Save domsson/ac47e52aa07ffbb455f013ce2eb86f2f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
blocks = "desktop | | dummy mem cpu volume updates datetime" | |
width = 816 | |
height = 14 | |
foreground = #bbbece | |
background = #2a2c41 | |
line-width = 2 | |
line-color = #7285b7 | |
block-prefix = " " | |
font = 6x13 | |
label-font = "-wuncon-siji-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-80-iso10646-1" | |
affix-font = "-xos4-terminesspowerline-medium-r-normal--12-120-72-72-c-60-iso10646-1" | |
[desktop] | |
command = "bspc query -D -d focused --names" | |
trigger = "bspc subscribe" | |
prefix = " " | |
suffix = " " | |
underline = true | |
[dummy] | |
command = "echo ' '" | |
background = #bbd984 | |
affix-foreground = #bbd984 | |
affix-background = #2a2c41 | |
[mem] | |
command = "mem-proc -mus" | |
live = true | |
label = " Mem " | |
min-width = 5 | |
foreground = #352c38 | |
background = #7ea3fd | |
label-foreground = #352c38 | |
label-background = #7ea3fd | |
affix-foreground = #7ea3fd | |
affix-background = #bbd984 | |
[cpu] | |
command = "cpu-proc -mus" | |
live = true | |
label = " Cpu " | |
min-width = 5 | |
foreground = #352c38 | |
background = #c399e7 | |
label-foreground = #352c38 | |
label-background = #c399e7 | |
affix-foreground = #c399e7 | |
affix-background = #7ea3fd | |
[volume] | |
command = "volume-pulse -mus -w'muted'" | |
live = true | |
label = " " | |
min-width = 5 | |
foreground = #352c38 | |
background = #fadb82 | |
label-foreground = #352c38 | |
label-background = #fadb82 | |
affix-foreground = #fadb82 | |
affix-background = #c399e7 | |
[updates] | |
command = "echo ' 27'" | |
background = #c399e7 | |
label = " Updates: " | |
foreground = #ffffff | |
background = #f27975 | |
label-foreground = #ffffff | |
label-background = #f27975 | |
affix-foreground = #f27975 | |
affix-background = #fadb82 | |
[datetime] | |
command = "datetime -m -f'%a %b %d, %Y %I:%M%p'" | |
label = " " | |
live = true | |
affix-foreground = #2a2c41 | |
affix-background = #f27975 |
echo '%{B#FF0000}red foo%{B-}'
If I wanted to output this exact same command but I don't want to write in shell script, I want to write it in C lang instead, what would be the syntax/command? Sorry for asking so much I am curious to know what would be the most simplest language to use for such a task so I am curious to know its syntax.
Printing a string to stdout should be similarly simple / performant in pretty much every language under the sun. :) So I wouldn't worry about it. It's the stuff you do to fetch information, like the workspaces, or temperatures, or workload, or whatever, where languages might be different in how easy/hard efficient/inefficient it is. Here is what printing your example string might look like in C:
char color[] = "#FF0000";
char output[] = "red foo";
printf("%%{B%s}%s%%{B-}\n", color, output);
Or, if the "red foo" and color never change, then just:
printf("%%{B#FF0000}red foo%%{B-}\n");
Interesting! However why would you declare color[]
as a char
, wouldn't it make more sense to declare it as an unsigned 4 byte integer?
Well, it really depends on the context. But let's say color
was an int
, then you could probably (I have not tested it) do this:
printf("%%{B#%08X}%s%%{B-}\n", color, output);
Oh I see mate thanks.
Have you used wmctrl
package before? I am trying to get the output of the workspace's name but that seems to fail so I was just curious you have some experience with it by any chance?
I didn't even know about it, but it sounds very useful.
Yeah I was recommended to use it, but yeah I can't get the current work space's name (I can get hte ID).
Again, I don't know Rust, hence I'm not sure what's happening there. But I assume you're looking at something like