array<string|string[]> | Array<SidebarGroup> | [link: string]: SidebarConfig } config
* @returns { base: string, config: SidebarConfig }
export function resolveMatchingConfig (regularPath, config) {
if (Array.isArray(config)) {
domodomodomo /
Last active October 5, 2019 09:11
Convert Python attributes from snake case to lower camel case. This gist might be useful when you use an application supporting GraphQL like Ariadne and Graphene.
def snake_to_kebab(identifier):
if isinstance(identifier, list):
container = range(len(identifier))
for element in container:
elif isinstance(identifier, dict):
container = [key for key in dict.keys()]
for element in container:
snake_to_kebab(getattr(identifier, element))
"""script for scraping images.
1) overview
input: site URL
output: image files
2) usage
$ python
3) prerequisite
$ pip3 install requests, bs4
4) concept
1) Get thumnail URL.
"""Check the obj is immutable or not by adding new attribute or sequence.
This code cannot precisely check immutability,
because Python has the mechanisms to cutomize attribute access,
such as property and descriptor.
import random
import time
N = 100000
lst1 = [random.randint(0, 9) for _ in range(N)]
lst2 = lst1.copy()
# insert
start1 = time.time()
"""Compare two list."""
def equal_list(lst1, lst2):
lst1 = lst1.copy()
for element in lst2:
except ValueError:
return False
import collections
def sample():
# point 1. 属性はデコレータに文字列で与える。
'x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2',
'is_rectangle', 'is_line', 'is_dot')
class Region(object):
# point 2. __init__ ではなく、__new__ を使う。
domodomodomo /
Last active November 4, 2019 08:02
Make an object immutable without namedtuple.
# 概要
immutable なオブジェクトを生成するメタクラス Immutable
namedtuple: 0.07781907100070384
自作したクラス: 0.04243788100029633