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Created January 24, 2018 19:50
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A journey of object orientation and prototypal inheritance in JavaScript

Object-orientation (OO) in JavaScript

  • Object-orientation in general
  • Prototypal inheritance
  • Classical inheritance

Object-orientation in general

Object orientation is a paradigm or style of designing software, which models the solution into objects. Objects are constructs that include both data (called properties) and behaviour (called methods). For example, a dog object could have a hairColor and isTired properties as well as bark() and sleep() methods. By combining the data and behaviour into a single construct, it is possible for the behaviour of an object to modify the data of the object. Objects are often designed around real world objects.

Part 1 - Prototypal Inheritance

We want a construct that has data and behaviour (the defining characteristic of OO).

Create an object with {}:

  const rectangle = {
    width: 100,
    height: 200,
    getArea: function () {
      return this.width * this.height


The this keyword is always in a function. It refers to the object the function belonged to when it was called.

This approach is fine when you want a single object, but what happens when you want multiple objects, all with the same shape (properties).

Refactor it into a function that takes the necessary arguments:

function getRectangle (width, height) {
  return {
    width: width,
    height: height,
    getArea: function () {
      return this.width * this.height

Great, but now we want an object that's mostly similar to an existing one with additional properties, such as color.

function getSquare (size, color) {
  return {
    width: size,
    height: size,
    color: color,
    getArea: function () {
      return this.width * this.height

But now we have some unwanted duplication, but we do want the rectangle's base properties. This new type of object is often called a subtype (i.e. a square is a subtype of rectangle).

function getSquare (size, color) {
  const square = getRectangle(size, size)
  square.color = color
  return square

The drawbacks of this approach is that a rectangle is created for every square we create. For example:

function getSquares (size, colors) {
  return => {
    const square = getRectangle(size, size)
    square.color = color
    return square

This duplication is a problem if we create a lot of squares because it uses much more memory than we need to. We would rather share a single rectangle to base the square off of. We call this shared object a prototype.

Include an illustration that shows the before and after of using a prototype

function getSquares (size, colors) {
  const rectanglePrototype = getRectangle(size, size)
  return => {
    const square = Object.create(rectanglePrototype)
    square.color = color
    return square

When we base an object off of another object using a prototype, it creates a chain between the objects and their prototypes. We create this relationship using Object.create. We'll see the advantage of the prototype chain shortly.

The nice thing about using the same rectangle object for each square is that if we want to change the common properties of all the squares, we can just change the rectangle's properties.

Unfortunately, because we're creating the prototype in getSquares, we don't have direct access to the prototype. We can change that by converting the getRectangle factory function into a constructor function.

function Rectangle (width, height) {
  // data of the prototype
  this.width = width
  this.height = height
  this.getArea = function () {
    return this.width * this.height

const rectangle = new Rectangle(5, 10)

Notice the capital R of rectangle. This is only a convention and doesn't have any influence on how JavaScript treats the function.

However, the drawbacks of this approach is that the getArea function is created for every Rectangle we created. We need to put this function onto the Rectangle's prototype.

function Rectangle (width, height) {
  // the 'new' keyword makes some things implicit
  // data of the prototype
  const this = {} // implicit
  this.width = width
  this.height = height
  return this // implicit

// behaviour of the prototype
Rectangle.prototype.getArea = function () {
  return this.width * this.height

const rectangle = new Rectangle(5, 10)

This keyword new creates a copy of the constructor function's prototype and is already linked in the prototype chain (similar to Object.create()).

Now let's use the Rectangle as a subtype of a square.

function Rectangle (width, height) {
  // data of the prototype
  this.width = width
  this.height = height

// behaviour of the prototype
Rectangle.prototype.getArea = function () {
  return this.width * this.height

function getSquares (size, colors) {
  const rectangle = new Rectangle(size, size)
  return => {
    const square = Object.create(rectangle)
    square.color = color
    return square

const squares = getSquares(10, ['red', 'green', 'blue'])
Rectangle.prototype.getAreaX2 = function () {
  return this.getArea() * 2
console.log(squares[0].getAreaX2()) // 200
// Notice how changing the prototype affected the squares already created

While this works, what if we wanted to have a Square constructor function like the Rectangle and we want it to have the Rectangle prototype.

function Rectangle (width, height) {
  // data of the prototype
  this.width = width
  this.height = height

// behaviour of the prototype
Rectangle.prototype.getArea = function () {
  return this.width * this.height

function Square (color, size) {, size, size)
  this.color = color

Square.prototype = Object.create(Rectangle.prototype)
Square.prototype.constructor = Square

function getSquares (size, colors) {
  // const rectangle = new Rectangle(size, size)
  return => {
    return new Square(color, size)

const squares = getSquares(10, ['red', 'green', 'blue'])

This is called Prototypal inheritance and represents the end of the first leg of our journey to understanding object orientation in JavaScript. The code we've explored on this journey has led us to here, but we wouldn't write that code in normal situations. The previous example represents the common way to do object orientation in ES5.

After a brief intermission to learn how to manage a function's object context (the this keyword) we'll learn about the common way to do object orientation in ES6 and beyond.

Part 2 - Call, Apply and Bind

One of the coolest features of JavaScript functions is the ability to control their context. Functions can either not have a context or use an object as its context so it can easily access the other parts of the object.

// this has not been established
function doSomething () {

// this will be obj
const obj = {
  prop: 'hi there',
  doSomethingElse: function () {

By default, a function's context is the object the function was called from. But we also have the ability to chance that context with the call, apply and bind functions.

Part 3 - Classes

class RectangleClass {

  constructor(width, height) {
    this.width = width
    this.height = height

  getArea () {
    return this.width * this.height


class SquareClass extends RectangleClass {

  constructor (size, color) {
    super(size, size)
    this.color = color


const squareClass = new SquareClass(10, 'red')
  • But how do we connect the two types?
  • Describe what the prototype is
    • .prototype versus __proto__
      • Object.create()
    • Show (using the debugger) how the prototype looks
    • Create a new object and show how it has a hasOwnProperty property even though we didn't explicitly add it
    • Illustrate in code how the prototype chain works
  • How does the syntax change in ES6?
    • class
    • constructor
    • extends
    • super
  • How do we use this according to best practices?
    • Try to avoid OO in JS (opt for a functional design)
    • If you decide to (or have to) apply OO principles
      • Do NOT create object heirarchies
      • Consider all object immutable (behaviour should NOT change object state/properties)

For more information

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